Core Java interview questions help you in preparing for java based interviews. Whether you are a fresher or highly experienced professional, core java plays a vital role in any Java/JEE interview.
Core Java is the favorite area in most of the interviews and plays a crucial role in deciding the outcome of your interview.
This post comes directly from my 14+ years of Java programming and lots of interviewing experience. Java 16 has been released recently and I have updated the post to include some of the questions from the latest releases.
I have already written a lot about java interview questions for specific topics such as String, Collections, and Multithreading.
Here I am providing some of the important core java interview questions with answers that you should know. You can bookmark this post to brush up on your knowledge before heading for an interview.
Java 14 was released on March 17, 2020. It is a Non-LTS version. Some of the developer specific Java 14 Features are:
Java 13 was launched on Sept 17, 2019. It is a Non-LTS version. Some of the developer specific Java 13 Features are:
Java 12 was launched on March 19, 2019. It is a Non-LTS version. Some of the Java 12 Features are:
Java 11 is the second LTS release after Java 8. They’ve changed the licensing and support model which means if you download the Java 11 Oracle JDK, it will be paid for commercial use. If you want to use a free version, you can download it from the OpenJDK website.
Some of the important features of Java 11 are:
command. The source file will be implicitly compiled and executed. It’s part of the JEP 330 feature implementation.For a complete overview, please read Java 11 Features.
Java 10 is the first every-six-months from Oracle corporation, so it’s not a major release like earlier versions. However, some of the important features of Java 10 are:
Java 10 is mostly a maintenance release, however I really liked the local variable type inference feature. For a detailed overview of Java 10, please go through Java 10 Features.
Java 9 was a major release and brought a lot of features. Some of the important features are:
You will find more details about them at Java 9 Features.
Java 8 has been released in March 2014, so it’s one of the hot topics in java interview questions. If you answer this question clearly, it will show that you like to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest technologies.
Java 8 has been one of the biggest releases after Java 5 annotations and generics. Some of the important features of Java 8 are:
I strongly recommend to go through above links to get proper understanding of each one of them, also read Java 8 Features.
Java is based on Object Oriented Programming Concepts, following are some of the OOPS concepts implemented in java programming.
Read more about them at OOPS Concepts in Java.
Platform independence means that you can run the same Java Program in any Operating System. For example, you can write java program in Windows and run it in Mac OS.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the heart of java programming language. JVM is responsible for converting byte code into machine-readable code. JVM is not platform-independent, that’s why you have different JVM for different operating systems. We can customize JVM with Java Options, such as allocating minimum and maximum memory to JVM. It’s called virtual because it provides an interface that doesn’t depend on the underlying OS.
Java Development Kit (JDK) is for development purposes and JVM is a part of it to execute the java programs.
JDK provides all the tools, executables, and binaries required to compile, debug and execute a Java Program. The execution part is handled by JVM to provide machine independence.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is the implementation of JVM. JRE consists of JVM and java binaries and other classes to execute any program successfully. JRE doesn’t contain any development tools like java compiler, debugger, etc. If you want to execute any java program, you should have JRE installed.
is the root class for all the java classes and we don’t need to extend it.
Java doesn’t support multiple inheritance in classes because of “Diamond Problem”. To know more about diamond problem with example, read Multiple Inheritance in Java.
However multiple inheritances are supported in interfaces. An interface can extend multiple interfaces because they just declare the methods and implementation will be present in the implementing class. So there is no issue of the diamond problem with interfaces.
Java is not said to be pure object-oriented because it supports primitive types such as int, byte, short, long, etc. I believe it brings simplicity to the language while writing our code. Java could have wrapper objects for the primitive types but just for the representation, they would not have provided any benefit.
As we know, for all the primitive types we have wrapper classes such as Integer, Long etc that provides some additional methods.
PATH is an environment variable used by the operating system to locate the executables. That’s why when we install Java or want any executable to be found by OS, we need to add the directory location in the PATH variable. If you work on Windows OS, read this post to learn how to set up PATH variable on Windows.
Classpath is specific to Java and used by java executables to locate class files. We can provide the classpath location while running the java application and it can be a directory, ZIP files, JAR files, etc.
The main() method is the entry point of any standalone java application. The syntax of the main method is public static void main(String args[])
Java’s main method is public and static so that Java runtime can access it without initializing the class. The input parameter is an array of String through which we can pass runtime arguments to the java program. Check this post to learn how to compile and run a java program.
