
How To Secure Your Site in Kubernetes with cert-manager, Traefik, and Let’s Encrypt

How To Secure Your Site in Kubernetes with cert-manager, Traefik, and Let’s Encrypt

The author selected the Diversity in Tech Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.


Kubernetes is a popular way to host websites and other services that benefit from its reliability and scalability. As more websites interact with sensitive data, such as personal information or passwords, browsers are starting to require that all websites use TLS to secure their traffic. However, it can be difficult to manage all the moving parts required to host a TLS-based site, from acquiring TLS certificate to renewing those certificates on time and configuring your server to use them.

Fortunately, there are services you can run in your Kubernetes cluster to manage a lot of this complexity for you. You can use Traefik Proxy (pronounced like “traffic”) as a network proxy with cert-manager as the service that acquires and manages secure certificates. Using these services with Let’s Encrypt, a provider of free and automated secure certificates, reduces the burden of managing your certificates, typically to the point where you only need to do the initial setup.

In this tutorial, you will set up cert-manager, Traefik, and Let’s Encrypt in your Kubernetes cluster, along with an example website service, to acquire, renew, and use secure certificates with your website automatically.

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Step 1 — Setting Up cert-manager in Your Cluster

Traditionally, when setting up secure certificates for a website, you would need to generate a certificate signing request and pay a trusted certificate authority to generate a certificate for you. You would then need to configure your web server to use that certificate and remember to go through that same process every year to keep your certificates up-to-date.

However, with the creation of Let’s Encrypt in 2014, it’s now possible to acquire free certificates through an automated process. These certificates are only valid for a few months instead of a year, though, so using an automated system to renew those certificates is a requirement. To handle that, you’ll use cert-manager, a service designed to run in Kubernetes that automatically manages the lifecycle of your certificates.

In this section, you will set up cert-manager to run in your cluster in its own cert-manager namespace.

First, install cert-manager using kubectl with cert-manager’s release file:

  1. kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.9.1/cert-manager.yaml

By default, cert-manager will install in its own namespace named cert-manager. As the file is applied, a number of resources will be created in your cluster, which will appear in your output (some of the output is removed due to length):

namespace/cert-manager created customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/certificaterequests.cert-manager.io created customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/certificates.cert-manager.io created # some output excluded deployment.apps/cert-manager-cainjector created deployment.apps/cert-manager created deployment.apps/cert-manager-webhook created mutatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/cert-manager-webhook created validatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/cert-manager-webhook created

In this section, you installed cert-manager to manage your secure certificates. Now, you need to set up a way to tell cert-manager how you want your certificates to be issued. In the next section, you’ll set up a Let’s Encrypt issuer in your cluster.

Step 2 — Configuring the Let’s Encrypt Certificate Issuer

Using a secure certificate for your website is a way to tell your users they can trust that the site they’re viewing came from your servers. To do this, the certificate authority must validate that you own the domain the certificate is for. Let’s Encrypt does this by using a standard called ACME, which uses challenges to prove you own the domain you’re generating a certificate for. cert-manager supports both DNS and HTTP challenges for various providers, but in this tutorial, you’ll use the DNS-01 challenge with DigitalOcean’s DNS provider.

In this section, you will create a ClusterIssuer for your cluster to tell cert-manager how to issue certificates from Let’s Encrypt and which credentials to use to complete the DNS challenges required by Let’s Encrypt.

Note: This tutorial assumes you are using DigitalOcean for your DNS provider and configures the ClusterIssuer with that assumption. cert-manager supports a number of different cloud providers for both HTTP and DNS challenges, so the same concepts can be applied to them.

For more information about other providers supported by cert-manager, see the ACME Introduction in cert-manager’s documentation.

