I’m attempting to upgrade a droplet to Ubuntu 20.04, but the process always hangs at the same step:
Installing new version of config file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ...
After sitting on this step around 20 minutes, it disconnects, and I’m left unable to SSH back in. I’ve tested this three times now, including once from the web console, and it’s always this same step that hangs. No error, just…nothing.
I’ve had an ongoing support ticket for this, but their responses are not only slow but so far entirely unhelpful.
Can anyone recommend a solution, or anything I might try?
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After many many failed attempts, I was finally able to troubleshoot this issue so that I can access my droplet normally again. The upgrade to 20.04 seems to be successful, and remaining errors are resolved (as far as I can tell).
The solution centered around recovering the grub build, which fixes the kernel panic. I was unable to do this without first addressing several other errors (see below), but here are the steps recommended by support:
Again, these steps did work in the end, but before I could follow them successfully, I first had to troubleshoot these errors:
This one is simple to resolve by using the command suggested in the error:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
. This error must be resolved before the next one can be.I was able to resolve this with
sudo apt-get install grub-pc
.This was part of a series of errors and warnings I got after correcting the dpkg error and trying to run grub-install. This seemed to be related to nameservers on /etc/resolv.conf, and though I don’t know why, this seemed to solve it both times I tried:
vi /etc/resolv.conf
and close without saving. (Maybe someone else can explain why this worked?)Hi Brooke,
Sorry about the issue. From your message, I’m assuming you are able to re-login to the 18.04 without any issues, right?
I recently did an upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04, and didn’t face that issue.
Is there any form of logs available to help debug, say
?If you’re able to log into your 18.04 normally, then perhaps take a look in the logs and see what’s up.
Hi @bcondolora,
Prior to running the update command, do you update and upgrade your droplet with:
Additionally, you can try to disable the cloud.cfg config file creating the following file:
Give it a try and see if it would help.