
Site to Site Vpn COnnectivity Issue

Please is there any recommendation on how to achieve site to site vpn on digital Ocean. I have reachout to DO support, they said its not possible to reach other droplet directly on their private ip subnet.

Someone should please assit

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February 21, 2024

Heya, @osuntoyinbomicheal

If you can share more details we can try to come with a solution. My first suggestion here will be to use a virtual private network and attach a VPN gateway to it. However, you’ve mentioned that our team explained that our query is not doable at the moment, so I would like to have the full picture here and know which is the end goal.

A VPN gateway can be attached to a private network to establish a site-to-site VPN tunnel. With a VPN gateway, machines, devices, and third-party sites can communicate. To access the gateway, authentication and authorization is required. Strict rules are applied in order to protect the data transmitted as well maintaining a secure connection.

Hope that this helps!

Alexdo, I have sophos firewall, with a site to site vpn configured and the tunnel is up, how can i achieve connectivity to the remote host on the private DO network. Kindly guide on how to use a VPN gateway to achieve this

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