Before you create the ClusterIssuer for your cluster, you’ll want to create a directory for your cluster configuration. Use the mkdir command to create a directory and then cd to enter that directory:

  1. mkdir tutorial-cluster-config
  2. cd tutorial-cluster-config

Once you’ve created your directory, you’ll need the Personal Access Token for DNS access that you created as part of this tutorial’s prerequisites. A DigitalOcean access token will look similar to dop_v1_4321... with a long string of numbers.

To store your access token as a secret in Kubernetes, you’ll need to base-64 encode it. To do this, you can use the echo command to pipe your token to the base64 command, replacing the highlighted portion with your access token:

  1. echo -n 'dop_v1_4321...' | base64

This command will send your access token from echo to the base64 command to encode it. The -n option ensures that a new line isn’t included at the end. Depending on your access token, you will receive output similar to the following:


This output is your base-64 encoded access token. Copy this because you’ll be using it next.

Using nano or your favorite editor, create and open a new file called lets-encrypt-do-dns.yaml:

  1. nano lets-encrypt-do-dns.yaml

Add the following code to create a Kubernetes Secret. Be sure to use your base-64 encoded access token in the access-token field:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: cert-manager
  name: lets-encrypt-do-dns
  access-token: ZG9wX3Y...

This Secret will be called lets-encrypt-do-dns and is stored in the namespace cert-manager. In the data section, you include the base-64 encoded access-token you created earlier. This Secret securely stores the access token you will reference when creating the Let’s Encrypt issuer.

Next, save your file and apply it to the cluster using kubectl apply:

  1. kubectl apply -f lets-encrypt-do-dns.yaml

In the output, you’ll receive a message that your secret has been created in the cluster:

secret/lets-encrypt-do-dns created

Now, create a new file named lets-encrypt-issuer.yaml to contain cert-manager’s ClusterIssuer, which you’ll use to issue your Let’s Encrypt certificates:

  1. nano lets-encrypt-issuer.yaml

Add the following lines, entering your email address in the spec.acme.email field (this is the address Let’s Encrypt will associate with the certificates it provides):

apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-issuer
    email: your_email_address
    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
      name: letsencrypt-issuer-account-key
      - selector: {}
              name: lets-encrypt-do-dns
              key: access-token

In the first two lines, the apiVersion and kind say this Kubernetes resource is a cert-manager ClusterIssuer. Next, you name it letsencrypt-issuer. In this case, you didn’t include a namespace field because the resource is a Cluster resource, meaning it applies to the entire cluster instead of a single namespace.

Next, in the spec section, you define the acme challenge section to tell cert-manager this ClusterIssuer should use ACME to issue certificates using the letsencrypt-issuer. The email is your email address to which Let’s Encrypt will send any certificate-related communications, such as renewal reminders if there’s a problem and cert-manager doesn’t renew them in time. The server field specifies the URL to contact for requesting the ACME challenges and is set to the production Let’s Encrypt URL. After the server field, you include the privateKeySecretRef field with the name of the secret that cert-manager will use to store its generated private key for your cluster.

One of the most important sections in the spec.acme section is the solvers section. In this section, you configure the ACME challenge solvers you want to use for the letsencrypt-issuer. In this case, you include a single solver, the dns01 solver. The first part of the solver configuration, the selector, is configured to be {}, which means “anything.” If you wanted to use different solvers for other certificates in your cluster, you could set up additional selectors in the same issuer. You can find more information about how to do this in cert-manager’s ACME Introduction.

Inside the dns01 section, you add a digitalocean section to say this issuer should use DigitalOcean as the DNS-01 solver. If you are using a different cloud provider, this is where you would configure the other provider. Inside this section, you include a tokenSecretRef to reference the lets-encrypt-do-dns access-token field of the Secret you created earlier. cert-manager will use this access token when creating DNS records on your behalf.

