
Java SE 8 Interview Questions and Answers (Part-2)

Published on August 3, 2022

Rambabu Posa

Java SE 8 Interview Questions and Answers (Part-2)

In my previous post, I have discussed some important Java SE 8 Interview Questions and Answers. In this post, we are going to discuss some more Java SE 8 Interview Questions and Answers. Before reading this post, please go through my previous post at: “Java SE 8 Interview Questions (Part 1)”.

Java SE 8 Interview Questions

  1. What is Internal Iteration in Java SE 8?
  2. Differences between External Iteration and Internal Iteration?
  3. What are the major drawbacks of External Iteration?
  4. What are the major advantages of Internal Iteration over External Iteration?
  5. What is the major drawback of Internal Iteration over External Iteration?
  6. What is the major advantage of External Iteration over Internal Iteration?
  7. When do we need to use Internal Iteration? When do we need to use External Iteration?
  8. Differences between Intermediate Operations and Terminal Operations of Java 8’s Stream API?
  9. Is it possible to provide method implementations in Java Interfaces? If possible, how do we provide them?
  10. What is a Default Method? Why do we need Default methods in Java 8 Interfaces?
  11. What is a Static Method? Why do we need Static methods in Java 8 Interfaces?
  12. Differences between Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming?
  13. Explain issues of Old Java Date API? What are the advantages of Java 8’s Date and Time API over Old Date API and Joda Time API?
  14. Why do we need new Date and Time API in Java SE 8?Explain how Java SE 8 Data and Time API solves issues of Old Java Date API?
  15. What are the Differences between Java’s OLD Java Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API?
  16. What is Multiple Inheritance? How Java 8 supports Multiple Inheritance?
  17. What is Diamond Problem in interfaces due to default methods? How Java 8 Solves this problem?

Java SE 8 Interview Questions and Answers

What is Internal Iteration in Java SE 8?

Before Java 8, We don’t Internal Iteration concept. Java 8 has introduced a new feature known as “Internal Iteration”. Before Java 8, Java Language has only External Iteration to iterate elements of an Aggregated Object like Collections, Arrays etc. Internal Iteration means “Iterating an Aggregated Object elements one by one internally by Java API”. Instead of Java Application do iteration externally, We ask Java API to do this job internally.

Differences between External Iteration and Internal Iteration?

S.No. External Iteration Internal Iteration
1. Available before Java 8 too. It is introduced in Java SE 8
2. Iterating an Aggregated Object elements externally. Iterating an Aggregated Object elements internally (background).
3. Iterate elements by using for-each loop and Iterators like Enumeration, Iterator, ListIterator. Iterate elements by using Java API like “forEach” method.
4. Iterating elements in Sequential and In-Order only. Not required to iterate elements in Sequential order.
5. It follows OOP approach that is Imperative Style. It follows Functional Programming approach that is Declarative Style.
6. It does NOT separate responsibilities properly that is, it defines both “What is to be done” and “How it is to be done”. It defines only “What is to be done”. No need to worry about “How it is to be done”. Java API takes care about “How to do”.
7. Less Readable Code. More Readable code.

What are the major drawbacks of External Iteration?

External Iteration has the following drawbacks:

  • We need to write code in Imperative Style.
  • There is no clear separation of Responsibilities. Tightly-Coupling between “What is to be done” and “How it is to be done” code.
  • Less Readable Code.
  • More Verbose and Boilerplate code.
  • We have to iterate elements in Sequential order only.
  • It does not support Concurrency and Parallelism properly.

What are the major advantages of Internal Iteration over External Iteration?

Compare to External Iteration, Internal Iteration has the following advantages:

  • As it follows Functional Programming style, we can write Declarative Code.
  • More Readable and concise code.
  • Avoids writing Verbose and Boilerplate code
  • No need to iterate elements in Sequential order.
  • It supports Concurrency and Parallelism properly.
  • We can write Parallel code to improve application performance.
  • Clear separation of Responsibilities. Loosely-Coupling between “What is to be done” and “How it is to be done” code.
  • We need to write code only about “What is to be done” and Java API takes care about “How it is to be done” code.

