Welcome to Java Lock example tutorial. Usually when working with multi-threaded environment, we use synchronized for thread safety.
Most of the times, synchronized keyword is the way to go but it has some shortcomings that lead the way to inclusion of Lock API in Java Concurrency package. Java 1.5 Concurrency API came up with
package with Lock
interface and some implementation classes to improve the Object locking mechanism. Some important interfaces and classes in Java Lock API are:
Lock: This is the base interface for Lock API. It provides all the features of synchronized keyword with additional ways to create different Conditions for locking, providing timeout for thread to wait for lock. Some of the important methods are lock() to acquire the lock, unlock() to release the lock, tryLock() to wait for lock for a certain period of time, newCondition() to create the Condition etc.
Condition: Condition objects are similar to Object wait-notify model with additional feature to create different sets of wait. A Condition object is always created by Lock object. Some of the important methods are await() that is similar to wait() and signal(), signalAll() that is similar to notify() and notifyAll() methods.
ReadWriteLock: It contains a pair of associated locks, one for read-only operations and another one for writing. The read lock may be held simultaneously by multiple reader threads as long as there are no writer threads. The write lock is exclusive.
ReentrantLock: This is the most widely used implementation class of Lock interface. This class implements the Lock interface in similar way as synchronized keyword. Apart from Lock interface implementation, ReentrantLock contains some utility methods to get the thread holding the lock, threads waiting to acquire the lock etc. synchronized block are reentrant in nature i.e if a thread has lock on the monitor object and if another synchronized block requires to have the lock on the same monitor object then thread can enter that code block. I think this is the reason for the class name to be ReentrantLock. Let’s understand this feature with a simple example.
public class Test{
public synchronized foo(){
//do something
public synchronized bar(){
//do some more
If a thread enters foo(), it has the lock on Test object, so when it tries to execute bar() method, the thread is allowed to execute bar() method since it’s already holding the lock on the Test object i.e same as synchronized(this).
Now let’s see a simple example where we will replace synchronized keyword with Java Lock API. Let’s say we have a Resource class with some operation where we want it to be thread-safe and some methods where thread safety is not required.
package com.journaldev.threads.lock;
public class Resource {
public void doSomething(){
//do some operation, DB read, write etc
public void doLogging(){
//logging, no need for thread safety
Now let’s say we have a Runnable class where we will use Resource methods.
package com.journaldev.threads.lock;
public class SynchronizedLockExample implements Runnable{
private Resource resource;
public SynchronizedLockExample(Resource r){
this.resource = r;
public void run() {
synchronized (resource) {
Notice that I am using synchronized block to acquire the lock on Resource object. We could have created a dummy object in the class and used that for locking purpose. Now let’s see how we can use java Lock API and rewrite above program without using synchronized keyword. We will use ReentrantLock in java.
package com.journaldev.threads.lock;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class ConcurrencyLockExample implements Runnable{
private Resource resource;
private Lock lock;
public ConcurrencyLockExample(Resource r){
this.resource = r;
this.lock = new ReentrantLock();
public void run() {
try {
if(lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//release lock
As you can see that, I am using tryLock() method to make sure my thread waits only for definite time and if it’s not getting the lock on object, it’s just logging and exiting. Another important point to note is the use of try-finally block to make sure lock is released even if doSomething() method call throws any exception.
Based on above details and program, we can easily conclude following differences between Java Lock and synchronization.
That’s all for Java Lock example, ReentrantLock in java and a comparative analysis with synchronized keyword.
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I really appreciate your effort on putting the consolidated information in one place in nice manner… thank you very much.
- Nagaraju
Hello Friend, Just let me know if I am wrong- I thing lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); in run method i trying to access lock on ConcurrencyLockExample object instead of Resource object. If you want to get lock on Resource object than Lock lock= new Reentrant(); should be added in Resource Class;
- Dharmendra
Hi Dharmendra, We don’t want lock on Resource object, we want lock on the code that is executing resource method for thread safety. So lock.tryLock() will get the lock on the object and then execute the doSomething() method. While executing if some other thread is also asking for the lock, that thread will wait until the first thread is finished executing the doSomething() method and has released the lock. In real life, we don’t always has control on the Resource objects and it’s the responsibility of the caller to look after thread safety. If the threads are not involved, then having locking mechanism in the Resource classes will be an extra overhead to the system.
- Pankaj
Thanks very much for this great article. However, I am not clear on your comment. “So lock.tryLock() will get the lock on the object and then execute the doSomething() method.” I think tryLock will acquire lock on runnable instance itself rather than resource. I somehow don’t see any point where an object of runnable would need to acquire lock on a part (code block) of itself.
- Ken
Hi, I like to thank you for providing such a good explaination with simple example.
- amit nandode
- Vijay Yadav
Hi, I guess you did a mistake here: As you can see that, I am using tryLock() method to make sure my thread waits only for definite time and if it’s not getting the lock on object, it’s just logging and exiting. Since tryLock returns false if the lock hasn’t been acquired and doesn’t raise an exception, you should place resource.doSomething() in IF block.
