The author selected the Free and Open Source Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.
Even with the growing popularity of cloud services, the need for running native applications still exists.
By using noVNC and TigerVNC, you can run native applications inside a Docker container and access them remotely using a web browser. Additionally, you can run your application on a server with more system resources than you might have available locally, which can provide increased flexibility when running large applications.
In this tutorial, you’ll containerize Mozilla Thunderbird, an email client, using Docker. Afterward, you’ll secure it and provide remote access using the Caddy web server.
When you’re finished, you’ll be able to access Thunderbird from any device using just a web browser. Optionally, you’ll also be able to locally access the files from it using WebDAV. You’ll also have a fully self-contained Docker image that you can run anywhere.
Before you begin this guide, you’ll need the following:
ConfigurationNow that your server is running and Docker is installed, you are ready to begin configuring your application’s container. Since your container consists of multiple components, you need to use a process manager to launch and monitor them. Here, you’ll be using supervisord
. supervisord
is a process manager written in Python that is often used to orchestrate complex containers.
First, create and enter a directory called thunderbird
for your container:
Now create and open a file called supervisord.conf
using nano
or your preferred editor:
Now add this first block of code into supervisord.conf
, which will define the global options for supervisord:
In this block, you are configuring supervisord
itself. You need to set nodaemon
to true
because it will be running inside of a Docker container as the entrypoint. Therefore, you want it to remain running in the foreground. You also are setting pidfile
to a path accessible by a non-root user (more on this later), and logfile
to stdout so you can see the logs.
Next, add another small block of code to supervisord.conf
. This block starts TigerVNC, which is a combined VNC/X11 server:
In this block, you are setting up the X11 server. X11 is a display server protocol, which is what allows GUI applications to run. Note that in the future it will be replaced with Wayland, but remote access is still in development.
For this container, you are using TigerVNC and its built-in VNC server. This has a number of advantages over using a separate X11 and VNC server:
If you wish, you can change the argument for the -desktop
option from Thunderbird
to something else of your choosing. The server will display your choice as the title of the webpage used to access your application.
Now, let’s add a third block of code to supervisord.conf
to start easy-novnc
In this block, you are setting up easy-novnc
, a standalone server which provides a wrapper around noVNC. This server performs two roles. First, it provides a simple connection page which allows you to configure options for the connection, and allows you to set default ones. Second, it proxies VNC over WebSocket, which allows it to be accessed through an ordinary web browser.
Usually, resizing is done on the client side (i.e. image scaling), but you are using the resize=remote
option to take full advantage of TigerVNC’s remote resolution adjustments. This also provides lower latency on slower devices, such as lower-end Chromebooks:
Note: This tutorial uses easy-novnc
. If you wish, you can use websockify
and a separate web server instead. The advantage of easy-novnc
is that the memory usage and startup time is significantly lower and that it’s self-contained. easy-novnc
also provides a cleaner connection page than the default noVNC one and allows setting default options that are helpful for this setup (such as resize=remote
Now add the following block to your configuration to start OpenBox, the window manager:
In this block, you are setting up OpenBox, a lightweight X11 window manager. You could skip this step, but without it, you wouldn’t have title bars or be able to resize windows.
Finally, let’s add the last block to supervisord.conf
, which will start the main application:
In this final block, you are setting priority
to 1
to ensure that Thunderbird launches after TigerVNC, or it would encounter a race-condition and randomly fail to start. We also set autorestart=true
to automatically reopen the application if it mistakenly closes. The DISPLAY
environment variable tells the application to display on the VNC server you set up earlier.
Here is what your completed supervisord.conf
will look like:
If you want to containerize a different application, replace /usr/bin/thunderbird
with the path to your application’s executable. Otherwise, you are now ready to configure your GUI’s main menu.
Now that your process manager is configured, let’s set up the OpenBox menu. This menu allows us to launch applications inside the container. We will also include a terminal and process monitor for debugging if required.
Inside your application’s directory, use nano
or your favorite text editor to create and open a new file called menu.xml
Now add the following code to menu.xml
This XML file contains the menu items that will appear when you right-click on the desktop. Each item consists of a label and an action.
If you want to containerize a different application, replace /usr/bin/thunderbird
with the path to your application’s executable and change the label
of the item.
Now that OpenBox is configured, you’ll be creating the Dockerfile, which ties everything together.
Create a Dockerfile in your container’s directory:
To begin, let’s add some code to build easy-novnc
In the first stage, you are building easy-novnc
. This is done in a separate stage for simplicity and to save space — you don’t need the entire Go toolchain in your final image. Note the @v1.1.0
in the build command. This ensures that the result is deterministic, which is important because Docker caches the result of each step. If you had not specified an explicit version, Docker would reference the latest version of easy-novnc
at the time the image was first built. In addition, you want to ensure that you download a specific version of easy-novnc
, in case breaking changes are made to the CLI interface.
Now let’s create the second stage, which will become the final image. Here you will be using Debian 10 (buster) as the base image. Note that since this is running in a container, it will work regardless of the distribution you are running on your server.
Next, add the following block to your Dockerfile
In this instruction, you are installing Debian 10 as your base image and then installing the bare minimum required to run GUI applications in your container. Note that you run apt-get update
as part of the same instruction to prevent caching issues from Docker. To save space, you are also removing the package lists downloaded afterward (the cached packages themselves are removed by default). You are also creating /usr/share/desktop-directories
because some applications depend on the directory existing.