What is the major drawback of Internal Iteration over External Iteration?

Compare to External Iteration, Internal Iteration has one major drawback:

  • In Internal Iteration, as Java API takes care about Iterating elements internally, we do NOT have control over Iteration.

What is the major advantage of External Iteration over Internal Iteration?

Compare to Internal Iteration, External Iteration has one major advantage:

  • In External Iteration, as Java API does NOT take care about Iterating elements, we have much control over Iteration.

When do we need to use Internal Iteration? When do we need to use External Iteration?

We need to understand the situations to use either Internal Iteration or External Iteration.

  • When we need more control over Iteration, we can use External Iteration.
  • When we do NOT need more control over Iteration, we can use Internal Iteration.
  • When we need to develop Highly Concurrency and Parallel applications and we , we should use Internal Iteration.

Differences between Intermediate Operations and Terminal Operations of Java 8’s Stream API?

S.No. Stream Intermediate Operations Stream Terminal Operations
1. Stream Intermediate operations are not evaluated until we chain it with Stream Terminal Operation. Stream Terminal Operations are evaluated on it’s own. No need other operations help.
2. The output of Intermediate Operations is another Stream. The output of Intermediate Operations is Not a Stream. Something else other than a Stream.
3. Intermediate Operations are evaluated Lazily. Terminal Operations are evaluated Eagerly.
4. We can chain any number of Stream Intermediate Operations. We can NOT chain Stream Terminal Operations.
5. We can use any number of Stream Intermediate Operations per Statement. We can use only one Stream Terminal Operation per Statement.

Is it possible to provide method implementations in Java Interfaces? If possible, how do we provide them?

In Java 7 or earlier, It is not possible to provide method implementations in Interfaces. Java 8 on-wards, it is possible. In Java SE 8, We can provide method implementations in Interfaces by using the following two new concepts:

  • Default Methods
  • Static Methods

What is a Default Method? Why do we need Default methods in Java 8 Interfaces?

A Default Method is a method which is implemented in an interface with “default” keyword. It’s new featured introduced in Java SE 8. We need Default Methods because of the following reasons:

  • It allow us to provide method’s implementation in Interfaces.
  • To add new Functionality to Interface without breaking the Classes which implement that Interface.
  • To provide elegant Backwards Compatibility Feature.
  • To ease of extend the existing Functionality.
  • To ease of Maintain the existing Functionality.

What is a Static Method? Why do we need Static methods in Java 8 Interfaces?

A Static Method is an Utility method or Helper method, which is associated to a class (or interface). It is not associated to any object. We need Static Methods because of the following reasons:

  • We can keep Helper or Utility methods specific to an interface in the same interface rather than in a separate Utility class.
  • We do not need separate Utility Classes like Collections, Arrays etc to keep Utility methods.
  • Clear separation of Responsibilities. That is we do not need one Utility class to keep all Utility methods of Collection API like Collections etc.
  • Easy to extend the API.
  • Easy to Maintain the API.

Differences between Functional Programming and Object-Oriented Programming?

Functional Programming OOP
Does not exist State Exists State
Uses Immutable data Uses Mutable data
It follows Declarative Programming Model It follows Imperative Programming Model
Stateless Programming Model Stateful Programming Model
Main Fcous on: “What you are doing” Main focus on “How you are doing”
Good for Parallel (Concurrency) Programming Poor for Parallel (Concurrency) Programming
Good for BigData processing and analysis NOT Good for BigData processing and analysis
Supports pure Encapsulation It breaks Encapsulation concept
Functions with No-Side Effects Methods with Side Effects
Functions are first-class citizens Objects are first-class citizens
Primary Manipulation Unit is “Function” Primary Manipulation Unit is Objects(Instances of Classes)
Flow Controls: Function calls, Function Calls with Recursion Flow Controls: Loops, Conditional Statements
It uses “Recursion” concept to iterate Collection Data. It uses “Loop” concept to iterate Collection Data. For example:-For-each loop in Java
Order of execution is less importance. Order of execution is must and very important.
Supports both “Abstraction over Data” and “Abstraction over Behavior”. Supports only “Abstraction over Data”.
We use FP when we have few Things with more operations. We use OOP when we have few Operations with more Things. For example: Things are classes and Operations are Methods in Java.