Once you’ve saved your issuer file, apply it to the cluster using kubectl apply:

  1. kubectl apply -f lets-encrypt-issuer.yaml

The output will confirm that the ClusterIssuer, named letsencrypt-issuer, has been created:

clusterissuer.cert-manager.io/letsencrypt-issuer created

In this section, you set up cert-manager and configured it to issue certificates from Let’s Encrypt. However, no certificates are being requested, nothing is serving your website, and you don’t have a website service running in your cluster. In the next section, you’ll set up Traefik as the proxy between the outside world and your websites.

Step 3 — Using a Load Balancer with Traefik

Traefik is an open-source proxy service designed to integrate with Kubernetes for website traffic and other network traffic coming in and out of your cluster. As your network traffic grows, you may want to increase the number of Traefik instances running in your cluster to spread out resource usage across different Kubernetes nodes. To use a single address to refer to multiple service instances like this, you can use a load balancer to accept the network connections and send them to the different Traefik instances, in effect balacing the network traffic load.

In this section, you’ll install Traefik into your cluster and prepare it to be used with the certificates managed by cert-manager and the website you’ll add in Step 5. You will also set up a load balancer, which will send incoming network traffic to your Traefik service from outside your cluster, as well as prepare you to handle multiple instance of Traefik, should you choose to run them.

First, create a namespace called traefik where you’ll install Traefik. To do this, open a file named traefik-ns.yaml:

  1. nano traefik-ns.yaml

Enter a Kubernetes Namespace resource:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: traefik

After saving your file, apply it to your cluster using kubectl apply:

  1. kubectl apply -f traefik-ns.yaml

Once your command runs, the cluster’s output will confirm that the namespace has been created:

namespace/traefik created

After creating the traefik namespace, you will install the Traefik service itself. For this, you’ll use a utility called Helm. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that makes installing Kubernetes services similar to installing an app on your computer. In Helm, a package is called a chart.

First, you’ll need to add the traefik Helm repository to your available repositories, which will allow Helm to find the traefik package:

  1. helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik

Once the command completes, you’ll receive confirmation that the traefik repository has been added to your computer’s Helm repositories:

"traefik" has been added to your repositories

Next, update your chart repositories:

  1. helm repo update

The output will confirm that the traefik chart repository has been updated:

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "traefik" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

Finally, install traefik into the traefik namespace you created in your cluster:

  1. helm install --namespace=traefik traefik traefik/traefik

There are a lot of traefiks in this command, so let’s go over what each one does. The first traefik in your command, with --namespace=traefik, tells Helm to install Traefik in the traefik namespace you created earlier. Next, the highlighted traefik is the name you want to give to this installation of Traefik in your cluster. This way, if you have multiple installations of Traefik in the same cluster, you can give them different names, such as traefik-website1 and traefik-website2. Since you’ll only have one Traefik installation in your cluster right now, you can just use the name traefik. The third traefik/ is the repository you added earlier and want to install from. Finally, the last traefik is the name of the chart you want to install.

Once you run the command, output similar to the following will print to the screen:

NAME: traefik
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Oct  2 16:32:57 2022
NAMESPACE: traefik
STATUS: deployed

Once the Helm chart is installed, Traefik will begin downloading on your cluster. To see whether Traefik is up and running, run kubectl get all to see all the Traefik resources created in the traefik namespace:

  1. kubectl get -n traefik all

Your output will appear similar to the output below:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/traefik-858bb8459f-k4ztp 1/1 Running 0 94s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/traefik LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31981/TCP,443:30188/TCP 94s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/traefik 1/1 1 1 94s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/traefik-858bb8459f 1 1 1 94s

Depending on your cluster and when you ran the previous command, some of the names and ages may be different. If you see <pending> under EXTERNAL-IP for your service/traefik, keep running the kubectl get -n traefik all command until an IP address is listed. The EXTERNAL-IP is the IP address the load balancer is available from on the internet. Once an IP address is listed, make note of that IP address as your traefik_ip_address. You’ll use this address in the next section to set up your domain.

