

Video Marketing Strategies for Business Growth

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Video marketing offers a compelling avenue for companies to garner engagement, communicate their brand narrative, and turn viewers into customers. In a survey conducted in 2023, 95% of the participants acknowledged that video marketing was instrumental in amplifying their brand awareness. Furthermore, 90% said that their video strategy was effective in lead generation, while 87% reported a sales increase attributed to their video marketing efforts.

Moving beyond static text on landing pages and blog posts, video content introduces a dynamic element to a company’s messaging. Whether hosting a detailed how-to on YouTube or sharing a behind-the-scenes clip on Instagram Reels, video marketing extends reach and fosters a deeper connection with audiences. This article will delve into the impact of video marketing, underlining its role in a comprehensive startup marketing plan.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is the strategic implementation of videos to promote and market your product or service, engage with your audience, and drive them to take a desired action. This tactic includes different video types and strategies tailored to foster awareness, boost engagement, and drive conversion.

Video marketing is not merely creating and sharing videos, but optimizing these visual assets for SEO, making them accessible to a broader audience through various channels, and measuring their impact on your brand’s goals.

The benefits of video marketing

With a myriad of marketing ideas for startups, video should be at the top of your list. Why? A 2020 report revealed that in the US alone, there were 244.4 million digital video viewers. The rise of video marketing has opened up new avenues for brands to communicate, engage, and convert their target audience.

1. Unlocks viral potential through shareable content

Video content can capture information in a digestible format, contributing to its shareability. When a video resonates with viewers, it prompts organic social media sharing across platforms, increasing its reach and potential to go viral—particularly on platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels. This chain reaction amplifies brand visibility and sets a fertile ground for enhanced audience engagement and conversion.

2. Boosts search engine ranking and SEO value

Search engines surface rich, engaging content, and videos are no exception. Incorporating video content into your content strategy can improve your SEO by encouraging visitors to spend more time on your site, which Google interprets as a positive endorsement of your content.

Optimizing your video content with relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions further boosts its visibility on search engines, increasing online discoverability and driving traffic. Using YouTube for distributing content works well here; it’s the second largest search engine globally after Google, which significantly expands a brand’s reach and the potential for audience engagement amidst a vast user base actively seeking information and entertainment.

3. Simplifies the explanation of complex concepts

Videos can break down complex concepts into digestible information through visual storytelling. Explainer videos, for instance, can convey a complex product or service in a simplified, engaging manner, making it easier for potential customers to understand the value proposition. This clarity in communication fosters a better understanding, builds trust, and encourages a positive response from the target audience. This makes video marketing a powerful tool for businesses with complex offerings—from developer tools to fintech solutions.

4. Engages and retains audience with compelling content

Video content appeals to a wide range of audiences, capturing attention and encouraging deeper engagement. Through compelling storytelling, relatable scenarios, and aesthetic appeal, video content creates a lasting impression, fostering a stronger connection between the brand and the audience. This level of engagement is key for driving customer retention.

5. Fosters a genuine connection through authentic brand storytelling

Video marketing provides a unique platform for brands to narrate their stories authentically. Whether you’re creating personalized message videos or behind-the-scenes footage, companies can showcase their culture, values, and the people behind the brand, fostering a genuine connection with their audience. This authenticity in storytelling enhances brand loyalty and encourages a community of engaged followers.

10 types of marketing videos

There are various types of marketing videos, each serving a unique purpose in a brand’s marketing strategy. Selecting the right type of video is crucial to resonate with your audience and drive awareness of your particular product.

1. Product walk-through videos

Product walk-through videos showcase the features and benefits of a product, offering a detailed insight into its functionality. These videos can factor into your product marketing strategy, allowing potential customers to understand the product’s value before purchasing. Product walk-through videos have the added benefit of reducing the customer support load by addressing common queries and demonstrating how to solve common issues.

Dropbox used a product walk-through video, guided by a design strategist employee, to introduce their new AI-powered universal search product to users.

2. Animated videos

Animated videos provide a creative and engaging way to explain complex concepts or abstract ideas. They are visually appealing and can simplify intricate information into a more digestible format. With the ability to control every aspect of the animation, companies can ensure that the video aligns perfectly with their brand identity and message, making animated videos a versatile tool in a video marketing strategy.

When introducing our Managed MongoDB offering at DigitalOcean, we used a branded animated video with a voiceover to outline the product and the value proposition to customers.

3. How-to videos

How-to videos are educational and provide value by teaching the audience something new or solving a particular problem. They position the brand as an industry expert, fostering trust and credibility. By offering solutions through how-to videos, companies not only engage their audience but also drive organic traffic through search, as individuals often search for how-to content online.

Discord has a series of educational videos for users, including their audience of gamers. Their “How to Use Discord Voice Chat on PS5” video has garnered over one million views, pointing to its high search value.

4. Commercials

Commercials are a cornerstone of video marketing campaigns, designed to promote a product or service and incite interest among viewers. They are crafted to be catchy, memorable, and shareable to maximize reach and engagement. With a compelling call to action, commercials can drive significant traffic and conversions, making them a vital part of a company’s video marketing strategy.

