I keep linking my GitHub to DO App Platform but I cannot because I get this:
We don’t have access to your GitHub repositories
My Github repo main branch contains gradle-based Spring Boot application.
In the root of my repo I have also added these files:
└── app.yaml
My repo is hosting in GitHub organization and I am the owner of the organization.
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Hey @3ea9aa437af24643b9038af455acfa,
As already mentioned, I’ve experienced the issue before and re-logging seems to resolve it, at least in my experience. Additionally, It could be that when you originally granted App Platform access to Github you only gave it limited permissions. To run through the Github auth process again you can visit https://cloud.digitalocean.com/apps/github/install
If you have multiple orgs associated with your Github account, be sure to choose the org that your private repo is in.
Then on the Repository Access screen, either choose “All Repositories” or specifically select the now-private repo you want to deploy.
Same problem for me too. It was working a month ago and I came back in to add another app and it does not work now.
Logging out and logging back in seemed to fix it for me.