In this section, you installed Traefik into your cluster and have an EXTERNAL-IP you can direct your website traffic to. In the next section, you’ll make the changes to your DNS to send traffic from your domain to the load balancer.

Step 4 — Accessing Traefik with Your Domain

Now that you have Traefik set up in your cluster and accessible on the internet with a load balancer, you’ll need to update your domain’s DNS to point to your Traefik load balancer. Before you continue, be sure your domain is added to your DigitalOcean account. cert-manager will need to be able to update DNS settings for your domain using the access token you set up earlier. You’ll use doctl to set up your domain’s DNS records to point to Traefik’s load balancer.

Note: This section assumes you’re using DigitalOcean as your DNS host. If you’re using a DNS host other than DigitalOcean, you’ll still create the same DNS record types with the same values, but you’ll need to refer to your DNS host’s documentation for how to add them.

First, create a DNS A record for your domain named tutorial-proxy.your_domain that points to your traefik_ip_address:

  1. doctl compute domain records create your_domain --record-name tutorial-proxy --record-type A --record-data traefik_ip_address

A DNS A record tells the DNS to point a given hostname to a specific IP address. In this case, tutorial-proxy.your_domain will point to traefik_ip_address. So, if someone requests the website at tutorial-proxy.your_domain, the DNS servers will direct them to traefik_ip_address.

After running the command, you’ll receive confirmation that your record has been created:

ID Type Name Data Priority Port TTL Weight 12345678 A tutorial-proxy traefik_ip_address 0 0 1800 0

Now, create a CNAME-type DNS record named tutorial-service.your_domain and direct it to tutorial-proxy.your_domain. Since you’ll likely have several services running in your cluster at some point, using an A record to point each domain to your Traefik proxy could be a lot of work if you ever need to change your proxy’s IP address. Using a CNAME tells DNS to use the address of the domain it’s pointing to. In this case, the domain is tutorial-proxy.your_domain, so you only need to update your one A record to point to a new IP address instead of multiple A records.

To create the CNAME record, use the doctl command again. Be sure to include the trailing period (.) in --record-data:

  1. doctl compute domain records create your_domain --record-name tutorial-service --record-type CNAME --record-data tutorial-proxy.your_domain.

This will create your tutorial-service.your_domain CNAME DNS record pointing to tutorial-proxy.your_domain. Now, when someone requests tutorial-service.your_domain, the DNS server will tell them to connect to the IP address tutorial-proxy.your_domain is pointing to. The trailing . in the --record-data tells the DNS server that it’s the end of the domain being provided and it shouldn’t append any other information on the end, similar to how a period (.) is used to end a sentence.

After running the command, you will see output similar to the following:

ID Type Name Data Priority Port TTL Weight 12345679 CNAME tutorial-service tutorial-proxy.your_domain 0 0 1800 0

Since DigitalOcean is your primary DNS server, you can query the server directly to determine whether it’s set up correctly instead of waiting for other DNS servers on the internet to be updated. To verify your settings are coming through the DNS servers correctly, use the dig command to view what ns1.digitalocean.com, DigitalOcean’s primary DNS server, thinks the records should be:

Note: If you are using a DNS host other than DigitalOcean, replace ns1.digitalocean.com in this command with one of the DNS servers your DNS host had you set up on your domain.

  1. dig @ns1.digitalocean.com +noall +answer +domain=your_domain tutorial-proxy tutorial-service

dig is a utility that connects directly to DNS servers to “dig” into the DNS records to find the one you’re looking for. In this case, you provide @ns1.digitalocean.com to tell dig you want to query the ns1.digitalocean.com server for its DNS records. The +noall +answer options tell dig to only output a shorter response. (You can remove these two options if you want more information about the DNS query.) For more about dig, check out our guide to Retrieve DNS Information Using Dig.

Next, using +domain=your_domain tells dig to add .your_domain to the end of any hostnames provided to the command. Finally, tutorial-proxy and tutorial-service are the hostnames to look up. Since you’re using the +domain option, you don’t need to use the full phrase tutorial-proxy.your_domain, as it will automatically be added on the end.

