Vault is an open-source tool that provides a secure, reliable way to store and distribute secrets like API keys, access tokens, and passwords. Software like Vault can be critically important when deploying applications that require the use of secrets or sensitive data.
In this tutorial, you will:
With some additional policies in place, you’ll be able to use Vault to securely manage sensitive data for your various applications and tools.
As with any service that manages sensitive information, you should consider reading additional documentation regarding Vault’s deployment best practices before using it in a production-like environment. For example, Vault’s production hardening guide covers topics such as policies, root tokens, and auditing.
Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:
Note: Vault generates a self-signed TLS certificate when you install the package for the first time. If you do not have a domain name or TLS certificate to use with Vault but would like to follow the steps in this tutorial, you can skip TLS verification by adding the -tls-skip-verify
flag to the commands in this tutorial, or by defining the VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY
environment variable.
This option is only suitable for experimenting with Vault and should not be used in a production environment.
HashiCorp provides Vault as a typical Debian/Ubuntu package, so we’ll go through the normal steps of adding their package repository to our server’s list of package sources:
First, add Hashicorp’s GPG key to your package manager, so that your system trusts their package repositories:
Then add the repository itself to your list of package sources, so it’ll be checked for regular updates:
Then install the package:
You can now use the vault
command. Try checking Vault’s version to make sure it works.
OutputVault v1.8.5 (647eccfe0bd5817bdd8628f3c3171402dfc8a8fc)
The Vault executable is installed on your server, so the next step is to configure it to run as a system service.
Installing the Vault package automatically creates a vault
vault user on your system and sets up a system service for running Vault in the background. We need to make a couple of changes to its default configuration in order to use the HTTPS certificates generated by Let’s Encrypt.
Note: In this tutorial and by default, Vault uses the filesystem backend to store encrypted secrets on the local filesystem at /opt/vault
. This is suitable for local or single-server deployments that do not need to be replicated. Other Vault backends, such as the Consul backend, will store encrypted secrets at rest within a distributed key/value store.
Vault’s default configuration is stored in /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
. You’ll use this file to control various options in Vault, such as where encrypted secrets are stored.
Open vault.hcl
using nano
or your favorite text editor.
Find the listener "tcp"
section of the file under #HTTPS listener
that contains this block. If you are using nano
, you can press Ctrl+W
then enter listener “tcp”
to find that line directly:
#HTTPS listener
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_cert_file = "/opt/vault/tls/tls.crt"
tls_key_file = "/opt/vault/tls/tls.key"
Edit the tls_cert_file
and tls_key_file
lines to point to your Let’s Encrypt certificate and key files. Don’t forget to substitute in your own domain name in place of the highlighted your_domain
part of each line.
listener "tcp" {
tls_cert_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/fullchain.pem"
tls_key_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/privkey.pem"
Note: You should also change address = ""
to address = “”
to prevent external connections to this server for now.
is a reserved address for localhost only. This is to ensure that the service is not exposed to the public internet before it has been properly secured. You can update this later, but for now, this configuration change will let us use the vault
command and correctly resolve the HTTPS-secured domain name.
Save and close the file. If you are using nano
, press Ctrl+X
, then Y
when prompted to save the file, and Enter
to confirm.
Next, the vault
system user also needs permission to read these certificates. By default, these certificates and private keys are only accessible by root
. To make these available securely, we’ll create a special group called pki
to access these files. We will create the group and then add the vault
user to it.
Update the permissions on the two directories in the /etc/letsencrypt
directory to allow members of the pki
group to read the contents.
Then add the vault
user to the pki
group. This will grant Vault access to the certificates so that it can serve requests securely over HTTPS.
As a final step for convenience, add a rule in /etc/hosts
to direct requests to Vault to localhost
Replace your_domain
in the following command with the domain you acquired the Let’s Encrypt certificate for:
This command appends the line
to /etc/hosts
so that any HTTP requests that you make on your Vault server to
ignore DNS and are sent to localhost
With the Vault service set up and the Vault configuration file complete, we’re now ready to start Vault and initialize the secret store.
