I have a bitbucket pipeline file bitbucket-pipelines.yml
which executes the file deploy.sh
on my DO droplet each time a new commit is made to the main branch.
On DO, deploy.sh
in turn calls pull.sh
which performs a set of actions:
process refgator-api.py
python3 refgator-api.py
It’s at this last step that my bitbucket pipeline will continue executing (consuming all my build minutes).
Is there any way that I can run the file refgator-api.py and exiting the session whilst still allowing it to run?
I’ve attempted using nohup
and &
as well as exit
. Neither result in a state where the pipeline disconnects from the DO droplet and stops and the application is running on the droplet.
image: atlassian/default-image:latest
- step:
- cat ./deploy.sh | ssh -tt root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
- echo "Deploy step finished"
echo "Deploy Script Started"
sh pull.sh
echo "Deploy script finished execution"
## Kills the current process which is restarted later
kill -9 $(pgrep -f refgator-api.py)
## And change to directory containing the repo
cd eg-api
## Pull from the repo
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -v" git pull git@bitbucket.org:myusername/myrepo.git
## Change to directory containing the python file to execute
cd refgator-api
python3 refgator-api.py &
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Hi there @christianmacedo,
I could suggest using Supervisor as a more robust solution. You can follow the steps on how to install Supervisor here:
You could again put the
python3 refgator-api.py
and then specify the path to the script in the supervisor config file as described in the tutorial:Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby