Django is a powerful web framework that can help you get your Python application or website off the ground quickly. Django includes a simplified development server for testing your code locally, but for anything even slightly production related, a more secure and powerful web server is required.
In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install and configure Django in a Python virtual environment. We’ll then set up Apache in front of our application so that it can handle client requests directly before passing requests that require application logic to the Django app. We will do this using the mod_wsgi
Apache module that can communicate with Django over the WSGI interface specification.
In order to complete this guide, you should have a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 server instance with a non-root user with sudo
privileges configured. You can learn how to set this up by running through our initial server setup guide.
We will be installing Django within a Python virtual environment. Installing Django into an environment specific to your project will allow your projects and their requirements to be handled separately.
Once we have our application up and running, we will configure Apache to interface with the Django app. It will do this with the mod_wsgi
Apache module, which can translate HTTP requests into a predictable application format defined by a specification called WSGI. You can find out more about WSGI by reading the linked section on this guide.
Let’s get started.
To begin the process, we’ll download and install all of the items we need from the Ubuntu repositories. This will include the Apache web server, the mod_wsgi
module used to interface with our Django app, and pip
, the Python package manager that can be used to download our Python-related tools.
To get everything we need, update your server’s local package index and then install the appropriate packages.
If you are using Django with Python 2, the commands you need are:
If, instead, you are using Django with Python 3, you will need an alternative Apache module and pip
package. The appropriate commands in this case are:
Now that we have the components from the Ubuntu repositories, we can start working on our Django project. The first step is to create a Python virtual environment so that our Django project will be separate from the system’s tools and any other Python projects we may be working on.
We need to install the virtualenv
command to create these environments. We can get this using pip
If you are using Python 2, type:
If you are using Python 3, type:
With virtualenv
installed, we can start forming our project. Create a directory where you wish to keep your project and move into the directory:
Within the project directory, create a Python virtual environment by typing:
This will create a directory called myprojectenv
within your myproject
directory. Inside, it will install a local version of Python and a local version of pip
. We can use this to install and configure an isolated Python environment for our project.
Before we install our project’s Python requirements, we need to activate the virtual environment. You can do that by typing:
Your prompt should change to indicate that you are now operating within a Python virtual environment. It will look something like this: (myprojectenv)user@host:~/myproject$
With your virtual environment active, install Django with the local instance of pip
Regardless of whether you are using Python 2 or Python 3, when the virtual environment is activated, we should use the pip
command (not pip3
Now that Django is installed in our virtual environment, we can create the actual Django project files.
Since we already have a project directory, we will tell Django to install the files here. It will create a second level directory with the actual code, which is normal, and place a management script in this directory. The key to this is the dot at the end that tells Django to create the files in the current directory:
The first thing we should do with our newly created project files is adjust the settings. Open the settings file with your text editor:
We are going to be using the default SQLite database in this guide for simplicity’s sake, so we don’t actually need to change too much. We will focus on configuring the allowed hosts to restrict the domains that we respond to and configuring the static files directory, where Django will place static files so that the web server can serve these easily.
Begin by finding the ALLOWED_HOSTS
line. Inside the square brackets, enter your server’s public IP address, domain name or both. Each value should be wrapped in quotes and separated by a comma like a normal Python list:
. . .
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["server_domain_or_IP"]
. . .
At the bottom of the file, we will add a line to configure this directory. Django uses the STATIC_ROOT
setting to determine the directory where these files should go. We’ll use a bit of Python to tell it to use a directory called “static” in our project’s main directory:
. . .
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/')
Save and close the file when you are finished.
Now, we can migrate the initial database schema to our SQLite database using the management script:
Create an administrative user for the project by typing:
You will have to select a username, provide an email address, and choose and confirm a password.
We can collect all of the static content into the directory location we configured by typing:
You will have to confirm the operation. The static files will be placed in a directory called static
within your project directory.
Now, we can adjust our firewall settings to allow traffic to our Django development server, which we’ll run on port 8000. If you followed the initial server setup guide in the prerequisites, you should have a UFW firewall enabled currently.
