When I log into the dashboard for drop lets, select a drop and view the graphs for bandwidth, cpu and disk. It doesn’t match my EST timezone.
Is there a way to change this so that the graphs are shown in EST?
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The developers could implement this frontend by jquery. Just let the user choose his timezone by a dropdown, and transfer the time stamps on the graphs.
Momentjs is great for converting timestamps.
The time stamps are put in tspan:
Jquery to get the AM/PM timestamps with the current DOM:
And now we could use the magic of momentjs:
Before: http://i.imgur.com/f0qjoZ0.png Afterwards: http://i.imgur.com/1CGND8X.png
You can create a bookmarklet that does the job:
Click the link when you are on Digital Ocean’s graph site!
It looks like it defaults to GMT time. I would also like to modify my timezone to match the local time. I don’t know how to change it either.
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