Note: This tutorial covers an older version of Buildbot, so the instructions may not work on current versions. Until this article is updated, you can additionally use the official Buildbot reverse proxy configuration documentation.
Buildbot is a Python-based continuous integration system for automating software build, test, and release processes. In the previous tutorials, we installed Buildbot and created systemd Unit files to allow the server’s init system to manage the processes. Buildbot comes with its own built-in web server listening on port 8010, and in order to secure the web interface with SSL we’ll need to configure a reverse proxy.
In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy in order to direct SSL-secured browser requests to Buildbot’s web interface.
To follow this tutorial, you will need:
user and a firewall by following the Ubuntu 16.04 initial server setup guideIn addition, you’ll need to complete the following tutorials on the server:
When you’ve completed these requirements, you’re ready to begin.
In the prerequisite tutorial, How to Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04, we configured Nginx to use SSL in the /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
file. Before we begin, we’ll make a backup of our working configuration file:
Next, we’ll open default
and add our reverse proxy settings.
First, we’ll add specific access and error logs in the SSL server
. . .
server {
# SSL Configuration
. . .
# include snippets/snakeoil.conf;
access_log /var/log/nginx/buildbot.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/buildbot.error.log;
. . .
Next, we’ll configure the proxy settings.
Since we’re sending all requests to Buildbot, we’ll need to delete or comment out the default try_files
line which, as written, will return 404 errors before requests reach Buildbot.
Note: Unlike most applications, Buildbot will return a 200 response for a request to the document root with the try_files
setting enabled. If assets are cached by the browser, Buildbot may appear to be working. Without cached assets, it will return a blank page.
Then we’ll add the reverse proxy configuration. The first line includes the Nginx-supplied proxy_params
to ensure information like the hostname, the protocol of the client request, and the client IP address will be available in our log files. The proxy_pass
sets the protocol and address of the proxied server, which in our case is the Buildbot server accessed on the localhost on port 8010.
. . .
location / {
# First attempt to serve request as file, then
# as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
# try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# Reverse proxy settings
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8010;
. . .
Directly after this stanza, we’ll configure two additional locations, /sse
and /ws
Server Sent Event (SSE) settings Server Sent Events are a simpler, more REST compliant protocol than WebSockets that allow clients to subscribe to events. The Buildbot SSE endpoint requires its own proxy_pass
setting and benefits from turning off proxy_buffering
WebSocket settings WebSocket is a protocol for messaging between the web server and web browsers. Like the SSE protocol, it requires its own proxy_pass
setting. Additional configuration is also required to pass header information. You can learn more these settings from the Nginx WebSocket proxying documentation.
. . .
# Server sent event (sse) settings
location /sse {
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8010;
# Websocket settings
location /ws {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_pass http://localhost:8010;
proxy_read_timeout 6000s;
. . .
Once you’ve made these changes, save and exit the file.
Finally, we’ll edit the ssl_params.conf
and increase the ssl_session_timeout
to the project’s recommended setting of 1440 minutes (24 hours) to accommodate longer builds:
At the bottom of the file, add the following line:
. . .
ssl_session_timeout 1440m;
When you’re done, save and exit the file.
Note: The Buildbot documentation’s sample Nginx file includes a line setting the ssl_session_cache
size to 1,440 megabytes, which allows over 5 million connections. We’ve opted to retain a less memory-intensive setting of 10 megabytes. Each megabyte can store about 4000 sessions, so this will store around 40,000 sessions, which is sufficient for most use cases.
We won’t restart Nginx until after we’ve configured Buildbot, but we will test our configuration now in case we’ve made any mistakes:
If all is well, the command will return:
Outputnginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
If not, fix the reported errors until the test passes.
Buildbot uses root-relative links in its web interface and needs to have the base URL defined in the master.cfg
for links to work properly.
Locate the buildbotURL
setting, change http
to https
, and change localhost
to your domain. Remove the port specification (:8010
) since Nginx will proxy requests made to the conventional web ports. Important: The protocol must be https
and the definition must contain the trailing slash.
. . .
c['buildbotURL'] = ""
. . .
We will also ensure the master won’t accept direct connections from workers running on other hosts by binding to the local loopback interface. Comment out or replace the existing protocol line, c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': 9989}}
, with the following:
. . .
c['protocols'] = {"pb": {"port": "tcp:9989:interface="}}
. . .
When you’re done, save and exit the file.
Now that we’re using HTTPS and a domain name, we’ll install the service_identity
module, which provides tools to determine certificate is valid for the intended purpose.
If we skipped this step, Buildbot would still restart, but would issue the UserWarning “You do not have a working installation of the service_identity module” which would be visible in the output of systemd’s status
Now we’re ready to restart Nginx:
Since systemctl
doesn’t provide output, we’ll use its status
command to be sure Nginx is running.
The output should highlight "Active: active (running) and end with something like:
OutputMay 08 18:07:52 buildbot-server systemd[1]:
Started A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server.
Next, we’ll restart the buildmaster and worker using systemctl
, which we configured in the previous tutorial.
First, check the configuration file for syntax errors:
OutputConfig file is good!
If no errors are reported, restart the service:
The output should highlight "Active: active (running) and end with something like:
OutputMay 10 21:28:05 buildbot-server systemd[1]: Started BuildBot master service.
Next, we’ll restart the worker:
Again, the output should highlight "Active: active (running) and in this case end with something like:
OutputMay 10 21:28:05 buildbot-server systemd[1]: Started BuildBot worker service.
Now that we’ve restarted Nginx, the buildmaster, and the worker, we’re ready to verify the reverse proxy is working as expected. When we visit the site via http
we should be redirected to https
and successfully reach our Buildbot site.
In your web browser, enter “”, substituting your domain for
. After you press enter, the URL should start with https
and the location bar should indicate that the connection is secure.
Next, we’ll take a moment and see that the Web Socket and Server Sent Events are being proxied properly.
First, visit the /sse
directory. If the redirect is working properly, the browser should return the following page. Note that the page will continue trying to load, and this is normal behavior:
Next, visit the /ws directory. If the proxy redirect isn’t correct, visiting the /ws
directory will return a 404 Not Found
error. If all is well, the browser should return the following page:
Finally, since the built-in web server listens on all interfaces, we’ll delete our rule that allows external traffic to port 8010 in order to prevent unencrypted connections when accessing the server by IP address:
OutputRule updated
Rule updated (v6)
We have now configured Nginx as a reverse proxy and prevented users from accessing Buildbot using HTTP
In this tutorial we configured Nginx as a reverse proxy to Buildbot’s built-in web server in order to secure our credentials and other information transmitted via the Web interface. If you’re new to Buildbot, you might want to explore the Buildbot project’s Quick Tour guide. When you are ready to learn how to set up a complete continuous integration process, check out our How To Set Up Continuous Integration with Buildbot on Ubuntu 16.04 guide.
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This is a good and useful tutorial. However, it differs from the CURRENT Buildbot nginx reverse proxy instructions, which require a trailing slash on the location and proxy_pass fields. The proxy_pass fields for sse and ws also needed to NAME those paths, rather than just pass through the root.
This caused the websockets and sse not to work for me and caused some troubleshooting!
When in doubt, follow the official instructions here
Please update this article or comment on its deprecatedness in the header, linking to the official docs.