Hey all, Now for a week ago I have been trying to make my FTP upload faster. I can’t make it faster than 10-15 kb/s, which is very hilarious. Details:
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FTP/SFTP shouldn’t be that low!
You can always check the status board to see if there are any reported issues :
I can’t see any to be honest that can cause such an issues.
Next would be to make sure your internet connection is not capped in someway since you are transfering over from/to your local machine, you are using your Network Speed.
Heya, @stevemcaxolotl
Keep in mind that download speed can vary depending on many factors. It will be the best to test if you internet connection is good and you can download files from other sources without any issues.
You can check your droplet’s resource usage (
, etc.) during uploads. High CPU usage can throttle SFTP speed due to encryption processing. You can use tools likehtop
to monitor the resource usage and diagnoze if there is an ongoing issue.Regards