Allow connections to the development server by typing:
Finally, you can test your project by starting up the Django development server with this command:
In your web browser, visit your server’s domain name or IP address followed by :8000
You should see the default Django index page:
If you append /admin
to the end of the URL in the address bar, you will be prompted for the administrative username and password you created with the createsuperuser
After authenticating, you can access the default Django admin interface:
When you are finished exploring, hit CTRL-C in the terminal window to shut down the development server.
We’re now done with Django for the time being, so we can back out of our virtual environment by typing:
Now that your Django project is working, we can configure Apache as a front end. Client connections that it receives will be translated into the WSGI format that the Django application expects using the mod_wsgi
module. This should have been automatically enabled upon installation earlier.
To configure the WSGI pass, we’ll need to edit the default virtual host file:
We can keep the directives that are already present in the file. We just need to add some additional items.
To start, let’s configure the static files. We will use an alias to tell Apache to map any requests starting with /static
to the “static” directory within our project folder. We collected the static assets there earlier. We will set up the alias and then grant access to the directory in question with a directory block:
<VirtualHost *:80>
. . .
Alias /static /home/sammy/myproject/static
<Directory /home/sammy/myproject/static>
Require all granted
Next, we’ll grant access to the
file within the second level project directory where the Django code is stored. To do this, we’ll use a directory section with a file section inside. We will grant access to the file inside of this nested construct:
<VirtualHost *:80>
. . .
Alias /static /home/sammy/myproject/static
<Directory /home/sammy/myproject/static>
Require all granted
<Directory /home/sammy/myproject/myproject>
Require all granted
After this is configured, we are ready to construct the portion of the file that actually handles the WSGI pass. We’ll use daemon mode to run the WSGI process, which is the recommended configuration. We can use the WSGIDaemonProcess
directive to set this up.
This directive takes an arbitrary name for the process. We’ll use myproject
to stay consistent. Afterwards, we set up the Python home where Apache can find all of the components that may be required. Since we used a virtual environment, we can point this directly to our base virtual environment directory. Afterwards, we set the Python path to point to the base of our Django project.
Next, we need to specify the process group. This should point to the same name we selected for the WSGIDaemonProcess
directive (myproject
in our case). Finally, we need to set the script alias so that Apache will pass requests for the root domain to the
<VirtualHost *:80>
. . .
Alias /static /home/sammy/myproject/static
<Directory /home/sammy/myproject/static>
Require all granted
<Directory /home/sammy/myproject/myproject>
Require all granted
WSGIDaemonProcess myproject python-home=/home/sammy/myproject/myprojectenv python-path=/home/sammy/myproject
WSGIProcessGroup myproject
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/sammy/myproject/myproject/
When you are finished making these changes, save and close the file.
If you are using the SQLite database, which is the default used in this article, you need to allow the Apache process access to this file.
To do so, the first step is to change the permissions so that the group owner of the database can read and write. The database file is called db.sqlite3
by default and it should be located in your base project directory:
Afterwards, we need to give the group Apache runs under, the www-data
group, group ownership of the file:
In order to write to the file, we also need to give the Apache group ownership over the database’s parent directory:
We need to adjust through our firewall again. We no longer need port 8000 open since we are proxying through Apache, so we can remove that rule. We can then add an exception to allow traffic to the Apache process:
Check your Apache files to make sure you did not make any syntax errors:
As long as the last line of output looks like this, your files are in good shape:
Output. . .
Syntax OK
Once these steps are done, you are ready to restart the Apache service to implement the changes you made. Restart Apache by typing:
You should now be able to access your Django site by going to your server’s domain name or IP address without specifying a port. The regular site and the admin interface should function as expected.
After verifying that your application is accessible, it is important to secure traffic to your application.
If you have a domain name for your application, the easiest way to secure your application is with a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Follow our Let’s Encrypt guide for Apache on 16.04 to learn how to set this up.
If you do not have a domain name for your application and are using this for your own purposes or for testing, you can always create a self-signed certificate. You can learn how to set this up with our guide on creating self-signed SSL certificates for Apache on Ubuntu 16.04.
In this guide, we’ve set up a Django project in its own virtual environment. We’ve configured Apache with mod_wsgi
to handle client requests and interface with the Django app.
Django makes creating projects and applications simple by providing many of the common pieces, allowing you to focus on the unique elements. By leveraging the general tool chain described in this article, you can easily serve the applications you create from a single server.