NOTE:- For more information about FP, IP and OOP comparisons, Please go through my previous post at: “Compare FP, OOP(IP)

Explain issues of Old Java Date API? What are the advantages of Java 8’s Date and Time API over Old Date API and Joda Time API?

Java’s OLD Java Date API means Date API available before Java SE 8 that is Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat etc. Java’s Old Date API has the following Issues or Drawbacks compare to Java 8’s Date and Time API and Joda Time API.

  • Most of the API is deprecated.
  • Less Readability.
  • java.util.Date is Mutable and not Thread-Safe.
  • java.text.SimpleDateFormat is not Thread-Safe.
  • Less Performance.

Java SE 8’s Date and Time API has the following Advantages compare to Java’s OLD Date API.

  • Very simple to use.
  • Human Readable Syntax that is More Readability.
  • All API is Thread-Safe.
  • Better Performance.

Why do we need new Date and Time API in Java SE 8?Explain how Java SE 8 Data and Time API solves issues of Old Java Date API?

We need Java 8’s Date and Time API to develop Highly Performance, Thread-Safe and Highly Scalable Java Applications. Java 8’s Date and Time API solves all Java’s Old Date API issues by following Immutability and Thread-Safety principles.

What are the Differences between Java’s OLD Java Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API?

Differences between Java’s OLD Java Date API and Java 8’s Date and Time API:

S.No. Java’s OLD Java Date API Java 8’s Date and Time API
1. Available before Java 8 too. It is introduced in Java SE 8
2. Not Thread Safe. Thread Safe.
3. Mutable API. Immutable API.
4. Less Performance. Better Performance.
5. Less Readability. More Readability.
6. It’s not recommended to use as its deprecated. It’s always recommended to use.
7. Not Extendable. Easy to Extend.
8. It defines months values from 0 to 11, that is January = 0. It defines months values from 1 to 12, that is January = 1.
9. It’s an old API. It’s a new API.

What is Multiple Inheritance? How Java 8 supports Multiple Inheritance?

Multiple Inheritance means a class can inherit or extend characteristics and features from more than one parent class. In Java 7 or Earlier, Multiple Inheritance is not possible because Java follows “A class should extend one and only one class or abstract class” Rule. However, it’s possible to provide Multiple Implementation Inheritance using Interface because Java follows “A class can extend any number of Interfaces” Rule. However, Java 8 supports “Implementing Methods in Interfaces” by introducing new features: Default methods in Interface. Because of this feature, Java 8 supports Multiple Inheritance with some limitations.

What is Diamond Problem in interfaces due to default methods? How Java 8 Solves this problem?

Java 8 default methods can introduce a diamond problem when a class implements multiple interfaces. It occurs when a Class extends more than one interfaces with the same method implementations (Default method). diamond problem interface default methods Sample Java SE 8 Code to show the Diamond Problem with interface default methods.

interface A {
	default void display() {

interface B extends A {
	default void display() {

interface C extends A {
	default void display() {

class D implements B, C {

In the above code snippet, class D gives compile-time error as “Duplicate default methods named display with the parameters () and () are inherited from the types C and B”. It’s because Java Compiler will get confused about which display() to use in class D. Class D inherits display() method from both interfaces B and C. To solve this problem, Java 8 has given the following solution.

class D implements B, C {

	public void display() {

This B.super.display(); will solve this Diamond Problem. If you want to use C interface default method, then use C.super.display();. That’s all about Java 8 Interview Questions. We will discuss some more Java SE 8 Interview Questions in my coming posts. Please drop me a comment if you like my post or have any issues/suggestions.