You should receive output similar to the following, with your own values for your_domain and traefik_ip_address:

tutorial-proxy.your_domain. 1662 IN A traefik_ip_address tutorial-service.your_domain. 1800 IN CNAME tutorial-proxy.your_domain. tutorial-proxy.your_domain. 1800 IN A traefik_ip_address

The first line of the output shows that tutorial-proxy.your_domain is an A (IN A) record that points to traefik_ip_address. The second confirms that tutorial-service.your_domain is a CNAME (IN CNAME) record that points to tutorial-proxy.your_domain. Finally, the last line is the query dig runs to find the address your CNAME record points to. Since it’s tutorial-proxy.your_domain, it will show the same A record IP address as before.

In this section, you added an A-type DNS record and a CNAME-type DNS record to your domain so that network clients, such as browsers, know where to go to connect to your Traefik service. In the next section, you’ll set up a temporary web server in your cluster to complete your configuration.

Step 5 — Creating Your Web Service

In the previous sections, you set up cert-manager and Traefik to handle your website’s secure certificates and route web traffic to your web service. At this point, though, you don’t have a web service to send traffic to. In this section, you’ll use the Nginx web server to simulate a website you’d host in your cluster.

To simulate the website, you’ll set up a Deployment using the nginx Docker image. It will only show the Nginx “Welcome!” page, but this is enough to ensure everything is connected correctly and working as expected.

First, create a file named tutorial-service.yaml:

  1. nano tutorial-service.yaml

Add the following code, which creates a Namespace called tutorial and a Deployment named tutorial-service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: tutorial
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: tutorial
  name: tutorial-service
  replicas: 3
      app.kubernetes.io/name: tutorial-service
      app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tutorial
        app.kubernetes.io/name: tutorial-service
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tutorial
        - name: service
          image: nginx
            - containerPort: 80

Similar to the traefik namespace you created earlier, the first resource in this file will create a new namespace in your cluster named tutorial. The next resource, the tutorial-service Deployment, specifies that you want three replicas of the website running in your cluster, so if one crashes, you’ll still have two others until the third comes back.

The next section, the selector, tells Kubernetes how to find any pods associated with this Deployment. In this case, it will find any pods with labels that match. Under the template section, you define what you want each of your pods to look like. The metadata section provides the labels that will be matched in the selector, and the spec specifies that you want one container in the pod named service that uses the nginx image and listens for network connections on port 80.

Once you’ve saved your changes, apply them to the cluster:

  1. kubectl apply -f tutorial-service.yaml

The output will confirm that the tutorial namespace and the tutorial-service deployment have been created:

namespace/tutorial created deployment.apps/tutorial-service created

To check whether your deployment is running, you can use the kubectl get pods command to list the pods running in the tutorial namespace:

  1. kubectl get -n tutorial pods

Output similar to the following will print:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE tutorial-service-568b4f8477-hpstl 1/1 Running 0 2m15s tutorial-service-568b4f8477-mcpqd 1/1 Running 0 2m15s tutorial-service-568b4f8477-mg8mb 1/1 Running 0 2m15s

You should find a list of three pods with the STATUS of Running and random names following tutorial-service-. The AGE will vary depending on how much time has passed between running the kubectl apply and the kubectl get commands.

Now that your web service is up and running, you need a way to send traffic across all three pods. In Kubernetes, you use a Service for this. Any traffic sent to the Service will be load balanced between the various pods the Service points to.

To create your Service, open your tutorial-service.yaml file again and add a Service to the end:

        - name: service
          image: nginx
            - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: tutorial
  name: tutorial-service
    app.kubernetes.io/name: tutorial-service
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: tutorial
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80

Similar to the Deployment, your Service has a selector section listing the labels for finding the pods to which you want to send traffic. These labels match the labels you included in the pod template section in the Deployment. The Service also has one port listed in the ports section that says any TCP traffic sent to port: 80 of the service should be sent to targetPort: 80 on the pod chosen by the load balancer.

