I have a doubt that I think is very basic but to which strangely I couldn’t find a concrete answer no matter how much I’ve googled for it.
When configuring a web server (Nginx, in my case), most people recommend setting the permissions as follows:
This means that:
The problem with this is that, if the permissions are set in this way, I can’t edit files from the FTP because my user doesn’t have write permissions; this would require allowing the group to write adjusting the permissions like this:
However, I don’t know if this could be a security issue, or why do people recommend doing it the other way if it doesn’t work through FTP. So, what is the most appropriate way to set permissions for the server directory?
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I realize this is an old post, but it is one of the top search results on Google and I don’t feel like it has been adequately answered anywhere (lots of meandering to getting to the point). So I wrote a blog post on the topic:
To summarize, the best balance between security and usability is to make the web root owned by root, create and assign a specific group to the web root, chmod 775 the web root, chmod g+s on the web root, and assign all users who need to edit files to the newly created group.
The g+s sets the “sticky bit” for the group, which correctly propagates the group and the permissions to all files (they’ll be 664) and directories (775) as they are created. The number of directories that need ‘www-data’ as the owner should be kept to a bare minimum.
Is there an automated way to set these permissions properly for all folders?
I’m new in Digital Ocean and I successfully created droplet and set up an apache2 server I uploaded all my website files in var/www/html folder but while accessing my website I am getting " This Page isn’t working error" Droplet IP -