A bash script that retrieves your public IP address and updates a domain record (like a subdomain) using DigitalOcean API v2.
This script is an alternative for dyndns and noip tools, with no dependencies, just a bash script that is less than 20 lines.
How it works:
Use it with a cron job for example and you are done.
I have written a detailed step by step tutorial on how to configure and use the script, with a section on how to open ports on your router too, but if you know what you are doing here is the script:
#################### CHANGE THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES ####################
CURRENT_IPV4="$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)"
LAST_IPV4="$(tail -1 $LOG_FILE | awk -F, '{print $2}')"
if [ "$CURRENT_IPV4" = "$LAST_IPV4" ]; then
echo "IP has not changed ($CURRENT_IPV4)"
echo "IP has changed: $CURRENT_IPV4"
echo "$(date),$CURRENT_IPV4" >> "$LOG_FILE"
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d '{"data":"'"$CURRENT_IPV4"'"}' "https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/$DOMAIN/records/$RECORD_ID"
by: Salva LabajosOctober 9, 2020Visit site
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Sweet! You just saved me some time! Thanks!
This would be perfect for servers if it took the variables as inputs and had some error handling…