I would like to deploy my NodeJs app using the App Platform. What is the recommended way of deploying when the app has the following:
Do I need to prepare and create a container image or is there anyother way.
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There are a few options.
As you mentioned, you can prepare and create a container image, and host it on a repository such as DockerHub, or DO’s own image repository service.
If you are starting a brand new repo, a great option is to fork off DO’s sample App repo, and build up from there. With just a little more effort, you could fork off the sample repo and incorporate your existing work into it. Details are available in this tutorial: https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform/getting-started/sample-apps/node/
You can create a repo with a Dockerfile and deploy this repo to App Platform. This will result in slower build-times, but DO will handle actually building the image and deploying it. This option seems best for the most complicated orchestration, using a monorepo for multiple resources. Details about this option can be seen at https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform/reference/dockerfile/
Finally, you can use a buildpack. This is the option I know the least about, so you’ll have to research yourself at https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/app-platform/reference/buildpacks/nodejs/
Hey there!
In addition to what Mark mentioned already, I could add a couple of things!
To access a private NPM repo, you can set up an environment variable called
in the App Platform, which stores your private repository’s authentication token. This token allows your build process to authenticate and fetch packages from your private repo as usual.If you need more detailed instructions, take a look at this discussion here, where a community user got this working with a private NPM repos on App Platform:
Alternatively, if you’re using Yarn, you can configure
with yournpmAuthToken
to manage your authentication settings securely.For additional dependencies like those required by Puppeteer, App Platform supports an
to install packages during the build. Just create anAptfile
in your project’s root directory and list each package you need. Here’s an example for Puppeteer:Aptfile:
App Platform will automatically detect the Aptfile and install the packages during the build process. For more info, check out the Aptfile reference documentation.
There is a chance that some obscure packages might not be available in the default repositories though.
For custom steps that need to be run before the app is built, you could add a
script in yourpackage.json
, or configure it through other environment variables if needed.And finally as Mark mentioned, it might be best to use a Dockerfile as you will have more control.
If these native options don’t fully meet your needs, you can always deploy using a custom Docker image. This gives you complete control over the environment but does require some setup. Just push your Docker image to DigitalOcean’s Container Registry and specify it in your App Platform service:
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby
Thank you :)