When we have more than one method with the same name in a single class but the arguments are different, then it is called method overloading.
The overriding concept comes into the picture with inheritance when we have two methods with the same signature, one in the parent class and another in the child class. We can use @Override annotation in the child class overridden method to make sure if the parent class method is changed, so is the child class.
Yes, we can have multiple methods with the name “main” in a single class. However, if we run the class, the java runtime environment will look for the main method with syntax as public static void main(String args[])
We can’t have more than one public class in a single java source file. A single source file can have multiple classes that are not public.
Java package is the mechanism to organize the java classes by grouping them. The grouping logic can be based on functionality or modules based. A java class fully classified name contains package and class name. For example, java.lang.Object
is the fully classified name of Object
class that is part of java.lang
The java.lang
package is imported by default and we don’t need to import any class from this package explicitly.
Java provides access control through public, private and protected access modifier keywords. When none of these are used, it’s called default access modifier.
A java class can only have public or default access modifier. Read Java Access Modifiers to learn more about these in detail.
The final keyword is used with Class to make sure no other class can extend it. For example, the String class is final and we can’t extend it.
We can use the final keyword with methods to make sure child classes can’t override it.
Java’s final keyword can be used with variables to make sure that it can be assigned only once. However the state of the variable can be changed, for example, we can assign a final variable to an object only once but the object variables can change later on.
Java interface variables are by default final and static.
The static keyword can be used with class-level variables to make it global i.e all the objects will share the same variable.
We can use static keyword with methods also. A static method can access only static variables of class and invoke only static methods of the class.
Read more in detail at java static keyword.
The finally block is used with try-catch to put the code that you want to get executed always, even if an exception is thrown by the try-catch block. finally block is mostly used to release resources created in the try block.
The finalize() is a special method in Object class that we can override in our classes. This method gets called by the garbage collector when the object is getting garbage collected. This method is usually overridden to release system resources when the object is garbage collected.
We can’t declare a top-level class as static however an inner class can be declared as static. If the inner class is declared as static, it’s called a static nested class.
The static nested class is the same as any other top-level class and is nested for only packaging convenience.
Read more about inner classes at java inner class.
If we have to use any static variable or method from other class, usually we import the class and then use the method/variable with class name.
We can do the same thing by importing the static method or variable only and then use it in the class as if it belongs to it.
Use of static import can cause confusion, so it’s better to avoid it. Overuse of static import can make your program unreadable and unmaintainable.
One of the Java 7 features is the try-with-resources statement for automatic resource management. Before Java 7, there was no auto resource management and we should explicitly close the resource. Usually, it was done in the finally
block of a try-catch statement. This approach used to cause memory leaks when we forgot to close the resource.
From Java 7, we can create resources inside try block and use it. Java takes care of closing it as soon as try-catch block gets finished. Read more at Java Automatic Resource Management.
Java 7 one of the improvement was a multi-catch block where we can catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block. This makes our code shorter and cleaner when every catch block has a similar code.
If a catch block handles multiple exceptions, you can separate them using a pipe (|) and in this case, the exception parameter (ex) is final, so you can’t change it.
Read more at Java multi catch block.
Java static block is the group of statements that gets executed when the class is loaded into memory by Java ClassLoader. It is used to initialize static variables of the class. Mostly it’s used to create static resources when class is loaded.
Interfaces are core concepts of java programming language and used a lot not only in JDK but also java design patterns, most of the frameworks and tools. Interfaces provide a way to achieve abstraction in java and used to define the contract for the subclasses to implement.
Interfaces are good for starting point to define Type and create top level hierarchy in our code. Since a java class can implements multiple interfaces, it’s better to use interfaces as super class in most of the cases. Read more at java interface.
Abstract classes are used in java to create a class with some default method implementation for subclasses. An abstract class can have an abstract method without the body and it can have methods with implementation also.
The abstract keyword is used to create a abstract class. Abstract classes can’t be instantiated and mostly used to provide base for sub-classes to extend and implement the abstract methods and override or use the implemented methods in abstract class. Read important points about abstract classes at java abstract class.
Some more differences in detail are at Difference between Abstract Class and Interface.
Interfaces don’t implement another interface, they extend it. Since interfaces can’t have method implementations, there is no issue of diamond problem. That’s why we have multiple inheritances in interfaces i.e an interface can extend multiple interfaces.
From Java 8 onwards, interfaces can have default method implementations. So to handle diamond problem when a common default method is present in multiple interfaces, it’s mandatory to provide implementation of the method in the class implementing them. For more details with examples, read Java 8 interface changes.
