I feel like I’ve tried EVERYTHING to get my server’s email working. I’ve been working at it on and off for months. Here’s what I’ve done so far:
I’m running a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 14.04
I’m currently hosting two websites using virtual hosts
I followed this guide to set up Exim
Followed this guide to set up SPF and DKIM for my virtual hosts
Here’s what my SPF and DKIM records look like
Used this tool to verify my SPF and DKIM records
Everything looks good, and yet when I send a test email from my server to my Gmail account, it is flagged with the question mark icon and says “Gmail couldn’t verify that windhorse.ca actually sent this message (and not a spammer).”
Could it be that I’ve taken so long to get this working that Gmail has flagged my domain as spam??
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FOUND THE ANSWER - I had named my droplet “windhorse”, and it turns out all I had to do was rename it to “windhorse.ca” (my domain!) It works now!!