I have a VPS droplet running debian that has been setup and working, but I need to manage it.
I am used to using Cpanel, but it’s not installed on this server. I would like it.
I know many will say it’s not the best way to do it… but I either need to install something i can understand and navigate better, or find an administrator who is available when I need him/her to help with minor management, create backups, add/remove ftp users, etc.
The only purpose of my droplet is to host a WPMU multisite install, currently has about 11 sites on network, hopefully will be thousands.
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Hello, @davenys
At the moment you can install cPanel/WHM only on CentOS, CloudLinux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.
You can also check the official documentation provided from cPanel. The Operating systems section is the one you’re looking for:
Keep in mind that we have a on-click droplet install for cPanel/WHM available from the marketplace:
This will quickly deploy your cPanel droplet for you and you will be ready to go and configure your WPMU multisite.
Hope this helps!
Regards, Alex
Cpanel cannot run on any other OS other than centos. I installed it Cpanel in my droplet but it took me a while to figure out everything. So if you don’t have much experience with linux administration this might be a somewhat challenging task.
You cannot run cPanel on Debian