A marker interface is an empty interface without any method but used to force some functionality in implementing classes by Java. Some of the well known marker interfaces are Serializable and Cloneable.
Java wrapper classes are the Object representation of eight primitive types in java. All the wrapper classes in java are immutable and final. Java 5 autoboxing and unboxing allows easy conversion between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes.
Read more at Wrapper classes in Java.
Enum was introduced in Java 1.5 as a new type whose fields consist of a fixed set of constants. For example, in Java, we can create Direction as an enum with fixed fields as EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH.
enum is the keyword to create an enum type and similar to the class. Enum constants are implicitly static and final. Read more in detail at java enum.
Java Annotations provide information about the code and they have no direct effect on the code they annotate. Annotations are introduced in Java 5. Annotation is metadata about the program embedded in the program itself. It can be parsed by the annotation parsing tool or the compiler. We can also specify annotation availability to either compile-time only or till runtime. Java Built-in annotations are @Override, @Deprecated and @SuppressWarnings. Read more at java annotations.
Java Reflection API provides the ability to inspect and modify the runtime behavior of java application. We can inspect a java class, interface, enum and get their methods and field details. Reflection API is an advanced topic and we should avoid it in normal programming. Reflection API usage can break the design pattern such as Singleton pattern by invoking the private constructor i.e violating the rules of access modifiers.
Even though we don’t use Reflection API in normal programming, it’s very important to have. We can’t have any frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate or servers such as Tomcat, JBoss without Reflection API. They invoke the appropriate methods and instantiate classes through reflection API and use it a lot for other processing.
Read Java Reflection Tutorial to get in-depth knowledge of reflection api.
Composition is the design technique to implement has-a relationship in classes. We can use Object composition for code reuse.
Java composition is achieved by using instance variables that refer to other objects. The benefit of using composition is that we can control the visibility of other objects to client classes and reuse only what we need. Read more with example at Java Composition example.
One of the best practices of Java programming is to “favor composition over inheritance”. Some of the possible reasons are:
You can read more about above benefits of composition over inheritance at java composition vs inheritance.
We need to implement Comparable interface to support sorting of custom objects in a collection. The Comparable interface has compareTo(T obj) method which is used by sorting methods and by providing this method implementation, we can provide default way to sort custom objects collection.
However, if you want to sort based on different criteria, such as sorting an Employees collection based on salary or age, then we can create Comparator instances and pass it as sorting methodology. For more details read Java Comparable and Comparator.
We can define a class inside a class and they are called nested classes. Any non-static nested class is known as an inner class. Inner classes are associated with the object of the class and they can access all the variables and methods of the outer class. Since inner classes are associated with the instance, we can’t have any static variables in them.
We can have local inner class or anonymous inner class inside a class. For more details read java inner class.
A local inner class without a name is known as an anonymous inner class. An anonymous class is defined and instantiated in a single statement. Anonymous inner class always extend a class or implement an interface.
Since an anonymous class has no name, it is not possible to define a constructor for an anonymous class. Anonymous inner classes are accessible only at the point where it is defined.
Java Classloader is the program that loads byte code program into memory when we want to access any class. We can create our own classloader by extending ClassLoader class and overriding loadClass(String name) method. Learn more at java classloader.
There are three types of built-in Class Loaders in Java.
Java ternary operator is the only conditional operator that takes three operands. It’s a one liner replacement for if-then-else statement and used a lot in java programming. We can use ternary operator if-else conditions or even switch conditions using nested ternary operators. An example can be found at java ternary operator.
The super keyword can be used to access the superclass method when you have overridden the method in the child class.
We can use the super keyword to invoke superclass constructors in child class constructor but in this case, it should be the first statement in the constructor method.
Use of super keyword can be seen in below child class implementation.
We can use break statement to terminate for, while, or do-while loop. We can use a break statement in the switch statement to exit the switch case. You can see the example of break statement at java break. We can use a break with the label to terminate the nested loops.
The continue statement skips the current iteration of a for, while, or do-while loop. We can use the continue statement with the label to skip the current iteration of the outermost loop.
this keyword provides the reference to the current object and it’s mostly used to make sure that object variables are used, not the local variables having the same name.
We can also use this keyword to invoke other constructors from a constructor.
No argument constructor of a class is known as default constructor. When we don’t define any constructor for the class, java compiler automatically creates the default no-args constructor for the class. If there are other constructors defined, then compiler won’t create default constructor for us.
