Let’s say I host a few sites like example.com, test.net, and site.org. And they’re all wordpress sites and on one single droplet.
What app(s) do I need to install so that I can send e-mails from example.com to new users of that site and also send e-mails from test.net to new users of that site and also send e-mails from site.org to new users of that site?
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Hey there,
Running a mail server on your own is not always an easy process. We have an article/tutorial on this here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/why-you-may-not-want-to-run-your-own-mail-server
If you’ve read that and still want to run a mail server on your own, I would suggest checking out Mailinabox. We have a great tutorial on setting it up here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-run-your-own-mail-server-with-mail-in-a-box-on-ubuntu-14-04
Hello all,
What I could suggest here is using an SMTP plugin for your WordPress site.
That way you will be able to specify an SMTP server with authentication which your emails would be going through. You could for example use SendGrid’s SMTP service. This would drastically increase the delivery rate of your emails as well compared to using plain PHP mail.
I’ve been using this plugin for a while now and it works very well: Easy WP SMTP.
Hope that this helps! Regards, Alex