When you first start Vault, it will be uninitialized, which means that it isn’t ready to receive and store data. In this section of the tutorial, you will start the Vault server, and then initialize it with a set of secret keys that will be used to unseal (open) Vault’s secret stores.
The first time you start Vault, the backend that actually stores the encrypted secrets is uninitialized, too. Start the Vault system service to initialize the backend and start running Vault itself.
You can run a quick check to confirm the service has started successfully.
You should receive output similar to the following:
Output● vault.service - "HashiCorp Vault - A tool for managing secrets"
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vault.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-11-16 21:55:13 UTC; 22s ago
Main PID: 104207 (vault)
Tasks: 7 (limit: 1137)
Memory: 179.3M
CGroup: /system.slice/vault.service
└─104207 /usr/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
The output of that command should include several pieces of information about the running service, such as its process ID and resource usage. Ensure that the following line is included in the output, which indicates that the service is running correctly.
Output. . .
Active: active (running)
. . .
If the service is not active, take a look at the accompanying log lines at the end of the command’s output to see Vault’s output, which can help pinpoint any issues.
Next, we’ll set an environment variable to tell the vault
command how to connect to the Vault server. In Step 1 you configured Vault to only listen on the local loopback interface, so set the VAULT_ADDR
environment variable to the local HTTPS endpoint.
The vault
command can now communicate with the daemon. Note that defining the actual hostname instead of simply localhost
is necessary to properly validate the HTTPS certificate.
Confirm that the vault server is in an uninitialized state by checking its status.
The server should return some output so that you can tell it is working but not yet initialized.
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized false
Sealed true
Total Shares 0
Threshold 0
Unseal Progress 0/0
Unseal Nonce n/a
Version 1.8.5
Storage Type file
HA Enabled false
There are two pieces of information that Vault will expose at initialization time that will not be available at any other point:
More specifically, Vault’s unsealing process decrypts the backend using a key formed by key shares. When you first initialize Vault, you may choose how many unseal keys to create and how many are necessary at unseal time to successfully unseal Vault. To learn more about Vault’s sealing mechanism, you can refer to the Vault documentation.
A typical configuration for the unseal parameters would be to create three keys and require at least two of those keys at unseal time. This permits the important key shares to be separated and stored in distinct locations to ensure that compromising one is not sufficient to unseal Vault.
In other words, whenever Vault is started, at least two unseal keys will be required in order to make the service become available and ready to use. While sealed, the files that store the actual secret values will remain encrypted and inaccessible.
Initialize Vault with three unseal keys using the -key-shares=3
option, and require at least two keys to unseal the vault with the -key-threshold=2
You will receive output like the following:
OutputUnseal Key 1: eZcJeydRrqeSMZ1zTN+VVll9TFT2KvJy7VlnxUgtvuz5
Unseal Key 2: ntmqCKq8rgNnKT1YSLCjVmCCZBAA3NwUeqxIyRpYD4Wm
Unseal Key 3: 3FK1+Hsorh4p8/L9mki3VskaEU2eQhLqGOI/pJkTHMbx
Initial Root Token: s.hY0ieybfDqCadz7JpL88uO3x
Be sure to save each unseal token and the initial root token in a secure way. You will not be able to retrieve these keys and root token again. For example, one option would be to store one unseal key in a password manager, another on a USB drive, and another in a GPG-encrypted file.
If you examine vault status
again, the Initialized
status will now be set to true
, and the Total Shares
and Threshold
values will reflect the number of key shards and minimum number of keys that you will need to unseal the vault.
Output. . .
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 3
Threshold 2
Unseal Progress 0/2
. . .
Note that the Unseal Progess
line shows the value 0/2
. Begin unsealing Vault using your newly created unseal tokens. Run the vault operator unseal
command and input any of your keys when prompted:
The command will ask for an unseal token:
OutputKey (will be hidden):
After entering it, the output from the command will indicate that the unsealing is in progress, but still requires one more unsealing key before Vault is ready for use.
