How the heck do I copy or paste anything from the web console? I’ve tried both Safari and Chrome. I’m trying to get ssh to work but I can’t copy/paste keys or get authorized any other way.
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I got it. I just needed to ssh in as root to set everything up.
If you’re on a MacBook / MacBook Pro, the best option is to use Terminal or Hyper – on Windows, it’s best to use PuTTy.
The console that’s available through the DigitalOcean Control Panel requires that you type in input – you won’t be able to CMD+V or CTRL+V it in.
Was locked out due to disabling password authentication and Permission denied (publickey).
On a Mac, wrote an AppleScript to type.
In Script Editor located /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor
Make sure to have ~/.ssh/authorized_keys already open in an editor and in insert mode waiting to type
Press play
After a 20 second delay (hopefully, enough time to change to the console browser window ready for the typing to start) this will type the text inside
set textToType to
emulating keystrokes