- 3biga
Thanks for the observation, you are right. I have updated the program.
- Pankaj
Hi Pankaj, Can you please also explain the different Condition of lock & Lock Fairness with an example.
Hi Pankaj, I created a test class to run this code. public class CocurrencyLockMain { public static void main(String… args) { Resource resource = new Resource(); new Thread(new ConcurrencyLock(resource)).start(); new Thread(new ConcurrencyLock(resource)).start(); } } i was expecting the second thread should wait till the first thread execution completed but both the thread were running simultaneously. Can you please explain what is wrong in my understanding.
Sorry i forget move the lock from instance to class reference.
Can you post the entire working example in Java with main() method
- Deepak Lalchandani
Hey just wanted to know why do we use ReadLock…? when multiple threads are allowed so what is need of ReadLock…? access it without any lock.
- Hrishi
If I understand correctly, ReadWriteLock will allow multiple thread to read the Resource as long as there is no Writer Thread modifying the same Resource. Basically, it seems like, if there is some thread modifying the Resource, it may not be good idea to read either. I believe, this’s not achievable using Synchronized the moment we Synchronize the blocks of Read and Write on the same object it would not even allow to read by multiple thread at the same time.
- Bhaskar
Thanks Pankaj for this blog. I could get a brief information about the Lock API. It’s simple and good. It may become more useful if there is an example for each of those cases: Condition, ReadWriteLock and ReentrantLock.
- Bhaskar
Thanks a lot! Finally understood Re-entrant lock!
- Suhita
Not checked with code, but I think your finally block actually needs to be
finally { if( lock.isHeldByCurrentThread() { lock.unlock(); }
otherwise there is a risk of an IllegalMonitorStateException if an exception was thrown due to tryLock being interrupted (the InterruptedException e you’re catching)- J Saxton
Resource resource = new Resource(); ConcurrencyLockExample c = new ConcurrencyLockExample(resource); Thread t = new Thread(c, “My Thread”); Thread t1 = new Thread(c, “My Thread”); t.start(); t1.start(); I used above code to Test Lock function I found lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) never return false;
- shailendra
Hi , How this ConcurrencyLockExample work as you are not sharing the lock across the threads ?.
- Bhagath Sagar
What happens if a thread waits for certain period, say 10 secs and not able to get lock. Will it not try to lock again? I think this may inconstant behavior
- shiva
Suppose there are 10 threads name like T1, T2,… T10. T1 is in running stage. All other threads T2,…T10 are in waiting stage. When T1 finish its operation, then any one of them(T2,…T10) will get chance to start working. If all the threads have same priority then which how to select the thread to start its operation?
- Prakash
If multiple threads having same priority then Thread Schedular will decide which thread to start ,It is Varient on JVM.
- praveen kumar
Thanks! Finally understated locks
- Lalita Kamde
Do the locking outside of the try. You want to avoid throwing an IllegalMonitorStateException.
- farrell2k
Good Article.
- Veranga
Hi Pankaj, this demo i get a correct result ,i was expecting the second thread should wait till the first thread execution completed but both the thread were running simultaneously.
- Wells Lee
Thanks for the wonderful tutorial on Threads:) Simple and precise, upto point tutorial so far:) Thanks a ton:)
- Gopinath
I fall in love in love with whatever topic I read from your website. Its like if I need to learn something, then first I ll search on your website and if found then I feel so much relief as if by just getting that topic on your website I learnt everything in that. :-) What I want to explain is the confidence I got in your website that if any topic is available on our website then I ll master it. Keep up the good work and helping others. In my opinion you are doing a million dollar social service in this way.
- himJEL
Please, leave out all these fake comments. I think you spend more time commenting your own post that in actually writing.
when using lock.tryLock() one has to remember that lock.unlock() needs to be done in finally only when lock.tryLock() was true i.e the local was acquired . hence something like below should be done . public void run() { boolean b = false; if (Thread.currentThread().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(“second”)) { try { Thread.sleep(1200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(“in second thread”); } try { b = lock.tryLock(); System.out.println("b in " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread is : " + b); if(b){ } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //release lock if (b) { lock.unlock(); } } }
- jitendra
here’s the code i used based upon yours: public class Resource { public void doSomething(){ //do some operation, DB read, write etc try { System.out.println("resource locked by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName()) ; Thread.sleep(4000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void doLogging(String str){ //logging, no need for thread safety System.out.println(str) ; } } public class LockTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Resource res = new Resource() ; LockExample ex = new LockExample(res); Thread t1 = new Thread(ex, “t1”); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(ex, “t2”); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); System.out.println(“completed lock example”); } } public class SynchronizedTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Resource res = new Resource() ; SynchronizedExample ex = new SynchronizedExample(res); Thread t1 = new Thread(ex, “t1”); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(ex, “t2”); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); System.out.println(“completed synchronized example”); } }
- Riley
please see below, also the the Runnable classes: public class SynchronizedExample implements Runnable{ private Resource resource; public SynchronizedExample(Resource r){ this.resource = r; } @Override public void run() { synchronized (resource) { resource.doSomething(); resource.doLogging(“synchronized hold released”); } } } public class LockExample implements Runnable{ private Resource resource; private Lock lock; public LockExample(Resource r){ this.resource = r; this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); } @Override public void run() { try { if(lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){ resource.doSomething(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //release lock resource.doLogging(“lock released”); lock.unlock(); } } }
- Riley
and where was the ReEntrantLock example? i see only synchronized vs Lock, not ReentrantLock
- Gunatron
Hi Pankaj, I like your posts a lot, awesome posts, very clear and precise!!! I have a doubt on reentrant lock example above, what are you trying to explain here? wanna thread safe doSomthing() method, isn’t it? If so, synchronisation/lock logic shouldn’t be inside class of doSomething method instead inside run method of Thread? With above example how can you ensure the thread safety of doSomething() method? Thanks Ravi.
