What is the maximum number of droplets that can be created using CLI? Can I create, say 2000 droplets. I know it is possible in AWS so can it be done here too.
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Hello @digitaloceanx01
As already mentioned the limit can be increased by raising a request. I’ll recommend that you reach out to our support team.
Creating a large number of droplets, such as 2000, may need to be handled differently due to resource allocation and availability within our datacenters. Also our expers might come with a solution that can involve a lot less machines for your exact needs.
Hope that this helps!
Hi there!
Depending on your use-case and needs, you can request a Droplet limit increase via your DigitalOcean Control panel. Then go to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Profile’ -> And hit the ‘Increase’ button.
After you’ve submitted the form, it will then be passed on to DigitalOcean’s support team for review.
Hope that this helps!
Hey @digitaloceanx01,
I think by default you have a limit of 10 droplets.
Having said that, you can request the limit to be increased depending on your needs. Go to you your Control Panel -->‘Settings’ -> ‘Profile’ -> click the ‘Increase’ button.
You’ll need to submit a form and explain why you need the limit increased