I just created a ubuntu 18.04 LTS droplet with SSH connection. I am trying to access it from my terminal at local machine by ssh <PUBLIC IP>. but I am getting Permission Denied (public key). I have added the SSH key from id_rsa to my DO account and also added it to the droplet when creating. I did not set any password as I wanted to do via SSH only. When I am trying to access console from the dashboard, it’s asking for password which I did not set. How can I solve this?
I tried to destroy and recreate droplet, but same problem is occurring. How can I fix it?
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You need to add your id_rsa.pub key to your DigitalOcean account. Also when you ssh you can use the -vvv option to get more verbose output and see why it fails to connect, e.g
If the ssh is still failing, feel free to paste the output of the ssh connection.
The above answer doesn’t really solve it in my opinion.
You want to set
toSSH keys
Espescially when creating from the command line you want to specify the
You can get the ssh keys for your account with:
I found similar problem where the ‘Add SSH Keys’ dialog does not update the ‘.ssh/authorizedkeys’ file for root. This must be done manually. However a separate issue is that the DO Console opens a terminal browser window that has a short copy/past buffer (~128bytes). From the terminal window run nano ‘.ssh/authorized_keys’ for root, and update the rsa key by repeating copy/paste multiple times until the entire rsa key value is copied