- Ravi
Hi Pankaj, Very good explanation. I tried this example working fine. But I would like to high light one case which is not handle by this example. In finally block before releasing lock, we need to make sure Mock is held by current thread otherwise it will throw IllegalMonitorStateException. Attaching tested snippet code. finally{ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " tries to unlock"); if(Thread.holdsLock(resource)){ lock.unlock(); } } Best Regards.
- Riteeka
Hi, Cannot use ‘Copy’ to copy to clipboard. This is an issue for all the pages. I am using google chrome browser. Thanks.
- Nimish
Hi Pankaj, If a thread is not able to get the lock using trylock() and since we are already in try block wouldn’t the code in finally throw an exception as it is trying to unlock the lock which the thread does not own…
- AS
I fall in love in love with whatever topic I read from your website. Its like if I need to learn something, then first I ll search on your website and if found then I feel so much relief as if by just getting that topic on your website I learnt everything in that. :-) What I want to explain is the confidence I got in your website that if any topic is available on our website then I ll master it. Keep up the good work and helping others. In my opinion you are doing a million dollar social service in this way.
- himJEL
Please, leave out all these fake comments. I think you spend more time commenting your own post that in actually writing.
when using lock.tryLock() one has to remember that lock.unlock() needs to be done in finally only when lock.tryLock() was true i.e the local was acquired . hence something like below should be done . public void run() { boolean b = false; if (Thread.currentThread().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(“second”)) { try { Thread.sleep(1200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(“in second thread”); } try { b = lock.tryLock(); System.out.println("b in " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " thread is : " + b); if(b){ } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //release lock if (b) { lock.unlock(); } } }
- jitendra
here’s the code i used based upon yours: public class Resource { public void doSomething(){ //do some operation, DB read, write etc try { System.out.println("resource locked by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName()) ; Thread.sleep(4000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void doLogging(String str){ //logging, no need for thread safety System.out.println(str) ; } } public class LockTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Resource res = new Resource() ; LockExample ex = new LockExample(res); Thread t1 = new Thread(ex, “t1”); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(ex, “t2”); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); System.out.println(“completed lock example”); } } public class SynchronizedTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Resource res = new Resource() ; SynchronizedExample ex = new SynchronizedExample(res); Thread t1 = new Thread(ex, “t1”); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(ex, “t2”); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); System.out.println(“completed synchronized example”); } }
- Riley
please see below, also the the Runnable classes: public class SynchronizedExample implements Runnable{ private Resource resource; public SynchronizedExample(Resource r){ this.resource = r; } @Override public void run() { synchronized (resource) { resource.doSomething(); resource.doLogging(“synchronized hold released”); } } } public class LockExample implements Runnable{ private Resource resource; private Lock lock; public LockExample(Resource r){ this.resource = r; this.lock = new ReentrantLock(); } @Override public void run() { try { if(lock.tryLock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)){ resource.doSomething(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //release lock resource.doLogging(“lock released”); lock.unlock(); } } }
- Riley
and where was the ReEntrantLock example? i see only synchronized vs Lock, not ReentrantLock
- Gunatron
Hi Pankaj, I like your posts a lot, awesome posts, very clear and precise!!! I have a doubt on reentrant lock example above, what are you trying to explain here? wanna thread safe doSomthing() method, isn’t it? If so, synchronisation/lock logic shouldn’t be inside class of doSomething method instead inside run method of Thread? With above example how can you ensure the thread safety of doSomething() method? Thanks Ravi.
- Ravi
Hi Pankaj, Very good explanation. I tried this example working fine. But I would like to high light one case which is not handle by this example. In finally block before releasing lock, we need to make sure Mock is held by current thread otherwise it will throw IllegalMonitorStateException. Attaching tested snippet code. finally{ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " tries to unlock"); if(Thread.holdsLock(resource)){ lock.unlock(); } } Best Regards.
- Riteeka
Hi, Cannot use ‘Copy’ to copy to clipboard. This is an issue for all the pages. I am using google chrome browser. Thanks.
- Nimish
Hi Pankaj, If a thread is not able to get the lock using trylock() and since we are already in try block wouldn’t the code in finally throw an exception as it is trying to unlock the lock which the thread does not own…
- AS