The Instagram hex color code is
Purple Violet Hex: #8a3ab9
Red Violet Hex: #bc2a8d
Yellow Hex: #fccc63
Orange Hex: #fbad50
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Hi there,
I believe that the colors should be the following:
Instagram Purple Violet: Hex: #8a3ab9 RGB: 138, 58, 185
Instagram Red Orange: Hex: #e95950 RGB: 233, 89, 80
Instagram Red Violet: Hex: #bc2a8d RGB: 188, 42, 141
Instagram Yellow: Hex: #fccc63 RGB: 252, 204, 99
Instagram Orange: Hex: #fbad50 RGB: 251, 173, 80
Instagram Maroon: Hex: #cd486b RGB: 205, 72, 107
Instagram Blue: Hex: #4c68d7 RGB: 76, 104, 215
Hope that this helps!