teraone trusts DigitalOcean to help them deliver excellent solutions

"It just works. That’s something I really like about DigitalOcean. There are no unstable features or consistent errors. This is really important. I would say DigitalOcean always delivers.”

teraone trusts DigitalOcean to help them deliver excellent solutions

teraone is a German company that builds custom software and applications for enterprise clients. They specialize in serving the unique needs of individual organizations through robust customer support and individualized, custom-built solutions. The organization builds websites, applications, and software and provides solutions like performance optimization, API development, and more.

A focus on the customer

The team at teraone specializes in building the best solution for the client’s needs. They prioritize relationships and communication to solve complex problems. teraone clients don’t have Customer Support Managers that act as a go-between between the client and the development team. Instead, teraone clients receive direct access to the developers working on their projects. teraone developers must speak the primary language of their clients, most often German, to better facilitate communication and further develop a close working relationship.

teraone needs to partner with an infrastructure provider that they trust so that they can maintain trust with their own clients. They also need a cloud provider that’s easy to use, enabling developers to focus on their customers and applications and less on managing infrastructure. Every cloud provider has different strengths, so building custom solutions for their clients includes choosing the right cloud partner for the right project.

Over the last three years, the team at teraone has moved away from their previous primary cloud provider in favor of DigitalOcean due to their growing needs that were better suited to DigitalOcean’s offerings. At first, they moved staging services to DigitalOcean. After that proved successful, they slowly migrated production services to DigitalOcean’s platform. Finally, they utilized DigitalOcean’s Managed Databases offerings. Now, DigitalOcean is teraone’s primary cloud provider and their preferred solution for root service. They consistently use DigitalOcean Droplets and Managed Databases.

Every problem has its perfect solution. In most projects, DigitalOcean Droplets is the best solution. It’s so easy and fast to set up, and in the end, you have your perfect solution at a reasonable price.”—Stefan Gotre, Managing Partner, teraone

Serving enterprise clients means that the solutions teraone provides must be fast, reliable, and able to handle high peak traffic loads. The teraone team has to ensure optimal performance and be able to troubleshoot quickly should the need arise. They appreciate the straightforward platform that allows for ease of use while also being able to enter config and adjust details when necessary.

“It just works. That’s something I really like about DigitalOcean. There are no unstable features or consistent errors. This is really important. I would say DigitalOcean always delivers.”—Stefan Gotre, Managing Partner, teraone

Solving challenges with custom solutions

Every build at teraone is custom. Once they identify a need, the team works to solve the problem in a way that’s best for that specific client. For example, an enterprise client requested that teraone build a fully customized analytics solution that could handle high peak loads and allow the customer to view analytic data in near real time. The team leveraged DigitalOcean’s infrastructure offerings to help build a solution that met those requirements, didn’t need cookies, and presented fully anonymized and usable data compliant with GDPR. This custom setup allows them to have a better view of their traffic—the teraone solution can track between 5-10% more than the closest out-of-the-box analytics competitors at a better price point.

“It makes a difference that DigitalOcean has a data center in Frankfurt. It’s so important, especially for GDPR, to know that data doesn’t leave the European Union. It’s the perfect location for us, and knowing we could also use Amsterdam is an added benefit.” —Stefan Gotre, Managing Partner, teraone

teraone’s custom analytics solution also can track watch time for media clients, allowing customers to compare watch times with events and various segments with custom dimensions without aggregating data and using a data warehouse on their own.

Future growth

The team at teraone continues to prioritize the customer experience. While they continue to grow, they don’t lose sight of the importance of relationships. They continue to expand their customer base while maintaining the close partnerships between developers and their customers. They plan to continue their close collaboration with DigitalOcean, providing their clients with the perfect solutions for sticky pain points.



Software development



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