The fintech company, Wealthsimple, produced a series of commercials emphasizing the significance of securing one’s financial future through the narrative of “present you” and “future you.” One of these commercials was showcased during the Super Bowl.

5. Behind-the-scenes videos

Behind-the-scenes videos offer a glimpse into the company’s culture and the people behind the brand, fostering a personal connection with the audience. They humanize the brand and demonstrate transparency, building trust and loyalty. Behind-the-scenes videos enhance the brand’s authenticity and relatability by showcasing the effort and teamwork that goes into delivering a product or service.

When we launched our Sydney data center at DigitalOcean, our SYDI Team filmed “Data Center Diaries” giving viewers a look into the inner workings of the underlying physical infrastructure of our cloud services.

6. Event videos

Event videos capture the essence of a live event, conference, or seminar, allowing those who couldn’t attend to experience it virtually. They extend the life of the event, creating a lasting resource that continues to engage audiences long after the event has concluded. Furthermore, event videos can be repurposed into smaller clips for social media posts, offering additional value and extending the brand’s reach across digital channels.

Spotify, the music streaming giant, frequently hosts and sponsors events, crafting event videos such as their recap of CultureCon 2023.

7. Brand videos

Brand videos capture the ethos, values, and vision of a company, serving as a powerful tool for building brand awareness and affinity. They narrate the brand’s story in a compelling manner, resonating with the audience on an emotional level. Through authentic storytelling, brand videos enhance the perceived value and credibility of the company, fostering a deeper connection with the target audience.

Notion’s “For Your Life’s Work” brand video illustrates how individuals can utilize their project tool across major life phases—from job hunting to reskilling.

8. Podcast interview videos

Podcast interview videos offer an auditory and visual experience, providing a platform for in-depth discussions or interviews. They’re a strong medium to share expertise and insights, positioning the brand as a thought leader in its industry. Moreover, the long-form nature of podcast videos allows for a deeper engagement with the audience, establishing a loyal community around insightful and valuable content.

Figma, a popular collaborative design tool, regularly interviews designers and experts within their broader community. Part of their series included speaking with May-Li Khoe, and sharing her insights through video.

9. Customer case study videos

Customer case study videos highlight real-world examples of how a product or service has positively impacted customers. They provide social proof and build credibility by showcasing actual results and testimonials. By portraying real success stories, customer case study videos resonate well with potential customers, helping to alleviate any concerns and encouraging them to take the desired action.

GitHub, utilized by countless developers across a myriad of companies, showcases interesting use cases through their customer story video series. For instance, they highlight how Mercedes-Benz leverages GitHub to enhance their car functionalities, marketing efforts, and more.

10. Live videos

Live videos create a real-time engagement experience, allowing viewers to interact with the brand instantly. They are unscripted and spontaneous, which makes them feel more authentic and personal. Live videos are excellent for Q&A sessions, product launches, or showcasing company culture, enabling real-time feedback and fostering a strong community of engaged followers.

To generate excitement for the GPT-4 release, OpenAI hosted a live stream for developers, delving into the capabilities of the new iteration.

How to create a video marketing strategy

Embarking on a video marketing journey requires a well-thought-out strategy to ensure the content created resonates with the target audience and meets the intended objectives. A strategic approach to video marketing increases engagement with your audience and optimizes the investment made in creating and distributing video content.

1. Consider your audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful video marketing strategy. Delve into demographic data, customer feedback, and market research to ascertain the preferences and behaviors of your target audience. For instance, if your audience comprises a younger demographic, platforms like TikTok or YouTube might be more suitable for video content distribution, informing the platform choice based on demographic preferences.

2. Create video goals

It’s pivotal to establish clear objectives for your video marketing campaign, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or boosting conversions. Here are various metrics you can track to see whether your goals are on track:

  • View count: This is a primary metric that indicates the total number of times the video has been viewed. A higher view count signifies a broader reach and more extensive engagement with the target audience.
  • Shares: The number of times the video has been shared on social media platforms or other channels is a testament to its relevance and the value it provides to the viewers. More shares expand the video’s reach beyond the immediate audience.
  • Comments: The comments section provides direct feedback from the audience, offering insights into the viewers’ perceptions, questions, or concerns regarding the content or the software solution presented.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): This metric measures the ratio of viewers who click on the call-to-action or the links provided in the video description to the total viewers. A higher CTR indicates a more compelling call-to-action and a higher level of interest in exploring the software solution further.
  • Likes and dislikes: These reactions give a basic understanding of the audience’s sentiment towards the content. A high ratio of likes to dislikes often indicates positive reception.
  • Subscriber growth: Monitoring the growth in subscribers on the YouTube channel following the release of how-to videos can indicate the level of interest and the potential for fostering a loyal audience.
  • Traffic sources: Understanding where the viewers are coming from—be it through YouTube search, external websites, or direct links—can help in optimizing future video marketing strategies to target the right channels and audience segments.

