
How To Automate Jenkins Job Configuration Using Job DSL

Published on November 17, 2020
How To Automate Jenkins Job Configuration Using Job DSL

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Jenkins is a popular automation server, often used to orchestrate continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) workflows. However, the process of setting up Jenkins itself has traditionally been a manual, siloed process for the system administrator. The process typically involves installing dependencies, running the Jenkins server, configuring the server, defining pipelines, and configuring jobs.

Then came the Everything as Code (EaC) paradigm, which allowed administrators to define these manual tasks as declarative code that can be version-controlled and automated. In previous tutorials, we covered how to define Jenkins pipelines as code using Jenkinsfiles, as well as how to install dependencies and define configuration of a Jenkins server as code using Docker and JCasC. But using only Docker, JCasC, and pipelines to set up your Jenkins instance would only get you so far—these servers would not come pre-loaded with any jobs, so someone would still have to configure them manually. The Job DSL plugin provides a solution, and allows you to configure Jenkins jobs as code.

In this tutorial, you’ll use Job DSL to configure two demo jobs: one that prints a 'Hello World' message in the console, and one that runs a pipeline from a Git repository. If you follow the tutorial to the end, you will have a minimal Job DSL script that you can build on for your own use cases.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

Step 1 — Installing the Job DSL Plugin

The Job DSL plugin provides the Job DSL features you’ll use in this tutorial for your demo jobs. In this step, you will install the Job DSL plugin.

First, navigate to your_jenkins_url/pluginManager/available. In the search box, type in Job DSL. Next, in the resulting plugins list, check the box next to Job DSL and click Install without restart.

Plugin Manager page showing Job DSL checked

Note: If searching for Job DSL returned no results, it either means the Job DSL plugin is already installed, or that your Jenkin server’s plugin list is not updated.

You can check if the Job DSL plugin is already installed by navigating to your_jenkins_url/pluginManager/installed and searching for Job DSL.

You can update your Jenkins server’s plugin list by navigating to your_jenkins_url/pluginManager/available and clicking on the Check Now button at the bottom of the (empty) plugins list.

After initiating the installation process, you’ll be redirected to a page that shows the progress of the installation. Wait until you see Success next to both Job DSL and Loading plugin extensions before continuing to the next step.

You’ve installed the Job DSL plugin. You are now ready to use Job DSL to configure jobs as code. In the next step, you will define a demo job inside a Job DSL script. You’ll then incorporate the script into a seed job, which, when executed, will create the jobs defined.

Step 2 — Creating a Seed Job

The seed job is a normal Jenkins job that runs the Job DSL script; in turn, the script contains instructions that create additional jobs. In short, the seed job is a job that creates more jobs. In this step, you will construct a Job DSL script and incorporate it into a seed job. The Job DSL script that you’ll define will create a single freestyle job that prints a 'Hello World!' message in the job’s console output.

A Job DSL script consists of API methods provided by the Job DSL plugin; you can use these API methods to configure different aspects of a job, such as its type (freestyle versus pipeline jobs), build triggers, build parameters, post-build actions, and so on. You can find all supported methods on the API reference site.

Jenkins Job DSL API Reference web page

By default, the site shows the API methods for job configuration settings that are available as part of the core Jenkins installation, as well as settings that are enabled by 184 supported plugins (accurate as of v1.77). To get a clearer picture of what API methods the Job DSL plugin provides for only the core Jenkins installation, click on the funnel icon next to the search box, and then check and uncheck the Filter by Plugin checkbox to deselect all the plugins.

Jenkins Job DSL API reference web page showing only the core APIs

The list of API methods are now significantly reduced. The ones that remain would work even if the Jenkins installation had no plugins installed apart from the Job DSL plugin.

For the ‘Hello World’ freestyle job, you need the job API method (freeStyleJob is an alias of job and would also work). Let’s navigate to the documentation for the job method.

job API method reference

Click the ellipsis icon () in job(String name) { … } to show the methods and blocks that are available within the job block.

Expanded view of the job API method reference

Let’s go over some of the most commonly used methods and blocks within the job block:

  • parameters: setting parameters for users to input when they create a new build of the job.
  • properties: static values that are to be used within the job.
  • scm: configuration for how to retrieve the source code from a source-control management provider like GitHub.
  • steps: definitions for each step of the build.
  • triggers: apart from manually creating a build, specifies in what situations the job should be run (for example, periodically like a cron job, or after some events like a push to a GitHub repository).

You can further expand child blocks to see what methods and blocks are available within. Click on the ellipsis icon () in steps { … } to uncover the shell(String command) method, which you can use to run a shell script.

Reference for the Job DSL steps block

Putting the pieces together, you can write a Job DSL script like the following to create a freestyle job that, when run, will print 'Hello World!' in the output console.

job('demo') {
    steps {
        shell('echo Hello World!')

To run the Job DSL script, we must first incorporate it into a seed job.

To create the seed job, go to your_jenkins_url, log in (if necessary), click the New Item link on the left of the dashboard. On the screen that follows, type in seed, select Freestyle project, and click OK.

Part of the New Item screen where you give the item the name of 'seed' and with the 'Freestyle project' option selected

In the screen that follows, scroll down to the Build section and click on the Add build step dropdown. Next select Process Job DSLs.

Screen showing the Add build step dropdown expanded and the Process Job DSLs option selected

Then, click on the radio button next to Use the provided DSL script, and paste the Job DSL script you wrote into the DSL Script text area.

Job DSL script added to the Process Job DSLs build step

Click Save to create the job. This will take you to the seed job page.