Yes, we can have try-finally statement and hence avoiding catch block.
Garbage Collection is the process of looking at heap memory, identifying which objects are in use and which are not, and deleting the unused objects. In Java, the process of deallocating memory is handled automatically by the garbage collector.
We can run the garbage collector with code Runtime.getRuntime().gc()
or use utility method System.gc()
. For a detailed analysis of Heap Memory and Garbage Collection, please read Java Garbage Collection.
We can convert a Java object to a Stream that is called Serialization. Once an object is converted to Stream, it can be saved to file or send over the network or used in socket connections.
The object should implement a Serializable interface and we can use to write objects to file or to any OutputStream object. Read more at Java Serialization.
The process of converting stream data created through serialization to Object is called deserialization. Read more at Java Deserialization.
We can run a jar file using java command but it requires Main-Class entry in jar manifest file. Main-Class is the entry point of the jar and used by java command to execute the class. Learn more at java jar file.
Java System Class is one of the core classes. One of the easiest ways to log information for debugging is System.out.print() method.
System class is final so that we can’t subclass and override its behavior through inheritance. System class doesn’t provide any public constructors, so we can’t instantiate this class and that’s why all of its methods are static.
Some of the utility methods of System class are for array copy, get the current time, reading environment variables. Read more at Java System Class.
We can use the instanceof keyword to check if an object belongs to a class or not. We should avoid it’s usage as much as possible. Sample usage is:
Since str is of type String at runtime, first if statement evaluates to the true and second one as false.
One of the Java 7 feature was improvement of switch case of allow Strings. So if you are using Java 7 or higher version, you can use String in switch-case statements. Read more at Java switch-case String example.
This is a very confusing question, we know that object variables contain the reference to the Objects in heap space. When we invoke any method, a copy of these variables is passed and gets stored in the stack memory of the method. We can test any language whether it’s pass by reference or pass by value through a simple generic swap method, to learn more read Java is Pass by Value and Not Pass by Reference.
Major difference between Heap and Stack memory are as follows:
For a detailed explanation with a sample program, read Java Heap vs Stack Memory.
The task of java compiler is to convert java program into bytecode, we have javac
executable for that. So it must be stored in JDK, we don’t need it in JRE and JVM is just the specs.
Context: static method in class
Answer: The code won’t compile because we can’t have an Object class method with the static keyword. Note that the Object class has toString() method. You will get a compile-time error as “This static method cannot hide the instance method from Object”. The reason is that the static method belongs to the class and since every class base is an Object, we can’t have the same method in the instance as well as in class. You won’t get this error if you change the method name from toString() to something else that is not present in the superclass Object
Context: static method invocation
Answer: Well this is a strange situation. We all have seen NullPointerException
when we invoke a method on the object that is NULL. But here this program will work and prints “Test foo called”.
The reason for this is the java compiler code optimization. When the java code is compiled to produced byte code, it figures out that foo() is a static method and should be called using class. So it changes the method call
and hence no NullPointerException
I must admit that it’s a very tricky question and if you are interviewing someone, this will blow his mind off. 🙂
That’s all for core java interview questions and answers. I will keep on adding more questions to the list, if you think I missed any important one, please let me know through comments.
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Hi Pankaj Sir,Thanks a LOT for providing this Interview material for us.
- Madiraju Krishna Chaitanya
I believe in inheritance you can use access modifier to restrict subclass from using its respective methods. private won’t let anyone use particular method or variable whether it is a subclass or other class in same package…
- abcd
Will you please let me know the difference between portability and platform independency because in portability we can also run the same source code on different OS. Eg. We can run a C program on window, linux and DOS So as per your answer “Platform independence means that you can run the same Java Program in any Operating System” platform independency and portability are same but both are difference as per my knowledge So will you please elaborate on this
- Manendra Singh Rawat
What is method chaining and how it does work in java?
- Madhusmita Nayak
Thanks for Posting these questions. They are really helpful. Just a very little correction in Ans-40. We can use super keyword to invoke super class constructor in child class constructor but in this case it should be the FILE statement in the constructor method. Instead of FILE it should be FIRST. Regards letsdecoder
- Letsdecode
Thanks for replying with this small typo issue, corrected and updated the post.
- Pankaj
Hi Pankaj, You captured most of the interview questions, can you please cover the Java Swings , abd Java Rest API questions as well?
- Sanjay
Thank you Sir ??