3. Select your video type

The choice of video content—be it explainer videos, product walkthroughs, or customer testimonials—should align with both your goals and audience preferences. For example, explainer videos can be incredibly effective in breaking down complex concepts, while customer testimonials may build trust and credibility with potential customers.

The type of video selected should serve the intended purpose, ensuring that the message is conveyed and resonates with the target audience.

4. Set your budget

Determining the budget for your video marketing efforts is crucial and should factor in costs for video creation, promotion, and analysis. It’s important to allocate resources wisely—consider investing in quality video editing software or hiring professionals for polished, high-quality videos that reflect well on your brand. If your budget is limited, consider low-production formats posted and distributed on platforms like TikTok.

A well-set budget ensures that the video marketing campaign remains on track financially while achieving the desired objectives.

5. Decide on your messaging

Your video’s message should be clear, concise, and aligned with your brand values. Keep the message simple and direct, ensuring it resonates with your target audience. The script, visuals, and call-to-action should all harmonize to convey the intended message, creating a coherent and impactful video.

6. Choose your platform

Selecting the right platform for distributing your video content is crucial for the success of your video marketing campaign. Potential platforms include YouTube for a wide range of video content, Facebook for live videos and video ads, Instagram for short videos and stories, LinkedIn for B2B marketing videos, and TikTok for engaging short videos aimed at a younger audience.

The choice of platform can significantly impact the reach and engagement of your video marketing campaign. Tailor your video content to suit the platform’s audience and format requirements.

7. Create your video

Creating compelling video content is a crucial step in your video marketing strategy. Start with a clear script or storyboard outlining key messages, visuals, and call-to-actions. Ensure that your messaging is succinct, engaging, and tailored to the platform and audience you aim to reach.

Tools to help create your video

Tips for shooting your video

  • Use a good quality camera and ensure proper lighting to produce clear visuals.
  • Use a tripod to stabilize the camera and avoid shaky footage.
  • Ensure good audio quality by using external microphones if necessary.
  • Keep the background neat and free from distractions.
  • Plan your shots, and use a variety of angles and compositions to keep the video visually engaging.

Tips for editing your video

  • Trim any unnecessary footage and ensure a good flow between scenes.
  • Use royalty-free background music and sound effects judiciously to enhance the mood.
  • Include captions or subtitles to ensure accessibility.
  • Incorporate your brand colors, logos, and other brand elements.
  • Use text overlays to emphasize key points and add visual interest.

8. Select a video hosting platform

Choosing the right hosting platform is integral for distributing your video content, particularly if it will live somewhere beyond social media. Evaluate the platform’s analytics, SEO benefits, and its ability to integrate with your website and social media channels.

Here are several video hosting platforms to consider:

  • YouTube: Offers broad reach, monetization through ads, community-building features, and SEO benefits due to its status as the second largest search engine.
  • Vimeo: Preferred by professionals for high-quality video hosting, customizable video players, in-depth analytics, and an ad-free viewing experience.
  • Wistia: Business-focused with customizable players, integrated lead generation tools, and advanced analytics for measuring video performance.
  • DailyMotion: Provides global reach focusing on European viewers, monetization through advertising, customizable channels, and live streaming support.
  • Twitch: Targeted at gamers and live streamers, offering monetization, real-time viewer interaction during live streams, and strong community-building features.

9. Repurpose and distribute your videos

Maximize the reach and lifespan of your video content by repurposing and distributing them across various platforms and formats. Create shorter clips for social media, embed videos in blog posts or on product pages, and share your videos in email marketing campaigns. Tailoring the video format to each platform ensures a wider reach and better engagement with diverse audiences.

Consider a distribution and repurposing strategy across these platforms:

  • Social media platforms: Share videos directly on profiles, pages, or groups to engage your audience; snippets or highlights from longer videos can be reshared as short-form content or teasers.
  • Website: Embed videos on relevant pages to enhance content and provide visual aid to visitors; sections of videos can be repurposed as feature highlights or testimonials.
  • Blog: As part of your content marketing strategy, embed videos within blog posts to provide a multimedia experience; videos can be broken down into smaller clips to support written content or to create video summaries of blog posts.
  • Newsletter: Share video links or embed videos within newsletters or email marketing to engage with your mailing list; a video version of a newsletter or video snippets can be created to highlight key points.
  • YouTube: Upload videos to reach a wide audience with SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, and tags; shorter videos can be compiled into longer compilations or organized into topic-based playlists.
  • Paid advertising: Use video content in paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn; videos can be edited to fit various advertising formats or target different audience segments.

10. Track your video analytics and measure results

Measuring the performance of your video marketing efforts is crucial for understanding the ROI and for making data-driven decisions for future campaigns. Use the analytics your video hosting platform provides to track views, engagement, and traffic driven to your website.

Benchmark these metrics against your initial goals to evaluate the success of your video marketing strategy, and use these insights to optimize your future video marketing efforts.

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