Let’s add another small block of code:
In this instruction, you are installing some useful general-purpose utilities and packages. Of particular interest here are xdg-utils
(which provides the base commands used by desktop applications on Linux) and ca-certificates
(which installs the root certificates to allow us to access HTTPS sites).
Now, we can add the instructions for the main application:
As before, here we are installing the application. If you are containerizing a different application, you can replace these commands with the ones required to install your specific app. Some applications will require a bit more work to run inside Docker. For example, if you are installing an app that uses Chrome, Chromium, or QtWebEngine, you’ll need to use the command line argument --no-sandbox
because it won’t be supported within Docker.
Next, let’s start adding the instructions to add the last few files to the container:
Here you are adding the configuration files you created earlier to the image and copying the easy-novnc
binary from the first stage.
This next code block creates the data directory and adds a dedicated user for your app. This is important because some applications refuse to run as root. It’s also good practice not to run applications as root, even in a container.
To ensure a consistent UID/GID
for the files, you are explicitly setting both to 1000
. You are also mounting a volume on the data directory to ensure it persists between restarts.
Finally, let’s add the instructions to launch everything:
By setting the default command to supervisord
, the manager will launch the processes required to run your application. In this case, you are using CMD
rather than ENTRYPOINT
. In most cases, it wouldn’t make a difference, but using CMD
is better-suited for this purpose for a few reasons. First, supervisord
doesn’t take any arguments that would be relevant to us, and if you provide arguments to the container, they replace CMD
and are appended to ENTRYPOINT
. Second, using CMD
allows us to provide an entirely different command (which will be executed by /bin/sh -c
) when passing arguments to the container, which makes debugging easier.
And lastly, you need to run chown
as root before starting supervisord
to prevent permission issues on the data volume and to allow the child processes to open stdout
. This also means you need to use gosu
instead of the USER
instruction to switch the user.
Here is what your completed Dockerfile
will look like:
Save and close your Dockerfile
. Now we are ready to build and run our container, and then access Thunderbird — a GUI application.
The next step is to build your container and set it to run at startup. You’ll also set up a volume to preserve the application data between restarts and updates.
First build your container. Make sure to run these commands in the ~/thunderbird
Now create a new network that will be shared between the app’s containers:
Then create a volume to store the application data:
Finally, run it and set it to restart automatically:
Note that if you want, you can replace the thunderbird-app
after the --name
option with a different name. Whatever you have chosen, your application is now containerized and running. Now let’s use the Caddy web server to secure it and remotely connect to it.
In this step, you’ll set up the Caddy web server to provide authentication and, optionally, remote file access over WebDAV. For simplicity, and to allow you to use it with your existing reverse proxy, you’ll run it in another container.
Create a new directory and then move inside it:
Now create a new Dockerfile
using nano
or your preferred editor:
Then add the following directives:
This Dockerfile builds Caddy with the WebDAV plugin enabled, then launches it on port 8080
with the Caddyfile
at /etc/Caddyfile
. Save and close the file.
Next you will configure the Caddy web server. Create a file named Caddyfile
in the directory you just created:
Now add the following code block to your Caddyfile
This Caddyfile
proxies the root directory to the thunderbird-app
container you created in Step 4 (Docker resolves it into the correct IP). It will also serve a read-only web-based file browser on /files
and run a WebDAV server on /webdav
which you can mount locally to access your files. The username and password are read from the environment variables APP_USERNAME
Now build the container:
Caddy v2 requires you to hash your desired password. Run the following command and remember to replace mypass
with a strong password of your choosing:
This command will output a string of characters. Copy this to your clipboard in preparation of running the next command.
Now you are ready to run the container. Make sure to replace myuser
with a username of your choosing, and replace mypass-hash
with the output of the command you ran in the previous step. You can also change the port (8080
here) to access your server on a different port:
We are now ready to access and test our application.
Let’s access your application and ensure that it’s working.
First, open http://your_server_ip:8080
in a web browser,
log in with the credentials you chose earlier, and click Connect.
You should now be able to interact with the application, and it should automatically resize to fit your browser window.
If you right-click on the black desktop, you should see a menu that allows you to access a terminal. If you middle-click, you should see a list of windows.
Now open http://your_server_ip:8080/files/
in a web browser. You should be able to access your files.
Optionally, you can try mounting http://your_server_ip:8080/webdav/
in a WebDAV client. You should be able to access and modify your files directly. If you use the Map network drive option in Windows Explorer, you will either need to use a reverse proxy to add HTTPS or set HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel
to DWORD:2
In either case, your native GUI application is now ready for remote use.
You have now successfully set up a Docker container for Thunderbird and then, using Caddy, you’ve configured access to it through a web browser. Should you ever need to upgrade your app, stop the containers, run docker rm thunderbird-app thunderbird-web
, re-build the images, and then re-run the docker run
commands from the previous steps above. Your data will still be preserved since it is stored in a volume.
If you want to learn more about basic Docker commands, you can read this tutorial or this cheatsheet. For longer-term use, you may also want to consider enabling HTTPS (this requires a domain) for additional security.
Additionally, if you’re deploying more than one application, you may want to use Docker Compose or Kubernetes instead of starting each container manually. And remember, this tutorial can serve as a base for running any other Linux application on your server, including:
This last option demonstrates the great potential of containerizing and remotely accessing GUI applications. With this setup, you can now use a server with considerably more computing power than you might have locally to run resource-intensive tools like Cutter.
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what a beautifully written technical doc. Amazing to follow. I am bookmarking this.