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great! but I don’t know why it does not work if STATIC_URL != ‘/static/’, for example, STATIC_URL = ‘site_media/static/’, how do I set up the apache config file?
I followed everything but getting an error:
You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80
Please help
same issue here…
did you find a solution? mayb you might help me out
Hi, this reading this link solved the issue for me.
I went to the directory the file was in, ran “chmod 644” and then repeated “cd …” and then “chmod +x .” through the highest directory (“/home/” in the case of this tutorial).
Maybe Josh could weigh in on whether that’s a good way to solve the 403 or not…
Great article though!! Many thanks!!
Yes this is working for me. Thanks
same issue here.
This comment has been deleted
i triple checked everything and i still get nothing :(
Followed everything written here but it did not work?pls help
I’ve followed this to a T and all is working except for static files. None of my static files are accessible (404), whereas they were before during my development phase.
Also having the same problem with Error 404 You don’t have permission to access / on this server. I’ve tried EVERYTHING, changing permissions, SELinux, still not sure what to do. Please help!!!
I came across on this too. For me solution was simple. Because I did this tutorial on root account, project files was created in /root folder. I have to change paths in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf from ‘/home/sammy’ to ‘/root’, restart apache and everything is ok now.
i dont know why i am getting
Forbidden "You don’t have permission to access / on this server. "
Has anyone solved the problem?
You don’t have permission to access / on this server
adding <Directory /> Require all granted </Directory> in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf solves the problem.
@niyasns041 This may fix the symptoms of the problem you’re experiencing, but I would not recommend this as a solution. The Apache documentation considers this setting a potential security issue because it could potentially allow visitors to view every file on the server.
If you having trouble with the permissions of your server, double check the lines you added for your configuration for this guide.
Hello, guys! I solve problem. Write under root in console: chmod u+x /var/www/myproject/myproject/ If django admin styles not working, go in project directory and write: python collectstatic
Thankyou for this tutorial! I think you might have made two typos. The WSGIScriptAlias and the second <Directory> tag in the virtual host file has: /home/sammy/myproject/myproject/ but it should be: /home/sammy/myproject/myprojectenv/ ?
@RaziAbbasi Thanks for reaching out. If you follow the guide as written, there will actually be two nested
directories within your user’s home directory. The outermyproject
directory holds themyprojectenv
script, and the innermyproject
directory. The innermyproject
directory then contains the settings file, the WSGI configuration file and the main URLs configuration file.With that directory structure in mind, the path to the
file will be/home/sammy/myproject/myproject/
, so that is why the two settings you mentioned point to that location. Hope that helps.I messed up by typing
instead ofmyproject
when I ran startproject
command. But since my current configuration still works, I wanted to know if there might be issues in the future with this configuration?I followed the tutorial step by step but at the end, when i try to enter to the django app through the browser i only get the apache default page… i think i’m missing something. Any ideas?
I am getting same issue. I only get default Apache web page. Did you find any solution to this?
This is great, used it in combination with the Django docs:
For those stuck with permissions, check and recheck your paths in the virtual host configuration. I didn’t end up needing to change any permissions in order to get the app working in the browser.
hi, thanks for your tutorial, i was able to get my site up and running but i want to know how to run multiple django projects with this setup
Please pay great attention that you can have some errors related with python environment in your system setup if you are using python 3.5 in your python environment. If you have this kind of trouble. Make sure that you added
import sys
sys.path.append(‘/home/emre/project’) sys.path.append(‘/home/emre/project/myprojectenv/bin’) sys.path.append(‘/home/emre/project/myprojectenv/lib/python3.5/site-packages’)
in your file.
Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
when i tried to run the command sudo
apache2ctl configtest
also when i visit the IP, the site cant be reached
I am using django with postgres in ubuntu. And I looked in the folder of Postgres directory but I cannot find db file of my project. So which file to give apache permission to in this case?
Brillant tutorial. Step by step… Thanks!!!
ImportError: No module named ‘django’
Anyone else having this trouble?
Did you manage to fix this?
Most Amazing tutorial Ever 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I get this in my apache error log :
I have django installed in my virtual environment
you need to activate your virtual environment
or install Django with your virtual environment activated
Excuseme Sr, BUT: