After I created a project, how can I change its name or edit its description?
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Hello, @erel
You can navigate to the Project page from your account and then go to settings tab (this one should open by default wehn you access the Project page but if not make sure to access it). This will give you the Project details and from there you can change the Name and the description as well from the ‘Add a description’ field. You can then save the settings and this will be updated.
Hope this help!
Regards, Alex
Hello all,
Let’s assume you need to update your Team. You need to enter your Control Panel, on the top right corner click on your Name and select My Account:
Once you are there, you’ll see information on your USer and Account. There you’ll see Your teams and underneath your actual team. Click the tree dots on the team line and select manage team settings.
In there you can edit everything about your team as well.
Hope this helps!