I want my one of my websites in the virtualhosts configured apache2 (LAMP) droplet. So if anyone types x.x.x.x IP in their browser this ‘default’ website is displayed.
How can one configure this behavior?
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Hi all,
In Ubuntu, if you want to make A website load when the droplet’s IP address is loaded in your browser
there are a couple of steps that need to be followed.The change you need to implement is to your default configuration file. This file can be found in directory -
Once you are in there, open the file
. In it, find the line that saysAnd change it to your domain’s root directory.
Let’s say your domain is example.com. Usually, your DocumentRoot is configured to be in
. Set the DocumentRoot to the path. If you are uncertain about the DocumentRoot, you can check it from your domain’s configuration file again found in/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
.Once the change has been done to
don’t forget to restart apacheRegards, KFSys
Hi I had the same problem once i used Apache2 in Debian, my solution was the following steps:
Step 1: Create a directory for your default web site, change the propietary of that dircetory and enable the virtual host with the following commands.
Step 2: Execute this command
verify that file contains all this
Step 3: create your index.php page and reload the service.
Edit your index.php and add all your stuff. finally go to your web browser and type in the url localhost.
I have the same problem and the solution is: config your default site in 000-default.conf, and enable it, restart the apache2. Then the default site will be opened if you typed the IP address.