I signed up for a free trial, got called away from my pc come back 3 hours later and my account is susspended and you want $5 to activate it! not even used the free trial to see if it’s any good!!!
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Dec 2019 Update:
We currently offer a $100, 60-day Free Credit for new accounts that you can get by signing up here:
LINK: If you know someone already using DigitalOcean, get their referral link, or use this one: https://m.do.co/c/74a1c5d63dac
Frequently asked Questions:
How do I get the credit? If you are eligible, your free trial will start when you sign up for DigitalOcean. You will need a credit card or valid paypal account so that we can verify your identity, but you will not be charged or billed during your free trial.
Who is eligible? New customers to DigitalOcean with a valid credit card or paypal account are eligible. You are eligible if you have not previously signed up for the free trial.
How does it expire? 60 days after the credit was added, any remaining credit will be zeroed out. If you continue to use our paid services after the 60 days your credit card will be charged at the beginning of the following month.
What products can I use the credit on? You can use it on any services provided by DigitalOcean, for example all Droplet plans, Spaces object storage, Block Storage, and Load Balancers. NOTE: We offer this Free Trial to help make building amazing things on DigitalOcean as easy and accessible as possible. Mining cryptocurrencies doesn’t fit that criteria and will result in removal of credits.
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I signed up for a free trial and immediately attempted to create a droplet. I get an error saying the account is suspended. I tired signing up again under two other email addresses and got exactly the same results.