The author selected Girls Who Code to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.
GraphQL is an API standard created and open-sourced by Facebook as an alternative to REST APIs. As opposed to REST APIs, GraphQL uses a typed system to define its data structure, where all the information sent and received must be compliant to a pre-defined schema. It also exposes a single endpoint for all communication instead of multiple URLs for different resources and solves the overfetching issue by returning only the data asked for by the client, thereby generating smaller and more concise responses.
In this tutorial you will create a backend for a URL shortener—a service that takes any URL and generates a shorter, more readable version—while diving into GraphQL concepts, like queries and mutations, and tools, like the GraphiQL interface. You may already have used such services before, like
Since GraphQL is a language agnostic technology, it is implemented on top of various languages and frameworks. Here, you will use the general purpose Python programming language, the Django web framework, and the Graphene-Django library as the GraphQL Python implementation with specific integrations for Django.
To continue with this tutorial, you’ll need Python version 3.5 or higher installed on your development machine. To install Python, follow our tutorial on How To Install and Set Up a Local Programming Environment for Python 3 for your OS. Make sure to also create and start a virtual environment; to follow the lead of this tutorial, you can name your project directory shorty
An entry-level knowledge of Django is desired, but not mandatory. If you are curious, you can follow this Django Development series created by the DigitalOcean community.
In this step, you will be installing all the necessary tools for the application and setting up your Django project.
Once you have created your project directory and started your virtual environment, as covered in the prerequisites, install the necessary packages using pip
, the Python package manager. This tutorial will install Django version 2.1.7 and Graphene-Django version 2.2.0 or higher:
You now have all the tools needed in your tool belt. Next, you will create a Django project using the django-admin
command. A project is the default Django boilerplate—a set of folders and files with everything necessary to start the development of a web application. In this case, you will call your project shorty
and create it inside your current folder by specifying the .
at the end:
After creating your project, you will run the Django migrations. These files contain Python code generated by Django and are responsible for changing the application’s structure according to the Django models. Changes might include the creation of a table, for example. By default, Django comes with its own set of migrations responsible for subsystems like Django Authentication, so it is necessary to execute them with the following command:
This command uses the Python interpreter to invoke a Django script called
, responsible for managing different aspects of your project, like creating apps or running migrations.
This will give output similar to the following:
OutputOperations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions
Running migrations:
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
Once Django’s database is ready to go, start its local development server:
This will give:
OutputPerforming system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
March 18, 2020 - 15:46:15
Django version 2.1.7, using settings 'shorty.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
This command will take away the prompt in your terminal and start the server.
Visit the
page in your local browser. You will see this page:
To stop the server and return to your terminal, press CTRL+C
. Whenever you need to access the browser, make sure the preceding command is running.
Next, you will finish this step by enabling the Django-Graphene library in the project. Django has the concept of app
, a web application with a specific responsibility. A project is composed of one or multiple apps. For now, open the shorty/
file in your text editor of choice. This tutorial will be using vim
file manages all the settings in your project. Inside it, search for the INSTALLED_APPS
entry and add the 'graphene_django'
This addition tells Django that you will be using an app called graphene_django
, which you installed in Step 1.
At the bottom of the file, add the following variable:
This last variable points to your main Schema, which you will create later. In GraphQL, a Schema contains all the object types, such as Resources, Queries, and Mutations. Think of it as documentation representing all the data and functionality available in your system.
After the modifications, save and close the file.
Now you have configured the Django project. In the next step, you will create a Django app and its Models.
A Django platform is usually composed of one project and many applications or apps. An app describes a set of features inside a project, and, if well-designed, can be reused across Django projects.
In this step, you will create an app called shortener
, responsible for the actual URL shortening feature. To create its basic skeleton, type the next command in your terminal:
Here you used the parameters startapp app_name
, instructing
to create an app named shortener
To finish the app creation, open the shorty/
Add the app’s name to the same INSTALLED_APPS
entry you modified before:
Save and close the file.
