Is it possible to have different keys per bucket. We would like to limit access to buckets with different access keys and secrets so that other people cannot see specific buckets?
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Hi there! 👋
Quick update: DigitalOcean has implemented the ability to have different access keys per bucket in Spaces!
This allows you to limit access to specific buckets with unique keys and secrets, giving you more control over who can access your data.
For full details, check out the official documentation here: 🔗 Manage Access Keys for Spaces
A couple of things to note:
DigitalOcean will be be announcing the feature to the wider community soon!
- Bobby
I just started playing with spaces today and after creating my first key and moving some data I came to the same question. Is there anything in the works to tie a specific key to a specific ‘space’ or ‘bucket’? Is there already a way to do this and I’m not finding it? Thank you.
I would certainly like the same. As it stands, if one set of keys were compromised, they would gain access to every Space.