I want to connect my Gitlab project with a Kubernetes cluster.
Basically I want to try to create my first CI/CD pipeline.
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With GitLab this is quite straight forward to do.
Create an account with Gitlab.com
Create your GitLab project
Once you have all that ready, you could follow the steps on the official GitLab website, they have really good documentation on how to add an existing Kubernetes cluster to your project:
The best thing is that once you’ve added the cluster, you can just install applications like Helm Tiller and Prometheus, directly via your GitLab interface with just one click.
Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby
I was able to follow this and am able to integrate kubernetes in gitlab.
But I cannot do anything further…I get :
Something went wrong while installing Helm Tiller Failed to install. Even if I have installed Helm and Tiller manually.
Do you know any solution for this ? Thanks Julian
Follow up question, since the CA expires every week, will we need to update the configuration on Gitlab every week?