How could I host our entire site at Digital Ocean if I have a .de top domain and what would be the costs if I already have some droplets?
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Hey Hakan! 👋
You can definitely host your entire site with a
top-level domain (TLD) on DigitalOcean, and since you already have some Droplets, you’re halfway there! Here’s how you can get started and an idea of what the costs might look like.1. Domain Management
DigitalOcean is not a domain name registrar, which means that you can keep your domain name registered where it is currently and you’ll only need to point your domain to DigitalOcean.
If you have not done this already, this involves updating your domain’s DNS settings to point to DigitalOcean’s name servers or configuring your DNS records directly.
Option 1: Use DigitalOcean’s DNS
You can manage your DNS directly through DigitalOcean. Here’s how:
Option 2: Manage DNS Through Your Registrar
Alternatively, you can keep your DNS with your current registrar and just add an A record to point your domain to your Droplet’s IP address.
2. Hosting Your Site
Since you already have Droplets, you can host your website directly on one of them. Here’s a quick checklist:
for Apache).Here is a guide that you could follow:
Feel free to share more details about your website and I can advise you furhter.
3. Costs
Since you already have Droplets, the additional costs will primarily depend on:
domain yet, that will be an additional cost through your domain registrar.To get a more detailed estimate of your potential costs, you can use the DigitalOcean Pricing Calculator to configure different scenarios based on your needs.
Hosting your
site on DigitalOcean is definitely doable, and since you already have Droplets, the costs should be minimal unless you need to scale up your infrastructure.If you need more detailed guidance on any of these steps, feel free to ask!
- Bobby
You can host any website you want on your Droplet or on the App platform without worrying about if it’s a .com or a .de domain.
First, you need to point your Domain to your Droplet:
Once you do that, you can install LAMP on your Droplet in order for it to serve your domain’s content:
Hello, @hakanlane
If you already have a droplet with DigitalOcean, then you can adjust the DNS settings of your domain name and host the site on your current droplet.
This will not add any additional costs to your monthly bill as you can host multiple domains/sites on your droplets.
Hope that this helps!