Why Any Droplets Not appear in my account even i have 4 droplets ref ticket id 1583935 no response since 1 hour
what is your response time in critical situation ??
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They will respond within 24 hours.
I’ve seen this “support will reply within 24” posted in reply to several questions like this. Mostly from the same user “woet”.
I have just signed up for DO with the intention to migrate in a large Docker Swarm cluster and hit up against an issue and filed a support ticket for it. That was well over 36 hours ago with no response.
So I can only say based on this experience that they will not get back to you within 24 hours. I’ll leave another comment here when and if they ever get back to me and let whoever is searching what they can actually expect.
my droplet have just disappeared too… I still did not receive a any response 1 hour ago…
Screenshots http://i.imgur.com/3e2js6x.png http://i.imgur.com/OtDzAjV.png