Hello, I’m Sanjeev Mansotra. Is it compulsory to Adjust Firewall Rules while connecting the DigitalOcean app platform with Cloudflare?
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The DigitalOcean App Platform simplifies a lot of the backend complexities, including the management of firewalls. Unlike when you’re directly managing Droplets and need to adjust firewall rules manually through the DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls, the App Platform provides a higher level of abstraction. This means a lot of the security and network configuration is handled for you, making your life a bit easier.
So, to answer your question: No, it’s not compulsory to adjust firewall rules within DigitalOcean when connecting the App Platform with Cloudflare because the platform is designed to manage such configurations automatically.
Hope that this helps!
Heya, @sanjeevmansotra
That is a great question which was discussed before in the community, you can check this question as it contains additional information:
For Firewall Rule while connecting Digital ocean you have to follow these steps. For more details visit this link https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/networking/firewalls/how-to/configure-rules/