I want to copy to my local pc a backup of my database, wich is called db_backup.sql
I’m using scp like this: scp my_user@my_ip:/db_backup.sql C:\
I have windows 10 in my local pc so I’m just moving it to the C:\ partition.
The error I keep getting is: ssh: Could not resolve hostname c: Temporary failure in name resolution
Any ideas on how to solve this, or what am I doing wrong?
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Hi @fcorrea,
The best solution would be to do the SCP command from your Local Machine. Basically, open PuTTy or an SSH terminal if you have one(Newer versions of Windows allow you to have Ubuntu subsystem installed and from there you can use the terminal). Once you do, just run
This will connect on port 22 to your Droplet and download the file at the location you specified.
Hello, @fcorrea
You can transfer files from a local computer to a Droplet using a variety of different protocols and file transfer clients. We recommend using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) with FileZilla because it is a free, open-source, cross-platform tool with a user interface that supports newer users.
You can check the following tutorials:
Regards, Alex