Jecelyn Yeen
If you are confused about the differences between forkJoin
, zip
, combineLatest
, and withLatestFrom
, you are not alone.
These four operators are what we know as
combination operators
- we use them when we need to join information from multiple observables.
This article will talk about the usage and differences between these four operators, so you know which one to use when the time comes.
Imagine you are printing t-shirts. Ms. Color holds the color
information, and Mr. Logo holds the logo
information. Both of them will pick color
and logo
spontaneously. You will need to wait and combine these two pieces of information continuously in order to print t-shirts. Ms. Color and Mr. Logo represent two observables in our code - color$
and logo$
We created two observables by using Subject. For part 4 in the code, every .next(<value>)
means Ms. Color or Mr. Logo is picking color or logo.
Take note of the sequence of information (part 4 in our code), here is the summary:
1. Ms. Color picks WHITE
2. Mr. Logo picks FISH
3. Ms. Color picks GREEN
4. Mr. Logo picks DOG
5. Ms. Color picks RED
6. Mr. Logo picks BIRD
7. Ms. Color picks BLUE
Later, we will update our code (part 3 & 5) to subscribe to both color and logo observables using the four different operators to see how the shirts are produced differently.
All set. Let’s start exploring our first operator!
I call the zip
operator the love birds operator. Love birds need to always be together.
Let’s replace our code (part 3) with below:
For those of you who are not familiar with JavaScript ES6/ES2015 destructuring assignment, you might find the syntax in subscribe [color, logo]
a little bit odd.
When we zip color$
and logo$
, we expect to receive an array of 2 items during subscribe
, the first item is color
and the second is logo
(follow their orders in zip
The traditional way of writing it would be .subscribe((data) => console.log(
${data[0]} shirt with ${data[1]}))
. As you can see, it’s not very obvious that data[0]
is color.
ES6 allows us to unpack the value from arrays. Therefore, we unpack data
into [color, logo]
straight away.
Alright, let’s go back to our code and run it. The shirt printing result would be:
Here is what gets logged to the console:
1. white shirt with fish
2. green shirt with dog
3. red shirt with bird
work?Again, zip
operator is the love birds operator. In our case, color
will wait for logo
whenever there are new values. Both values must change, then only the log gets triggered.
1. Ms. Color picks WHITE
2. Mr. Logo picks FISH <- log 01, WHITE + FISH in pair, love birds!
3. Ms. Color picks GREEN
4. Mr. Logo picks DOG <- log 02, GREEN + DOG in pair, love birds!
5. Ms. Color picks RED
6. Mr. Logo picks BIRD <- log 03, RED + BIRD in pair love birds!
7. Ms. Color picks BLUE <- waiting for love...
operator can accept more than 2 observables - no matter how many observables, they must all wait for each other, no man left behind!
I call combineLatest
operator the independent operator. They are independent and don’t wait for each other.
Let’s replace the setup code part 3 with the below code:
The shirt printing result would be:
Here is what get to log in the console:
1. white shirt with fish
2. green shirt with fish
3. green shirt with dog
4. red shirt with dog
5. red shirt with bird
6. blue shirt with bird
work?In our case, the first function is triggered after both color
and logo
values change. From there, either the color
or logo
value change will trigger the log.
1. Ms. Color picks WHITE
2. Mr. Logo picks FISH <- log 01, color + logo first meet, let's go dutch!
3. Ms. Color picks GREEN <- log 02, GREEN + FISH
4. Mr. Logo picks DOG <- log 03, DOG + GREEN
5. Ms. Color picks RED <- log 04, RED + DOG
6. Mr. Logo picks BIRD <- log 05 BIRD + RED
7. Ms. Color picks BLUE <- log 06 BLUE + BIRD
I call withLatestFrom
operator the primary/secondary operator. At first, the primary must meet the secondary. After that, the primary will take the lead, giving command. The secondary will follow.
Let’s replace the code in part 3 with the below code:
The shirt printing result would be:
Here is what is logged to the console:
1. green shirt with fish
2. red shirt with dog
3. blue shirt with bird
work?Can you guess who is the primary and who is the secondary in our case?
You guessed it! color
is the primary while logo
is the secondary. At first (only once), color
(primary) will look for logo
(secondary). Once the logo
(secondary) has responded, color
(primary) will take the lead. The log will get triggered whenever the next color
(primary) value is changed. The logo
(secondary) value changes will not trigger the console log.
1. Ms. Color picks WHITE <- nothing happen, waiting for secondary
2. Mr. Logo picks FISH <- secondary found, wait for the primary's command
3. Ms. Color picks GREEN <- log 01, primary says GREEN! So, GREEN + FISH
4. Mr. Logo picks DOG
5. Ms. Color picks RED <- log 02, primary says RED! So, RED + DOG
6. Mr. Logo picks BIRD
7. Ms. Color picks BLUE <- log 03 primary says BLUE! So, BLUE + BIRD
I call forkJoin
operator the final destination operator because they only commit once all parties are completely true.
Let’s replace the code in part 3 with the following code:
The shirt printing result would be:
You will notice that nothing is logged in the console.
In our code, both color
and logo
observables are not complete. We can keep pushing value by calling .next
- that means they are not serious enough and thus they are not final destination
of each other.
To be serious, we need to complete
both observables. Replace the code in part 5 with the following:
With the above code changes, Here is our shirt printing result:
This is what is logged to the console:
1. blue shirt with bird
Here is the sequence of the log:
1. Ms. Color picks WHITE
2. Mr. Logo picks FISH
3. Ms. Color picks GREEN
4. Mr. Logo picks DOG
5. Ms. Color picks RED
6. Mr. Logo picks BIRD
7. Ms. Color picks BLUE
8. Ms. Color completed <-- color is serious!
9. Mr. Logo completed <--- log no 01, both logo & color are completed. Final destination!
There is more than one way to complete observables. There are operators that allow you to auto-complete observables when conditions are met, for example take, takeUntil, and first.
Let’s say you only want to make one shirt; you only need to know the first color
and logo
. In this case, you don’t care about the rest of the info that Ms. Color & Mr. Logo provide. You can make use of the take
or first
operator to achieve auto-complete observables once the first color
and logo
Replace part 3 of the code with the following:
You can remove all the code in part 5 as well. We don’t need the two lines .complete()
(as previous code) because take
and first
will auto-complete the observable when the is condition met.
With the above change, you should see a white shirt with fish:
Here is the summary of all results:
In summary, these four operators trigger the next action (subscribe function in our case) in slightly different conditions.
In some cases, the outcome of using different operators might be the same (that’s why people get confused on which one to use), it would be good to understand the intention of the operator & decide accordingly.
One of the most common use cases of combination operators would be calling a few APIs, wait for all results return, then executing next logic. Either forkJoin
or zip
will work and return the same result because API calls are one-time only, auto-completed once result is returned (e.g. Angular httpClient.get
However, by understanding the operators more, forkJoin
might be more suitable in this case. It is because we “seriously” want to wait for all HTTP responses to complete before proceeding to the next step. zip
is intended for observables with multiple emits. In our case, we expect only one emit for each HTTP request. Therefore, I think forkJoin
is more appropriate.
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Great article and examples. This makes it easier to understand the difference between the operators. Can you guys please re-upload the images. Some of them are missing e.g. quiz. Thanks a lot!
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Awesome article. Love how you always nail it with your tutorials. 2 comments though - reupload the images and refrain from using terms like Master & Slave! :)
No more confusion :) thank you for great explanation!