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DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
January 6, 2016

Very good tutorial on Java 8 questions. Thank you so much author for your help.

- Suresh

    DigitalOcean Employee
    DigitalOcean Employee badge
    January 11, 2016

    yes it is good tutorial.

    - jahir

      DigitalOcean Employee
      DigitalOcean Employee badge
      January 30, 2016

      Yours two Java 8 interview posts are too good. Waiting for more. Thanks l

      - Rakesh

        DigitalOcean Employee
        DigitalOcean Employee badge
        February 25, 2016

        Very Helpful Tutorial… Thanks!!!

        - Anuj Gupta

          DigitalOcean Employee
          DigitalOcean Employee badge
          July 15, 2016

          Interesting concepts and very understandable way of explanation. Thanks.

          - Sriphani

            DigitalOcean Employee
            DigitalOcean Employee badge
            August 13, 2016

            You dont have to have many duplicate questions. Otherwise, It is an informative blog.

            - Palani

              DigitalOcean Employee
              DigitalOcean Employee badge
              September 3, 2016

              Class able to create default methods ? Please check and correct the code snippet.

              - Muralikrishna

                DigitalOcean Employee
                DigitalOcean Employee badge
                December 14, 2016

                public interface A{ default void display() { //code goes here } } public interface B extends A{ } public interface C extends A{ } public class D implements B,C{ } You will not have compile error with your code above. You will only have compile error if classes B and C both have same display method signature.

                - Andrew Minchekov

                DigitalOcean Employee
                DigitalOcean Employee badge
                December 14, 2016

                B & C are Interfaces. When we B extends A, then B should inherit that method too right? Ram

                - Rambabu Posa

                  DigitalOcean Employee
                  DigitalOcean Employee badge
                  August 12, 2018

                  You are correct.

                  - Mohd Danish

                    DigitalOcean Employee
                    DigitalOcean Employee badge
                    January 17, 2017

                    Good posts on Java SE 8 Interview questions and answers. Gives an idea on what type of questions we can expect from Interviewers to prepare. Great job.

                    - Srao

                    DigitalOcean Employee
                    DigitalOcean Employee badge
                    March 28, 2017

                    You should said , java8 supports mupltiple inheritance with limitations, My questions what are that limitaions, how to work internally above code, why were you accessed display method with B class.

                    - Ganesh

                      DigitalOcean Employee
                      DigitalOcean Employee badge
                      November 15, 2017

                      In the above (diamond problem) example, I have not got any compile-time error. when default method of “Interface A” is overridden in “interface B” as well as “interface C” then we are getting compile-time error as follows: “Duplicate default methods named display with the parameters () and () are inherited from the types C and B”

                      - Preetesh Kumar

                        DigitalOcean Employee
                        DigitalOcean Employee badge
                        June 1, 2019

                        What will happen if we override display()method in B and C interface?

                        - Yogesh Pawar

                          DigitalOcean Employee
                          DigitalOcean Employee badge
                          October 11, 2019

                          On multiple inheritance: Always ask what do you mean. Java does not support multiple inheritance of classes. However Java supports multiple inheritance of interfaces.

                          - DP

                            DigitalOcean Employee
                            DigitalOcean Employee badge
                            June 3, 2020

                            The Diamond problem example given is wrong. It’s perfectly fine to implement multiple interfaces with default method common on parent class. 1. The closing brace in below statement got commented which is incorrect syntax: default void display() { //code goes here } 2. The program doesn’t show diamond problem it compiles correctly.

                            - Vaibhav Molawane

                            DigitalOcean Employee
                            DigitalOcean Employee badge
                            June 3, 2020

                            The wordings were not proper and some code snippets were missing, I have clarified it properly now.

                            - Pankaj

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