Welcome to Java Socket programming example. Every server is a program that runs on a specific system and listens on a specific port. Sockets are bound to the port numbers and when we run any server it just listens on the socket and waits for client requests. For example, tomcat server running on port 8080 waits for client requests and once it gets any client request, it responds to them.
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on the network. The socket is bound to a port number so that the TCP layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent. In java socket programming example tutorial, we will learn how to write java socket server and java socket client program. We will also learn how server client program read and write data on the socket. java.net.Socket and java.net.ServerSocket are the java classes that implements Socket and Socket server.
package com.journaldev.socket;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
* This class implements java Socket server
* @author pankaj
public class SocketServerExample {
//static ServerSocket variable
private static ServerSocket server;
//socket server port on which it will listen
private static int port = 9876;
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{
//create the socket server object
server = new ServerSocket(port);
//keep listens indefinitely until receives 'exit' call or program terminates
System.out.println("Waiting for the client request");
//creating socket and waiting for client connection
Socket socket = server.accept();
//read from socket to ObjectInputStream object
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
//convert ObjectInputStream object to String
String message = (String) ois.readObject();
System.out.println("Message Received: " + message);
//create ObjectOutputStream object
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
//write object to Socket
oos.writeObject("Hi Client "+message);
//close resources
//terminate the server if client sends exit request
if(message.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) break;
System.out.println("Shutting down Socket server!!");
//close the ServerSocket object
package com.journaldev.socket;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
* This class implements java socket client
* @author pankaj
public class SocketClientExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException{
//get the localhost IP address, if server is running on some other IP, you need to use that
InetAddress host = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
Socket socket = null;
ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
for(int i=0; i<5;i++){
//establish socket connection to server
socket = new Socket(host.getHostName(), 9876);
//write to socket using ObjectOutputStream
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
System.out.println("Sending request to Socket Server");
else oos.writeObject(""+i);
//read the server response message
ois = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
String message = (String) ois.readObject();
System.out.println("Message: " + message);
//close resources
To test java socket programming of server-client communication, first we need to run SocketServerExample
class. When you will run socket server, it will just print “Waiting for client request” and then wait for the client request. Now when you will run SocketClientExample class, it will send a request to java socket server and print the response message to console. Here is the output of java socket server SocketServerExample
Waiting for the client request
Message Received: 0
Waiting for the client request
Message Received: 1
Waiting for the client request
Message Received: 2
Waiting for the client request
Message Received: 3
Waiting for the client request
Message Received: exit
Shutting down Socket server!!
Here is the output of Java socket client SocketClientExample
Sending request to Socket Server
Message: Hi Client 0
Sending request to Socket Server
Message: Hi Client 1
Sending request to Socket Server
Message: Hi Client 2
Sending request to Socket Server
Message: Hi Client 3
Sending request to Socket Server
Message: Hi Client exit
That’s all for a quick roundup of Socket programming in java. I hope you can get started with java socket server and java socket client programming. Reference: Oracle Doc
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Hi Pankaj Thanks for this article … I am working on Vehicle tracking system. Device is already implemented in one place and IP and port is integrated with that GPS device . I need to received data from that gps device . If you have any sample work in java , please share with me . Thanks
- Manish
Hi Pankaj Thanks for this article … I am working on Vehicle tracking system. Device is already implemented in one place and IP and port is integrated with that GPS device . I need to received data from that gps device . If you have any sample work in java , please share with me . Thanks
- amir
where i put server socket file in real server
- shinu
You can put anywhere you want, you just need to compile (javac SocketServerExample.java) and then run (java SocketServerExample)
- Jonathan
Thanks for this article, It’s really help you’re awesome Man
- Jonathan
I am working on Socket & also you had given a good & nice example but i have a problem in implementing it, I have made a server socket and client socket they are working good but when i want to communicate from other client it does not respond to that client. Please help me i am working on it for a month & i am unable to figure this out. Please reply me as soon as possible…
- KoolMaan
If you can send me program, I can check it out. Without having any insight of the issue, it’s not possible to provide any solution.
- Pankaj
Hai Pankaj Thanks for this article… I am working with client server communication…Clients sends a request, server reads that request, and sends a response, lastly client reads the response.I tried to implement with the help of many examples.But the client sends a request successfully, and the server reads it and responses successfully but the client then cannot get the response.Please help me…
- Saranya
i am working on spring integration i try to hit controller from device but it can not send data to controller…how it can do…
- chetan Pawar
working on spring integration i try to hit controller from device but it can not send data to controller I understand your question. Good question. Answer is simple and good also. Here is answer, you hit one more time and check. If still no work, then hit pc on ground. Will work for sure. Worked for me.
- Nazim Techwala
any one tell me … multiclent serverSocket … in java, there is any provision for accessing thread from outside class. thread is one of socket client … ???
- swap
multiclent serverSocket ……… in java, there is any provision for accessing thread from outside class. thread is one of socket client …
- Any One
hi guys, May you please assist. how can I send an xml message to a server & read the server response.
- Manqoba Ledwaba
Hi guys, is anyone can tell me how to pass jforms data to anothor jform through localhost?
- Ravindu Saluwadana
Thanks a lot for this detail about socket programming in java. As beginner i was looking for this socket programming guide and information. You have defined it so well as it is so important for making program run. Keep sharing.
- pranit patil
thank for this article is very informative but I want more information so please share on the web
- nitu
thank you so much but it’s not enough for me
- ibtissem
how can I test this in the different computer?
- avneet
hello good afternoon, I just read your post and I found it quite interesting, but I would like to know this connection that is made a travz of applications java can get to have communication through the internet. is that I am new in this language … is that I am creating a java application that they have to communicate but they are far away and the only way to communicate is through the internet. Can work?
- kervin Cortez
Great implementation to start working with socket communication. The use of Object(Input/Output)Stream was very appreciated, many thanks for this.
- Lucio Jose Beirao
Hi Pankaj, I was doing socket connection and I have to read character by character. But the read method is never reaching EOF(i.e never getting -1) until I close my connection, But I cannot open and close the connection for multiple records. Is there anyway to solve this? Also while writing data, I am only able to use println method but not write method.
- Kranthi Kumar
i want that the client starts responding when it gets data from server. How can i do it?
- sumit lohan
Please do increase(width wise) the content container, it seems weird to read in such a small container, rest all of the space is just lying vacant
- testtr
Very good! It helps a lot, thank you so much.
- Jeisy
Hi Pankaj, Thanks for the article. Its running fine on Intranet but I am not able to connect it over internet. Please suggest something.
- Sikander Bhardwaj