- Nagina Khan
it’s very good study material for who is beginner and also for developer…
- Ramesh Dhrath
Hi Pankaj, Useful questions & simple and straight explanations :) !! Keep going… Regards, Sanyhn
- Sindhu
What is Association, aggregation and composition in oops?
- Madhusmita Nayak
Aggregation is an association in which one class belongs to a collection. This is a part of a whole relationship where a part can exist without a whole. Aggregation has a weaker relationship. Composition is an association in which one class belongs to a collection. This is a part of a whole relationship where a part cannot exist without a whole. If a whole is deleted then all parts are deleted.So composition has a stronger relationship.
- Prashanth
Thanx for the reply !
- Madhusmita Nayak
Very Helpful Question and Ans…
- Shashikant
I Really Appreciate your explained each and everything very well.
- Nandu
Thanks a lot Pankaj. It helped me to much in quick review of core java.
- Anand Kumar
Great article! Very good selection of questions and short and clear answers. Loved it! Thanks for sharing!!!
- Anita
In question no 48 u specified that …System class is final and static …Is it System class static ?
- ravi
thanks for catching it, obviously a class can’t be static. Corrected the typo error.
- Pankaj
Thank you very much for selection of good questions.
- erikala reddy
simply supurb… You can try to post all like (J2ee, Framework, Database also…) It was great useful for us… Thanks…
- Ravikumar
simply supurb…
- Ravikumar
This is site is best place to prepare interviews without opening any book. Here JVM Architecture is missing any plans to write on JVM Architecture
- Nagendra
gud one…
- pk
Very good site with lots of usefull info to prepare for interviews
- santosh
Very hrlpful site.thanks a lot pankaj it will be really hrlpful if u cn post info and faqs on webservices(restful)
- santosh
Okay, I will write something about them in some time.
- Pankaj
Hi Pankaj, Hats off… Its a very nice material which helps a lot. I am unable to see answers from 15th to 52nd question. Could you please help me on that
- HungryToLearn
you need to click on one of the social buttons to unlock them.
- Pankaj
Not able to unlock questions. Social buttons not working.
- Aftab Ahmed
It works on Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and all the leading browsers. I have tested it myself.
- Pankaj
Unable to ope the link “Difference between Abstract Class and Interface” in 26th Question
- HungryToLearn
Hi, I think this is a basic interview questions which you have listed above but I hope these all have to be in different way for experienced guys. I give you one example over here so that you can assume my thought as mentioned below class abc extends Exception { } if we use or throw abc class so that will be considered as a checked/unchecked exception if yes so why? Thanks
- sachin anthwal
This is a basic question, since Exception is a checked exception… all of it’s subclasses will be too. For more exception related interview questions, please read
- Pankaj
Hi, Can you please tell me why should we override equals and hascode method in a code?
- sachin anthwal
That’s a very important question and very closely goes with Collections, that’s why it’s there in the Collections interview questions. Please go through questions 18,19,20 from
- Pankaj
Really impressive … i had been to various sites for reading java/jee, i haven’t find in any of them are at least near as good as this site… finally i find this with neat, nice explanation and navigation of links when necessary … even i read most of the comments who are anticipated with writer… and i understood those comments are not made with clear understanding (Ex: Java Tricky Programming Questions — comments) i read here java associated topics, Questions etc… i felt it is ultimate… I am really thankful to you for providing such great stuff. Expecting similar stuff w.r.t Hibernate as well. Thanks Raghava
- Raghava
Thanks Raghava, Hibernate interview questions post will be coming soon, when I am done with it’s tutorial series.
- Pankaj
Can we override main method?
- Madhusmita Nayak
No , You can not override static methods.
- Dilip singh
This was really nice :)
- Abhimanyu
Excellent … very helpful… Thanks a lot Pankaj :) :)
- Manjunath Prabhu
Awesome Post Pankaj…very informative Thanks
- Ashish
Very nice.And it will be very useful.
- Prasanthi
It is being very useful site please keep updating us with all the database and languages in trend THANK YOU Very much
- prasanth
Integer c = new Integer(5); Integer d = c; Integer e = 5; int f = 5; System.out.println(c==d); // returns true … System.out.println(c==e); // returns false … System.out.println(c==f); // returns true … ?? System.out.println(e==f); // returns true … ?? Can u explain this with memory allocation … Thank You
- Swapnil Kadu
“The JVM is caching Integer values. == only works for numbers between -128 and 127”
- Silviu
Still same answer is coming when i changed value from 5 to 111115 , But as per silviu, The JVM is caching Integer values. == only works for numbers between -128 and 127” ?? not able to understand, can someone plz. help? Integer c = new Integer(111115); Integer d = c; Integer e = 111115; int f = 111115; System.out.println(c==d); // returns true … System.out.println(c==e); // returns false … System.out.println(c==f); // returns true … ?? System.out.println(e==f); // returns true … ??