With your shortener
added to shorty/
, you can move on to creating the models for your project. Models are one of the key features in Django. They are used to represent a database in a “Pythonic” way, allowing you to manage, query, and store data using Python code.
Before opening the
file for changes, this tutorial will give an overview of the changes you will make.
Your model file—shortener/
—will contain the following content once you have replaced the existing code:
Here you will import the required packages needed by your code. You will add the line from hashlib import md5
at the top to import the Python standard library that will be used to create a hash of the URL. The from django.db import models
line is a Django helper for creating models.
Warning: This tutorial refers to hash as the result of a function that takes an input and always returns the same output. This tutorial will be using the MD5 hash function for demonstration purposes.
Note that MD5 has collision issues and should be avoided in production.
Next, you will add a Model named URL
with the following fields:
: the URL to be shortened.url_hash
: a short hash representing the full URL.clicks
: how many times the short URL was accessed.created_at
: the date and time at which the URL was created.You will generate the url_hash
by applying the MD5 hash algorithm to the full_url
field and using just the first 10 characters returned during the Model’s save()
method, executed every time Django saves an entry to the database. Additionally, URL shorteners usually track how many times a link was clicked. You will achieve this by calling the method clicked()
when the URL is visited by a user.
The operations mentioned will be added inside your URL
model with this code:
Now that you’ve reviewed the code, open the shortener/
Replace the code with the following content:
Be sure to save and close the file.
To apply these changes in the database, you will need to create the migrations by running the following command:
This will give you the following output:
OutputMigrations for 'shortener':
- Create model URL
Then execute the migrations:
You will see the following output in your terminal:
OutputOperations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, shortener
Running migrations:
Applying shortener.0001_initial... OK
Now that you’ve set up the models, in the next step you will create the GraphQL endpoint and a Query.
The REST architecture exposes different resources in different endpoints, each one containing a well-defined data structure. For example, you may fetch a users’ list at /api/users
, always expecting the same fields. GraphQL, on the other hand, has a single endpoint for all interactions, and uses Queries to access data. The main—and most valuable—difference is that you can use a Query to retrieve all your users within a single request.
Start by creating a Query to fetch all URLs. You will need a couple of things:
.Create a new file called shortener/
Start by adding the Python import
The first line imports the main graphene
library, which contains the base GraphQL types, like List
. The DjangoObjectType
is a helper to create a Schema definition from any Django model, and the third line imports your previously create URL
After that, create a new GraphQL type for the URL
model by adding the following lines:
Finally, add these lines to create a Query type for the URL
This code creates a Query
class with one field named urls
, which is a list of the previously defined URLType
. When resolving the Query through the resolve_urls
method, you return all the URLs stored in the database.
The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Save and close the file.
All the Queries must now be added to the main Schema. Think of it as a holder for all your resources.
Create a new file in the shorty/
path and open it with your editor:
Import the following Python packages by adding the following lines. The first one, as already mentioned, contains the base GraphQL types. The second line imports the previously created Schema file.
Next, add the main Query
class. It will hold, via inheritance, all the Queries and future operations created:
Lastly, create the schema
setting you defined in Step 2 points to the schema
variable you’ve just created.
The full shorty/
file is shown here:
Save and close the file.
Next, enable the GraphQL endpoint and the GraphiQL interface, which is a graphical web interface used to interact with the GraphQL system.
Open the shorty/
For learning purposes, delete the file contents and save it, so that you can start from scratch.
The first lines you will add are Python import statements:
The path
function is used by Django to create an accessible URL for the GraphiQL interface. Following it, you import the csrf_exempt
, which allows clients to send data to the server. A complete explanation can be found in the Graphene Documentation. In the last line, you imported the actual code responsible for the interface via GraphQLView
Next, create a variable named urlpatterns
This will stitch together all the code necessary to make the GraphiQL interface available in the graphql/
The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Save the file and close it.
