
Intro to Electron.js - Part 2: Todo App

Published on August 24, 2019

    Joshua Hall

    Intro to Electron.js - Part 2: Todo App

    Over in the first part of this introduction to Electron.js, we just got Electron setup with our bundling scripts and a local window. With the foundations out of the way, we can get started with the more interesting functionality of our app.

    Passing Data Between Client and Server

    Since we’re not setup with a database yet, the todo functionality is almost the same as any vanilla JavaScript todo app. The only difference being we’ll first use ipcRenderer.send to send an event to our server with our data, which we can listen for with ipcMain.on, then do whatever we need to with the data (like save it to our database), and send it back to the client to be rendered if successful.

    const electron = require('electron')
    const { ipcRenderer } = electron
    const form = document.querySelector('form')
    const item = document.querySelector('input')
    const list = document.querySelector('ul')
    // Render Items to Screen
    const render = item => {
      const li = document.createElement('li')
      li.innerHTML = item
    // Get All Items After Starting 
    window.addEventListener('load', () => ipcRenderer.send('loadAll'))
    ipcRenderer.on('loaded', (e, items) => items.forEach(item => render(item.item)))
    // Send Item to the server and clear the form
    form.addEventListener('submit', e => {
      ipcRenderer.send('addItem', { item: item.value })

    Next we just need to start a new database with Datastore and use some mongoose-like methods when we catch our events from the client.

    Instead of a method on ipcMain, as you may expect, we need to use webcontents.send on the window we want it applied to. Later this will also allow us to send events from our menu without destructuring anything from electron.

    NeDB gives us many of the same options as Mongoose does for manipulating and querying our data. I strongly recommend looking at the docs since there are some differences between Nedb and Mongoose.

    The main methods that we need just take an object with the properties you want the return item to match, and a callback function for when it’s complete.

    • insert Takes the new item as an object and adds it to the database.
    • remove Takes the query, and object of options, and removes from the database.
    • find Takes the query and returns the objects.
    • update Takes the query and an object of properties you want updated.
    const db = new Datastore({
      filename: './items.db',
      autoload: true
    // Get all items from db and send them to the client
    ipcMain.on('loadAll', () => db.find({}, (err, items) => mainWindow.webContents.send('loaded', items)))
    // Saves item and returns it to client
    ipcMain.on('addItem', (e, item) => {
      db.insert(item, err => {
        if (err) throw new Error(err)
      mainWindow.webContents.send('added', item)

    Now we can start adding some more interesting functionality into our menu bar. For every object in our array we have a few options to customize it.

    • label Set the name shown on the menu bar
    • submenu Sets and array of objects as a sub directory, these can go on infinitely.
    • click Sets an onClick handler, takes in itself and the current focused window.
    • accelerator Sets any keyboard shortcuts, we can use process.platform to check what OS is being used, since Mac and Windows have a few different keys.
    • type Set menu item as one of electrons preset formats; normal, separator, checkbox, and radio.

    Along with our file menu, we’re going to add the option to toggle the dev tools to help debug our application.

    const menuBar = [
        label: 'file',
        submenu: [
            label: 'Clear All',
            accelerator: process.platform == 'darwin' ? 'Command+C' : 'Ctrl+C',
            click(item, currentWindow) { currentWindow.webContents.send('clearAll') }
      }, {
        label: 'DevTools',
        accelerator: process.platform == 'darwin' ? 'Command+I' : 'Ctrl+I',
        click(item, mainWindow) { mainWindow.toggleDevTools() }

    With the cleared event being sent, we can clear our ul.

    // Catches ClearAll from menu, sends the event to server to clear the db.
    ipcRenderer.on('clearAll', () => ipcRenderer.send('clearAll'))
    ipcRenderer.on('cleared', () => list.innerHTML = '')
    // Clears database and send event to client if successful
    ipcMain.on('clearAll', () => {
      // Without multi being set to true only the first matching item with be removed.
      db.remove({}, { multi: true }, (err) => {
        if (err) throw new Error(err)


    Before we can bundle our new app we need some icons to go with it, but they need to be in the right formats for their operating system. icns for Mac and Linux and ico for Windows. I recommend using Cloud Convert to do this.

    When they’re all in the correct locations you can just run their script from our package.json file and a new release-builds folder should be created. In your OS’s folder you can find your new application ready to run natively on your machine.

    $ npm run package-mac
    $ npm run package-win
    $ npm run package-linux


    While this may have been a bit of a lengthy process, I hope that you found this helpful in understanding the fundamentals of building your own desktop apps using Electron. You can find the full repo for this example here.

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    Joshua Hall


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