- Gupta Ji
when comparing with f, Integer objects int value will be used. Since int is primitive data type, the value is used for comparison and hence TRUE in last two statements.
- Pankaj
within Java 7, depends on IntegerCache
- Silviu
but, in your example, it’s all about unboxing (Integer to int)
- Silviu
I m really happy by seeing this site just by refering this site we can glance up with java concepts for interview Thank You sooo much,
- Ammu
Thank you so much for your efforts :)
- Azhaguvel A
For the 52 question A, Executing the code which you have written dint throw any error. Since we’re accessing the static method call. and also for the question B, i havn’t got the Nullpointerexception. Both the error occured while removing the static keyword from the method toString. Please look at the issue
- Vignesh
No these are correct, please check your code. You must be doing some mistake.
- Pankaj
You’re right i was actually doing a mistake. Instead of toString i was using someother method name. Thanks for the good article.
- Vignesh
hai sir, where is all questions answers please inform i will wait your answer?
- mahi
In Inheritance if you create object for only sub class,is super class object is created or not?
- Ravi
Much Appreciated … great set of questions …please keep this as updated as possible…
- Sorrowfull Blinger
Hi Pankaj, Since we’re spending maximum hours in offices, we’re accessing your website during office hours maximum. So we’re unable to read full questions since your website asking to like on “Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus”. But all these three are banned sites in offices. So we’re unable to read all the questions & answers in office. But in Home we’re able to access freely, since we already gave like for your page in FB. We would be very great full, if you somehow find a solution for this problem. — Thanks in advance :)
- Siva
Same problem here too… :(
- abhinav
Close your browser, clear your browser cache and start again. You will have access to all questions.
- Robert
I would be great to add also the new features of java 7, even if is not the latest version it was some relevant adds compared with java 6. Thank you for all the time dedicated to your site.
- Pabel Lopez
Question 26 is missing the hyperlink.
- Pabel Lopez
Thanks for helping…
- Supriya
Dear Sir, Hands off to you. This is really helpful for any java professionals.
- Somanath Behera
Hi , Thanks a lot… and tel me wat is pre- processor and post processor in java what are the condition to override equals and hashCode in a class we are not using Pointer in java , but smtnk is tr to replace it, wat s tat
- Suneesh
hey link is broken on question number 26 - Difference between Abstract Class and Interface. href is having a typo.
- vivek
Good Stuff.Really helpful.
- lv85660
the best ever collection of java questions and answers
- andy
Thanks for the article. Minor correction to #46: Garbage Collector performs automatic memory management. So it’s responsible not only for recovering memory used by objects that are no longer reachable but also for allocating memory. See Java Memory Management specification for details.
- Hanna
excellent sir
- Chiranjeevi
hi Pankaj Sir, i have small doubt in java, new is a keyword or new is an operator. If key then my next question is then what is exact difference between keyword and operator and when we can say this is an operator or this is a keyword?
- indrajeet yadav
answer : hello new is keyword it’s not an operator, keyword has predefined meaning operator helps u for doing an operation like arithmetic, assignment using +,= we can perform
- Praveenkumar kodge
new is used to allocate memory , operator is used to perform operations like arithmetic ,relation,boolean expressions.
- ramu
For #26 Difference between Abstract & Interface. Abstract classes can’t be instantiated so how can you run it from main?
- Mustafa
You have to use subclass of the Abstract class that implements all the abstract methods.
- jayachand Mannam
We can initiate the object for the Abstract class but we can run the class with main method. public abstract class TestAbstract { public abstract void sayHi(); public void printHi(){ System.out.println(“Hello”); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“IN the Main”); } }
- srinivas
Thanks for sharing a java serialization question and answer, It’s really helpful and I would like to share latest java and java script interview question and answer for freshers and experienced.
- Peter Clark
Tell me the difference between encapsulation and abstraction , where those concepts are implemented.
- Anitha
Thanks you very much pankaj… I referred many link but this one very nice explanation & excellent stuff. We expecting similar stuff like Web Service (SOAP/REST) as well. -Regards Senthil
Web services are also covered in detail, please check below link.