Back in the terminal, run the python runserver
command (if not running already):
Open your web browser at the http://localhost:8000/graphql
address. You will be presented with this screen:
The GraphiQL is an interface where you can run GraphQL statements and see the results. One feature is the Docs
section on the top right. Since everything in GraphQL is typed, you get free documentation about all your Types, Queries, Mutations, etc.
After exploring the page, insert your first Query on the main text area:
query {
urls {
This content shows how a GraphQL Query is structured: First, you use the keyword query
to tell the server that you only want some data back. Next, you use the urls
field defined in the shortener/
file inside the Query
class. From that, you explicitly request all the fields defined in the URL
model using camel case-style, which is the default for GraphQL.
Now, click on the play arrow button in the top left.
You will receive the following response, stating that you still have no URLs:
"data": {
"urls": []
This shows that GraphQL is working. In your terminal, press CTRL+C
to stop your server.
You have accomplished a lot in this step, creating the GraphQL endpoint, making a Query to fetch all URLs, and enabling the GraphiQL interface. Now, you will create Mutations to change the database.
The majority of applications have a way to change the database state by adding, updating, or deleting data. In GraphQL, these operations are called Mutations. They look like Queries but use arguments to send data to the server.
To create your first Mutation, open shortener/
At the end of the file, start by adding a new class named CreateURL
This class inherits the graphene.Mutation
helper to have the capabilities of a GraphQL Mutation. It also has a property name url
, defining the content returned by the server after the Mutation is completed. In this case, it will be the URLType
data structure.
Next, add a subclass named Arguments
to the already defined class:
This defines what data will be accepted by the server. Here, you are expecting a parameter named full_url
with a String
Now add the following lines to create the mutate
This mutate
method does a lot of the work by receiving the data from the client and saving it to the database. In the end, it returns the class itself containing the newly created item.
Lastly, create a Mutation
class to hold all the Mutations for your app by adding these lines:
So far, you will only have one mutation named create_url
The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Close and save the file.
To finish adding the Mutation, change the shorty/
Alter the file to include the following highlighted code:
import graphene
import shortener.schema
class Query(shortener.schema.Query, graphene.ObjectType):
class Mutation(shortener.schema.Mutation, graphene.ObjectType):
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
Save and close the file. If you are not running the local server, start it:
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/graphql
in your web browser. Execute your first Mutation in the GraphiQL web interface by running the following statement:
mutation {
createUrl(fullUrl:"") {
url {
You composed the Mutation with the createURL
name, the fullUrl
argument, and the data you want in the response defined inside the url
The output will contain the URL information you just created inside the GraphQL data
field, as shown here:
"data": {
"createUrl": {
"url": {
"id": "1",
"fullUrl": "",
"urlHash": "077880af78",
"clicks": 0,
"createdAt": "2020-01-30T19:15:10.820062+00:00"
With that, a URL was added to the database with its hashed version, as you can see in the urlHash
field. Try running the Query you created in the last Step to see its result:
query {
urls {
The output will show the stored URL:
"data": {
"urls": [
"id": "1",
"fullUrl": "",
"urlHash": "077880af78",
"clicks": 0,
"createdAt": "2020-03-18T21:03:24.664934+00:00"
You can also try executing the same Query, but only asking for the fields you want.
Next, try it one more time with a different URL:
mutation {
createUrl(fullUrl:"") {
url {
The output will be:
"data": {
"createUrl": {
"url": {
"id": "2",
"fullUrl": "",
"urlHash": "703562669b",
"clicks": 0,
"createdAt": "2020-01-30T19:31:10.820062+00:00"
The system is now able to create short URLs and list them. In the next step, you will enable users to access a URL by its short version, redirecting them to the correct page.
In this step, you will use Django Views—a method that takes a request and returns a response—to redirect anyone accessing the http://localhost:8000/url_hash
endpoint to its full URL.
Open the shortener/
file with your editor:
To start, import two packages by replacing the contents with the following lines:
These will be explained more thoroughly later on.