Seed job page

Then, navigate to your_jenkins_url and confirm that the seed job is there.

Jenkins jobs list showing the seed job

You’ve successfully created a seed job that incorporates your Job DSL script. In the next step, you will run the seed job so that new jobs are created based on your Job DSL script.

Step 3 — Running the Seed Job

In this step, you will run the seed job and confirm that the jobs defined within the Job DSL script are indeed created.

First, click back into the seed job page and click on the Build Now button on the left to run the seed job.

Refresh the page and you’ll see a new section that says Generated Items; it lists the demo job that you’ve specified in your Job DSL script.

Seed job page showing a list of generated items from running the seed job

Navigate to your_server_ip and you will find the demo job that you specified in the Job DSL script.

Jenkins jobs list showing the demo and seed jobs

Click the demo link to go to the demo job page. You’ll see Seed job: seed, indicating that this job is created by the seed job. Now, click the Build Now link to run the demo job once.

Demo job page showing a section on seed job

This creates an entry inside the Build History box. Hover over the date of the entry to reveal a little arrow; click on it to reveal the dropdown. From the dropdown, choose Console Output.

Screen showing the Console Output option selected in the dropdown for Build #1 inside the Build History box

This will bring you the logs and console output from this build. In it, you will find the line + echo Hello World! followed by Hello World!, which corresponds to the shell('echo Hello World!') step in your Job DSL script.

Console output of build #1 showing the echo Hello World! command and output

You’ve run the demo job and confirmed that the echo step specified in the Job DSL script was executed. In the next and final step, you will be modifying and re-applying the Job DSL script to include an additional pipeline job.

Step 4 — Defining Pipeline Jobs

In line with the Everything as Code paradigm, more and more developers are choosing to define their builds as pipeline jobs—those that use a pipeline script (typically named Jenkinsfile)—instead of freestyle jobs. The demo job you’ve defined so far is a small demonstration. In this step, you will define a more realistic job that pulls down a Git repository from GitHub and run a pipeline defined in one of its pipeline scripts.

For Jenkins to pull a Git repository and build using pipeline scripts, you’ll need to install additional plugins. So, before you make any changes to the Job DSL script, first make sure that the required plugins are installed.

Navigate to your_jenkins_url/pluginManager/installed and check the plugins lists for the presence of the Git, Pipeline: Job, and Pipeline: Groovy plugins. If any of them are not installed, go to your_jenkins_url/pluginManager/available and search for and select the plugins, then click Install without restart.

Now that the required plugins are installed, let’s shift our focus to modifying your Job DSL script to include an additional pipeline job.

We will be defining a pipeline job that pulls the code from the public jenkinsci/pipeline-examples Git repository and run the environmentInStage.groovy declarative pipeline script found in it.

Once again, navigate to the Jenkins Job DSL API Reference, click the funnel icon to bring up the Filter by Plugin menu, then deselect all the plugins except Git, Pipeline: Job, and Pipeline: Groovy.

The Jenkins Job DSL API Reference page with all plugins deselected except for Pipeline: Job, and (not shown) Git and Pipeline: Groovy

Click on pipelineJob on the left-hand side menu and expand the pipelineJob(String name) { … } block, then, in order, the definition { … }, cpsScm { … }, and scm { … } blocks.

Expanded view of the pipelineJob API method block

There are comments above each API method that explain their roles. For our use case, you’d want to define your pipeline job using a pipeline script found inside a GitHub repository. So you’d need to modify your Job DSL script as follows:

job('demo') {
    steps {
        shell('echo Hello World!')

pipelineJob('github-demo') {
    definition {
        cpsScm {
            scm {
                git {
                    remote {

To make the change, go to your_jenkins_url/job/seed/configure and find the DSL Script text area, and replace the contents with your new Job DSL script. Then press Save. In the next screen, click on Build Now to re-run the seed job.

Then, go to the Console Output page of the new build and you’ll find Added items: GeneratedJob{name='github-demo'}, which means you’ve successfully added the new pipeline job, whilst the existing job remains unchanged.

Console output for the modified seed job, showing that the github-demo job has been added

You can confirm this by going to your_jenkins_url; you will find the github-demo job appear in the list of jobs.

Job list showing the github-demo job

Finally, confirm that your job is working as intended by navigating to your_jenkins_url/job/github-demo/ and clicking Build Now. After the build has finished, navigate to your_jenkins_url/job/github-demo/1/console and you will find the Console Output page showing that Jenkins has successfully cloned the repository and executed the pipeline script.


In this tutorial, you’ve used the Job DSL plugin to configure jobs on Jenkins servers in a consistent and repeatable way.

But Job DSL is not the only tool in the Jenkins ecosystem that follows the Everything as Code (EaC) paradigm. You can also deploy Jenkins as Docker containers and set it up using Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC). Together, Docker, JCasC, Job DSL, and pipelines allow developers and administrators to deploy and configure Jenkins completely automatically, without any manual involvement.

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Daniel Li


Staff Software Engineer

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How can I use a company intern plugin with Process DSL seed?

Thank you for the article, great write up! I’ve done this - added my seed job - I have the seed job creating a bunch of other pipeline jobs - I’m calling the set of pipelines the ‘scheduler’ since it handles our scheduled jobs.

The problem is, however, is that the pipeline job does not pickup the configs from the Jenkinsfile. Once the job runs, it gets picked up. But the triggers are not set when the job is created. Any way you know how to set the trigger within the process - ideally it would come from the Jenkinsfile itself.

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