- Pankaj
Excellent, Thanks a lot pankaj
Hi pankaj, Can I expect any PDF documentation so that I can download and go through all the topics when I have free time.
- Babu Vayila
Hi again Pankaj, great list - one thing, Java8 changes some of the answers, comparing abstract classes to interfaces, for one, as now interfaces may contain (default & static) methods thanks for your great site!
- Riley
static keword use five way , which one executed first static variable,static block,static method,ineer static block,interface static method. please tell me their order . iam confused abt it, correct me.
- vikas rathore
you are so cool
- qiangyu
Hi Pankaj, In one of my recent interview I got a question how java is able to identify errors while compilation with mentioning line numbers of error. My answer was Java compiler is capable of finding such errors while compiling. But still interviewer is not convenient. Can you help me to answer this in better way and let me know how compiler internally works to identify syntax or semantics errors?
- Prasanna
Pankaj, Can you answer or someone my question?
- Prasanna
Thanks a lot!!! Very useful questions!
- Shravani
This is very very helpful post for people like me for preparing interview. Also, very good and descriptive answer for all questions.
- Java Training Institutes in Bangalore
Very helpful to get all concept brushed up on a single page. Last one question was mind-blowing! Thanks!
- Amit Thumar
Part of collection question is missing.
- Rashid
what do you mean?
- Pankaj
Hi Pankaj, I truly appreciate your efforts in writing the answers.Please look into Question-28.Provided link is not working.
- Nishanth
Sorry it’s question no-26.
- Nishanth
Thanks for pointing it out, I have corrected the link.
- Pankaj
Hi Pankaj Thank you for your great site and wonderful explanation. I am a newbie and benefited a lot from your site. I have real difficulty understanding the last question. I am able to use static object methods in my own programs and no exception returned. I even copy paste your program to my own IDE and saw the error but after changing the method name ,the error disappeared… and for the second part of your last question you have called static object methods there. I really need any help here. any explanation would be much appreciated.
- SamJozi
Hi Sam, I have updated the explanation of questions. Note that toString() method is present in Object class and hence the error. Since you changed the name of method, this conflict is not there and no error. For second part, explanation is very clear. Because of compiler optimization of byte code, we are not getting exception since it changes from object to Class reference while calling static method.
- Pankaj
Thanks Pankaj for your explanation , now it is more clear. You might want to add the the fact at the fact that static methods can not be overridden but can be hidden and the reason for that.
- SamJozi
Thank You Pankaj for sharing this with us.It is very helpful for core java interview.
- Priyanka Chordia
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- Fresher walkin
Hi, I have a doubt on question 5. Where you’ve said that JRE consists of JVM and other binaries etc. In my opinion, this is incorrect to say that JRE consists of JVM for two reasons: 1. JVM is more of a specification and JRE is implementation of that. 2. JVM is an abstract thing which would have no physical existence. In fact JVM does not have any knowledge of Java language per se, All it understands is the byte code of .class files. Please suggest what you think on this?
- Anupam Jain
- Pankaj
Please make a modification in JAVA 8 Release date.
- admin
It is very helpful for me to crack the core java interviews. keep posting. thanks
- Anurag Singh
Great work man … Learnt a lot today :)
- Kamal Chaturvedi
Pankaj, Very impressed with your core Java interview questions and answers post with concise to the point answers. Very handy to brush up. Keep up the good work.
- Arul
Thanks for sharing
- JanBask Training
Great stuff, just great! This Q & A helped every job seeker as well as freshers. Many important questions are covered here.
- renuka
great stuff! It really helped in the Java interview!
- Lily
This article really helped me to revise concepts in core Java. Highly appreciated. Is the statement correct on question 27? Java 8 has enabled method implementation for interface using default keyword. And I think Diamond problem can happen if a given interface extends two interfaces which have the same default methods.
- Nati Getch
Thanks for pointing it out, the answer had to be updated for Java 8 changes. I have updated it, java has taken care of this situation by making it mandatory for class to provide implementation of common default methods in the interfaces it’s implementing.
- Pankaj
Hello Pankaj, Nice article to revise core java. Please add questions about java collection package also. Thank you,
- Prashant Kumar
Thank you so much sir
- M.Pradeep
very useful! I l most shocked by the last two responses keep on regards
- gam3r-z
Thank you for helping us to understand java… Helps a lot
- Akash Aher
Very concise answers to the point. Keep up the good work.