After saving your changes, apply the Service to the cluster:

  1. kubectl apply -f tutorial-service.yaml

This time in the output, the namespace and deployment are listed as unchanged (because you didn’t make any changes to them) and the tutorial-service has been created:

namespace/tutorial unchanged deployment.apps/tutorial-service unchanged service/tutorial-service created

Once your tutorial-service is created, you can test that you can access the service by using the kubectl port-forward command to make the service available on your local computer:

  1. kubectl port-forward -n tutorial service/tutorial-service 8888:80

This command forwards any traffic sent to port 8888 on your local computer to port 80 of tutorial-service in the cluster. In your Kubernetes cluster, you set up the tutorial-service Service to listen for connections on port 80, and you need a way to send traffic from your local computer to that service in the cluster. In the command, you specify you want to port-forward to service/tutorial-service in the tutorial namespace, and then provide the combination of ports 8888:80. The first port listed is the port your local computer will listen on, while the second port (after the :) is the port on service/tutorial-service where the traffic will be sent. When you send traffic to port 8888 on your local computer, all that traffic will be sent to port 80 on service/tutorial-service, and ultimately to the pods service/tutorial-service is pointing to.

When you run the command, you’ll receive output similar to the following:

Forwarding from -> 80 Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 80

Note that the command will not return and will keep running to forward the traffic.

To make a request against your service, open a second terminal on your computer and use the curl command to your computer on port 8888:

  1. curl http://localhost:8888/

This command makes an HTTP request through your forwarded port (8888) to the cluster’s tutorial-service, and returns an HTML response containing the Nginx welcome page:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> html { color-scheme: light dark; } body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html>

In your original terminal, you can now press CONTROL+C to stop the port-forward command. You will also see some additional output from when you made the curl connection:

Forwarding from -> 80 Forwarding from [::1]:8888 -> 80 Handling connection for 8888

In this section, you set up an nginx web service in your cluster using a Deployment and a Service. You then used kubectl port-forward with the curl command to ensure nginx is running correctly. Now that cert-manager, Traefik, and your service are set up, you’ll bring them all together in the next section and make your service available over HTTPS on the internet with cert-manager and Traefik.

Step 6 — Making Your Web Service Available and Secure

Even though you have all the individual services running in your cluster, they’re all running relatively independently. cert-manager is just sitting there, Traefik doesn’t know about any sites it should serve, and your Nginx website is only available if you port forward to the cluster. In this section, you’ll create an Ingress resource to connect all your services.

First, open tutorial-service.yaml again:

  1. nano tutorial-service.yaml

Add an Ingress at the end of the file, after the tutorial-service Service you added earlier. Be sure to update the configuration with your own domain name and include the --- at the beginning to separate your Ingress resource from the Service resource above it:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: tutorial-service-ingress
  namespace: tutorial
    traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints: websecure
    traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.tls: "true"
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-issuer
    - host: tutorial-service.your_domain
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: tutorial-service
                  number: 80
    - secretName: tutorial-service-cert
        - tutorial-service.your_domain

These lines include the rules and annotations to tell everything how to fit together. The Ingress resource includes references to Traefik, cert-manager, and your tutorial-service. The annotations section includes a few different but important annotations.

The traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.entrypoints annotation tells Traefik that traffic for this Ingress should be available via the websecure entrypoint. This is an entrypoint the Helm chart configures by default to handle HTTPS traffic and listens on traefik_ip_address port 443, the default for HTTPS.

The next annotation, traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/router.tls, is set to true to tell Traefik to only respond to HTTPS traffic and not to HTTP traffic. Since your website needs to be secure to handle any sensitive data, you don’t want your users accidentally using an insecure version.

