Hey guys!
I have a Ubuntu 16.04.x server, where I installed MySQL. Works great and everything, but I would like MySQL to be restarted if it, for any reason stops. First of all, i know this isn’t a very good solution, because there is a reason that the MySQL proccess stops. But I also have a Ubuntu 14.04.x server which has been running for over a year, where it happend 2 times. In these cases it would be really nice to get it up and running again. I have my logs to see why it went down.
So to the actual thing I need help with:
I found this script, that claims to be able to restart MySQL if it stops:
I have made a file called mysqlfix.sh in /root/
if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service mysql status)" =~ "start/running" ]]
echo " The MySQL service on the server has been stopped. It has now been restarted." | mail -s " MySQL has been restarted" my@email.com
sudo service mysql start
Then made sure that it can run:
chmod +x mysqlfix.sh
Then added a cron job(crontab -e) that checks it every minute:
chmod +x mysqlfix.sh
This seems to be working on Ubuntu 14.04.x. But not on my new Ubuntu 16.04 server. It sends me an E-mail every minute with the “The MySQL has been restarted” message. This makes me think that the if statement is wrong. But I haven’t been able to find what is wrong with it.
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Reason could be that Ubuntu 16.04.x is now using
instead ofUpstart
. This results in changed output of servicestatus
command. When you run/usr/sbin/service mysql status
in terminal you will notice this:As far as you see, output is changed. Most important change is this:
Active: active (running)
.So, if you change your if to:
if [[ ! "$(/usr/sbin/service mysql status)" =~ "active (running)" ]]
, your script should be working fine.Whole script for reference will be:
I have a similar script, but it can check other services as well. I recently updated it to work with 16.04:
Hello, both of you.
Thanks for the feedback. That was pretty obvious, when you break it down. I have marked xMudrii’s answer as accepted, because it was a specific answer to the question.
But altso thanks to you sierracircle, I’ll use your script instead. This way I can monitor more services.
Thanks to both of you!