Next, you will create a Django View named root
. Add this code snippet responsible for the View at the end of your file:
This receives an argument called url_hash
from the URL requested by a user. Inside the function, the first line tries to get the URL from the database using the url_hash
argument. If not found, it returns the HTTP 404 error to the client, which means that the resource is missing. Afterwards, it increments the clicked
property of the URL entry, making sure to track how many times the URL is accessed. At the end, it redirects the client to the requested URL.
The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Save and close the file.
Next, open shorty/
Add the following highlighted code to enable the root
from django.urls import path
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView
from shortener.views import root
urlpatterns = [
path('graphql/', csrf_exempt(GraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True))),
path('<str:url_hash>/', root, name='root'),
The root
View will be accessible in the /
path of your server, accepting a url_hash
as a string parameter.
Save and close the file. If you are not running the local server, start it by executing the python runserver
To test your new addition, open your web browser and access the http://localhost:8000/077880af78
URL. Note that the last part of the URL is the hash created by the Mutation from Step 5. You will be redirected to the hash’s URL page, in this case, the DigitalOcean Community website.
Now that you have the URL redirection working, you will make the application safer by implementing error handling when the Mutation is executed.
Handling errors is a best practice in all applications, since developers don’t usually control what will be sent to the server. In this case, you can try to foresee failures and minimize their impacts. In a complex system such as GraphQL, a lot of things might go wrong, from the client asking for the wrong data to the server losing access to the database.
As a typed system, GraphQL can verify everything the client asks for and receives in an operation called Schema Validation. You can see this in action by making a Query with a non-existing field.
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/graphql
in your browser once more, and execute the next Query within the GraphiQL interface, with the iDontExist
query {
urls {
Since there is no iDontExist
field defined in your Query, GraphQL returns an error message:
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot query field \"iDontExist\" on type \"URLType\".",
"locations": [
"line": 8,
"column": 5
This is important because, in the GraphQL typed system, the aim is to send and receive just the information already defined in the schema.
The current application accepts any arbitrary string in the full_url
field. The problem is that if someone sends a poorly constructed URL, you would be redirecting the user to nowhere when trying the stored information. In this case, you need to verify if the full_url
is well formatted before saving it to the database, and, if there’s any error, raise the GraphQLError
exception with a custom message.
Let’s implement this functionality in two steps. First, open the shortener/
Add the highlighted lines in the import section:
from hashlib import md5
from django.db import models
from django.core.validators import URLValidator
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from graphql import GraphQLError
The URLValidator
is a Django helper to validate a URL String and the GraphQLError
is used by Graphene to raise exceptions with a custom message.
Next, make sure to validate the URL received by the user before saving it to the database. Enable this operation by adding the highlighted code in the shortener/
First, this code instantiates the URLValidator
in the validate
variable. Inside the try/except
block, you validate()
the URL received and raise a GraphQLError
with the invalid url
custom message if something went wrong.
The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Save and close the file. If you are not running the local server, start it with the python runserver
Next, test your new error handling at http://localhost:8000/graphql
. Try to create a new URL with an invalid full_url
in the GraphiQL interface:
mutation {
url {
When sending an invalid URL, your exception will be raised with the custom message:
"errors": [
"message": "invalid url",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"data": {
"createUrl": null
If you look in your terminal where the python runserver
command is running, an error will appear:
graphql.error.located_error.GraphQLLocatedError: invalid url
[30/Jan/2020 19:46:32] "POST /graphql/ HTTP/1.1" 200 121
A GraphQL endpoint will always fail with a HTTP 200 status code, which usually signifies success. Remember that, even though GraphQL is built on top of HTTP, it doesn’t use the concepts of HTTP status codes or HTTP methods as REST does.
With the error handling implemented, you can now put in place a mechanism to filter your Queries, minimizing the information returned by the server.
Imagine you’ve started using the URL shortener to add your own links. After a while, there will be so many entries that finding the right one will become difficult. You can solve this issue using filters.