- Arul
In Ans 50) “(str instanceof Integer)” statement will give compilation issue not false. For instanceof operator both the operands must have some relation.
- Ankit rai
Yes …correct.
- sajjan
it does not give any error it shows output as String value:abc
- chetan
In this you will get latest java Interview Questions …and many more contents to come
- pc
It is very useful… very nice questions thanks for sharing with us… please add some more core java question to it…
- Shivi
I’m extremely thankful to you Mr. Pankaj. You taught me core Java concepts in your way and It’s amazing way of teaching. Cannot thank you enough. I would say to add more and more questions and answers here. Always stay motivated to write posts to assist people like us.
- Ram Sharan
I have been using java for 8+ years commercially longer for my own projects and even longer if considering uni was heavily java oriented. - I covered all basics got high grades, got excellent results in assignments and solved many problems during working life. Yet recently I was asked a basic question java question that I got wrong ‘theoretically’. But by chance I happened to Practically implemented it the nigh before. This dichotomy got me to thinking! The point I’m making is I’ve forgotten so much i’ve done over the years and I don’t care because I research it when I need to use it, I’m not ashamed to say I cut and paste a lot from web. Or that I need to revise something to use it. Its not that I don’t know but that I choose to forget and move onto new things, more things and greater variety and depth of aspects. It is this progress that feeds back into what I learned previously, informs my earlier knowledge and enhances my revision of the core ideas when I need to reutilise them again. This is the secret to keeping knowledge truly vital alive and in use. The same old ideas acquire a new context! Just understanding them and memorising them over and over makes you just a circus performer. But sadly most/all companies require a metric for the sake of a metric so evaluations are created for the sake of evaluations. I’m proud that I have developed over the years my own independence of mind that allows me to grow beyond limits of rhetoric that confounds a more narrow limited point of view. -A better question to ask is how can I use the knowledge to create something with a practical real use that is new or superior. This is the true test of ability.
- john
Amazing questions and very good explanation, appreciate the effort you have put for this.
- David
Very nice collection on Java interview questions and answers
- Pavan
Thanks alot sir for providing this java interview qns and ans to public users like us :-)
- Pavithra Ramasubramaniam
Hey today morning I appeared for an aptitude test.I was checking what I did wrong/right and I came across your site…Trust me I found most of the questions on your site.I wish I had seen this site 1 day before . This is amazing work.
- Ashitosh Ashture
In answer 30 you say: We can run an abstract class if it has main() method whereas we can’t run an interface. But after Java8 it’s possible, as we can have static methods inside an interface, we can run main() method inside an interface.
- Bhavesh Mahendra Sanghvi
I am so greatfull that you have shared all questions and answers. It helped me a lot. Thank u so much Sir.
- Mayur0707
Hi, thanks for the article and the interview materials. You can also find the very common interview questions in Matthew Urban’s book “TOP 30 Java Interview Coding Tasks”. Really useful when I was preparing for my meeting. Thanks again.
- Edd
The best book when it comes to most commonly interview asked questions is “TOP 30 Java Interview Coding Tasks” by Matthew Urban, deeply-explained, most commonly used data structures, algorithms, text manipulation methods, recursion, matrices, and other top topics to discuss during the job interview. I bought mine on Amazon: really recommend
- Voctor
The answer to Question 17 seems incorrect. The evidence for this should be evident when you look at question 23. Great list BTW.
- Peter Xenos
As for me the answer is correct but missing some details: “We can’t have more than one public class in a single java source file.” should be updated with “top-level” phrase. We can have multiple public classes in single java file but only one of them has to be top-level. Other should be inner or non-public :).
- jbestie
Great Article. Very well defined answers Really Appreciated
- Shubham Chaudhary
public class Test { public static String toString1(){ System.out.println(“Test toString called”); return “”; } public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(toString1()); } } toString() is an in build function.
- Dev
Which of the following statements are correct: "Annotations are introduced in Java 5. " “Java 1.5 introduced annotations and now it’s heavily used in Java EE frameworks like Hibernate, Jersey, and Spring.”
- Royal Summers
Java 1.5 is also loosely called as Java 5.
- Pankaj
Thanks Pankaj. 10 years of experience . preparing for an interview now. Your articles helped a lot to brush up the things in a easy and memorable way. really a fan of journalDev.
- Nisha
Thank you so much for your articles, You’re the best
- Azin
good article it helps to Come up with the différents version of java
- wade