I would like to destroy a droplet but I need to keep the snapshot I have created. How can that be done?
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Hi all,
As this is a very popular question I would like to confirm all of the questions asked in it.
Destroying a droplet does not remove it’s snapshots unless specifically set to. Basically, you can delete your droplet without any worries of your snapshots disappearing.
Having said that, please note that after you delete the droplet, the only way to get to the snapshot would be from the Images tab on your left side of the screen.
Now, if you want to delete a snapshot, you can go to your Images tab and click more on the snapshot, there you’ll see a Destroy button for it.
Regards, KFSys
This doesn’t seem true anymore: Just deleted a droplet, and it seems the snapshot is also gone…
Destroying a droplet does not delete the snapshots.