Filtering is a common concept in REST APIs, where usually a Query Parameter with a field and value is appended to the URL. As an example, to filter all the Users named jojo, you could use GET /api/users?name=jojo
In GraphQL you will use Query Arguments as filters. They create a nice and clean interface.
You can solve the “hard to find a URL” issue by allowing the client to filter URLs by name using the full_url
field. To implement that, open the shortener/
file in your favorite editor.
First, import the Q
method in the highlighted line:
import graphene
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from django.db.models import Q
from .models import URL
This will be used to filter your database query.
Next, rewrite the whole Query
class with the following content:
The modifications you are making are:
filter parameter inside the urls
variable and resolve_url
, if a parameter named url
is given, filtering the database results to return only URLs that contain the value given, using the Q(full_url__icontains=url)
method.The full shortener/
file is shown here:
Save and close the file. If you are not running the local server, start it with python runserver
Test your latest changes at http://localhost:8000/graphql
. In the GraphiQL interface, write the following statement. It will filter all the URLs with the word community:
query {
urls(url:"community") {
The output is only one entry since you just added one URL with the community
string in it. If you added more URLs before, your output may vary.
"data": {
"urls": [
"id": "1",
"fullUrl": "",
"urlHash": "077880af78",
"clicks": 1,
"createdAt": "2020-01-30T19:27:36.243900+00:00"
Now you have the ability to search through your URLs. However, with too many links, your clients might complain the URL list is returning more data than their apps can handle. To solve this, you will implement pagination.
Clients using your backend might complain that the response time is taking too long or that its size is too big if there are too many URL entries. Even your database may struggle to put together a huge set of information. To solve this issue, you can allow the client to specify how many items it wants within each request using a technique called pagination.
There’s no default way to implement this feature. Even in REST APIs, you might see it in HTTP headers or query parameters, with different names and behaviors.
In this application, you will implement pagination by enabling two more arguments to the URLs Query: first
and skip
. first
will select the first variable number of elements and skip
will specify how many elements should be skipped from the beginning. For example, using first == 10
and skip == 5
gets the first 10 URLs, but skips 5 of them, returning just the remaining 5.
Implementing this solution is similar to adding a filter.
Open the shortener/
In the file, change the Query
class by adding the two new parameters into the urls
variable and resolve_urls
method, highlighted in the following code:
import graphene
from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from django.db.models import Q
from .models import URL
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
urls = graphene.List(URLType, url=graphene.String(), first=graphene.Int(), skip=graphene.Int())
def resolve_urls(self, info, url=None, first=None, skip=None, **kwargs):
queryset = URL.objects.all()
if url:
_filter = Q(full_url__icontains=url)
queryset = queryset.filter(_filter)
if first:
queryset = queryset[:first]
if skip:
queryset = queryset[skip:]
return queryset
This code uses the newly created first
and skip
parameters inside the resolve_urls
method to filter the database query.
Save and close the file. If you are not running the local server, start it with python runserver
To test the pagination, issue the following Query in the GraphiQL interface at http://localhost:8000/graphql
query {
urls(first: 2, skip: 1) {
Your URL shortener will return the second URL created in your database:
"data": {
"urls": [
"id": "2",
"fullUrl": "",
"urlHash": "703562669b",
"clicks": 0,
"createdAt": "2020-01-30T19:31:10.820062+00:00"
This shows that the pagination feature works. Feel free to play around by adding more URLs and testing different sets of first
and skip
The whole GraphQL ecosystem is growing every day, with an active community behind it. It has been proven production-ready by companies like GitHub and Facebook, and now you can apply this technology to your own projects.
In this tutorial you created a URL shortener service using GraphQL, Python, and Django, using concepts like Queries and Mutations. But more than that, you now understand how to rely on these technologies to build web applications using the Django web framework.
You can explore more about GraphQL and the tools used here in the GraphQL website and the Graphene documentation websites. Also, DigitalOcean has additional tutorials for Python and Django that you can use if you’d like to learn more about either.
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My first mutation returns “null”. How can i fix this please?