The last annotation, cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer is set to letsencrypt-issuer to tell cert-manager the issuer you’d like to use when issuing secure certificates for this Ingress. At this point, letsencrypt-issuer is the only issuer you have configured, but you could add more later and use different ones for different sites.

In the Ingress spec.rules section, you include one rule for routing traffic sent to the Ingress. It says for the host named tutorial-service.your_domain, use http for the given paths. The only path included is the root /path with a pathType of Prefix, which means any traffic sent should be sent to the provided backend. The backend section says it’s a service, that the service it should send traffic to is the tutorial-service Service you created earlier, and that traffic should be sent to port 80 of the Service.

The spec.tls section of the Ingress provides the information cert-manager needs to request and issue your secure certificates as well as the information Traefik needs to use those certificates. The secretName is the Kubernetes Secret where cert-manager will put the issued secure certificate, and the Secret Traefik will use to load the issued certificate. The hosts section lists the hostnames cert-manager will request the certificates for. In this case, it will only be the tutorial-service.your_domain hostname, but you could also include others you own if you’d like the site to respond to multiple hostnames.

After saving the Ingress you created, use kubectl apply again to apply the new resource to your cluster:

  1. kubectl apply -f tutorial-service.yaml

The Ingress will be created and the other resources will remain unchanged:

namespace/tutorial unchanged deployment.apps/tutorial-service unchanged service/tutorial-service unchanged ingress.networking.k8s.io/tutorial-service-ingress created

Once the Ingress is created, Traefik will begin to configure itself and cert-manager will begin the challenge/response process to have the certificate issued. This can take a few minutes, so you can check whether the certificate has been issued by reviewing the certificates in your tutorial namespace:

  1. kubectl get -n tutorial certificates

You will receive output similar to the following:

NAME READY SECRET AGE tutorial-service-cert False tutorial-service-cert 12m

If the READY field is False, the certificate has not been issued yet. You can keep running the same command to watch for it to turn to True. It can take some time to be issued, but if it takes longer than a few minutes, it could mean something is wrong with your configuration.

Note: If your certificate is not issued after 10-15 minutes, it can be helpful to look at the log messages for cert-manager to see if it’s having trouble requesting the certificate. To view these logs, you can use the following command to watch the logs, and press CONTRL+C to stop following them:

  1. kubectl logs -n cert-manager deployment/cert-manager --tail=10 -f

Once your certificate is ready, you can make an HTTPS request against your cluster using curl:

  1. curl https://tutorial-service.your_domain

Note: Depending on how long ago you updated your DNS records and how long the DNS records take to spread across the internet’s DNS servers, you may see an error that your domain couldn’t be found or it goes to the wrong place. If this happens, you can use a curl workaround to skip the DNS check for now by running the following command:

  1. curl https://tutorial-service.your_domain --resolve 'tutorial-service.your_domain:443:traefik_ip_address'

This command tells the curl command to use the --resolve option to override any DNS resolution for tutorial-service.your_domain on port 443 with traefik_ip_address instead. Since the DNS result curl is getting is incorrect, this will still allow you to connect to Traefik inside your cluster until DNS is fully updated.

In your output, you will get the same Nginx “Welcome!” page from the port forwarding earlier, but this time it’s accessible over the internet:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> html { color-scheme: light dark; } body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html>

However, if you try to request the HTTP version of your site, you won’t receive a response:

  1. curl http://tutorial-service.your_domain

A 404 error will load instead:

404 page not found

Since you configured your site in the Ingress to not respond to HTTP traffic, Traefik never set up a site at that address and returns a 404 error. This can confuse your users if they know they should see a website, so many administrators will configure their servers to redirect HTTP traffic to the HTTPS site automatically. Traefik also allows you to do this by updating Traefik to tell it to redirect all web traffic to the websecure port:

  1. helm upgrade --namespace=traefik traefik traefik/traefik --set 'ports.web.redirectTo=websecure'

The --set 'ports.web.redirectTo=websecure' option tells Traefik to reconfigure itself to do the redirection automatically.

You should see a message similar to the one below that the traefik installation has been “upgraded”:

Release "traefik" has been upgraded. Happy Helming! NAME: traefik LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Oct 2 19:17:34 2022 NAMESPACE: traefik STATUS: deployed REVISION: 2 TEST SUITE: None

Now if you make a request to your HTTP location, you’ll receive output that says the site was moved:

  1. curl http://tutorial-service.your_domain

This response is expected:

Moved Permanently

Since you want all your traffic to go to your HTTPS site, Traefik is now returning an automatic redirect to the HTTPS site from the HTTP site on your behalf. Web browsers will do this redirect automatically, but curl requires an additional option, -L, to tell it to follow redirects. Update your curl command with the -L option to follow redirects:

  1. curl -L http://tutorial-service.your_domain

The output will contain the Nginx welcome page from your HTTPS site:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> <style> html { color-scheme: light dark; } body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.</p> <p>For online documentation and support please refer to <a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/> Commercial support is available at <a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p> <p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p> </body> </html>

This output confirms that the redirect works as expected.

In this section, you tied cert-manager, Traefik, and your Nginx website together using a Kubernetes Ingress resource. You also updated your Traefik configuration to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS websites to ensure users can find your website.


In this tutorial, you installed a few different services in your Kubernetes cluster to make it easier to run a website with secure certificates. You installed the cert-manager service to handle the lifecycle of TLS certificates issued from Let’s Encrypt. You installed Traefik to make your websites available outside your cluster and to use the TLS certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt. Lastly, you created an Nginx website in your cluster to test your cert-manager and Traefik configurations.

Now that you have cert-manager and Traefik configured in your cluster, you could also set up more websites with different Ingress resources to serve many websites from the same cluster with a single cert-manager and Traefik installation.

You can read the Traefik Proxy documentation for more about the different functionalities Traefik can provide in your cluster. cert-manager also has extensive documentation on how to use it with other types of Let’s Encrypt challenges, as well as sources other than Let’s Encrypt.

To continue configuring your Kubernetes cluster, check out our other tutorials on Kubernetes.

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About the author(s)

Kristin Davidson
Kristin DavidsonBit Transducer
See author profile

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Hi! I’m getting errors during the challenge. I’ve looked around but I can’t find a solution.

I’ve read around that helm may need extra settings for digitalocean deployments (https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/issues/2485 and https://github.com/traefik/traefik-helm-chart/blob/master/EXAMPLES.md#use-proxyprotocol-on-digital-ocean) but it has not helped.

A truncated output of the challenge description is described below

$ kubectl describe -n tutorial challenge tutorial-service-cert-dqklj-38500715

  Type     Reason        Age                    From                     Message
  ----     ------        ----                   ----                     -------
  Normal   Started       46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Challenge scheduled for processing
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "99358c85-9416-4595-9997-0dff92ab2d85") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "9874360e-1db0-489e-a536-8ff73786dcad") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "745a536e-8bde-438d-aba2-8d0b98634c6c") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "9ba89e02-d717-4499-aa3b-4f018cd3bdbe") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "cd457a17-a56c-4952-ab08-5e38fe90bdd7") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "a9d0ebdd-ccec-40ef-a083-8858bbee220f") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "e7129882-8872-41a2-8c11-81806de7a096") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "fe2ebf37-f25d-4dde-b326-0a9de36eadc4") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  46m                    cert-manager-challenges  Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 404 (request "dab33601-c3c9-4924-bb82-0dc202409328") Resource not found
  Warning  PresentError  66s (x17427 over 46m)  cert-manager-challenges  (combined from similar events): Error presenting challenge: GET https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/work/records: 429 (request "6730a3e1-2fe2-485f-adf5-193cfde247be") Too many requests

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