OutputKey Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed true
Total Shares 3
Threshold 2
Unseal Progress 1/2
Unseal Nonce 0f3a328b-e0c6-6294-d6a2-56da49271dff
Version 1.8.5
Storage Type file
HA Enabled false
Notice how the Unseal Progress 1/2
line has changed in the output. Run the unseal
command again.
And enter a different key than the one you already used:
OutputKey (will be hidden):
The command’s output indicates that the unseal process had completed successfully.
OutputKey Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 3
Threshold 2
Version 1.8.5
Storage Type file
Cluster Name vault-cluster-3042c7bc
Cluster ID c3e9d814-cf2a-2901-f0e4-ebc52d29e5cc
HA Enabled false
Vault is now unsealed and ready for use. These unseal steps are necessary whenever Vault is started or restarted.
However, unsealing is a distinct process from normal interaction with Vault (such as reading and writing values), which are authenticated by tokens. In the next steps, we’ll create the necessary access tokens and policies to store secret values and read/write to specific paths in Vault.
There are several secret backends that you can use with Vault, but for this example we will use the kv
secret backend. This backend stores simple key/value pairs in Vault. However, it is not enabled by default.
In this section of the tutorial, you will enable the kv
secret backend, and then learn how to read and write secrets to it.
First, save the previously generated root token to a shell variable for ease of use.
Next, while authenticating with the root token, enable the kv
You will receive output like the following if the command is successful:
OutputSuccess! Enabled the kv secrets engine at: kv/
You can then verify that it’s been added to your local list of available secrets backends:
You should receive output like the following:
OutputPath Type Accessor Description
---- ---- -------- -----------
cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_abc1631b per-token private secret storage
identity/ identity identity_631fe262 identity store
kv/ kv kv_4d5855c8 n/a
sys/ system system_79b13f2f system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging
Note the highlighted line that indicates the new kv
backend is enabled. Now we can store some data with this backend.
In this command, the highlighted kv/
prefix indicates that we are writing to the kv
backend mounted at the kv
path, and we are storing the key value
at the path message
with the value mypassword
. We used the root token, which has superuser privileges, to write the generic secret.
Check the secret that you created using the vault read
You should receive output like the following, with the contents of the secret that you created:
OutputKey Value
--- -----
refresh_interval 768h
value mypassword
However, creating, reading, and otherwise interacting with Vault using the Root Token only is not secure, scalable in a team setting, and does not allow for fine-grained access control to secrets. In the next section you’ll learn how to define policies and create additional access tokens to restrict how users can interact with Vault.
In a real-world scenario, you may store values like API keys or passwords that external tools can consume. Although you may read the secret value again using the root token, it is illustrative to generate a less privileged token with read-only permissions to our single secret.
In this section of the tutorial you will create a Vault policy that will enforce read-only access to secrets. To create the policy you’ll need to edit a file and then load it into Vault using the vault policy
To get started creating a policy, open a file called policy.hcl
using nano
or your preferred editor:
Populate the file with the following Vault policy, which defines read-only access to the secret path::
path "kv/message" {
capabilities = ["read"]
Save and close the file, then write this policy to Vault. The following command will load the policy.hcl
file into Vault and create a policy named message-readonly
with the read-only capability
Next, create a token that you will use for read-only access to Vault. Add the -policy=”message-readonly”
flag to the vault token create
command to use the new policy that you created:
The output will look like this:
OutputKey Value
--- -----
token your_token_value
token_accessor your_token_accessor
token_duration 768h0m0s
token_renewable true
token_policies ["default" "message-readonly"]
identity_policies []
policies ["default" "message-readonly"]
Save the highlighted your_token_value
value to an environment variable called app_token
You can use the value of app_token
to access the data stored in the path kv/message
(and no other values in Vault).
OutputKey Value
--- -----
refresh_interval 768h0m0s
value mypassword
You can also test that this unprivileged token cannot perform other operations, such as listing secrets in Vault.
OutputError reading kv/: Error making API request.
URL: GET https://your_domain:8200/v1/secret?list=true
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
This verifies that the less-privileged app token cannot perform any destructive actions or access other secret values aside from those explicitly stated in its Vault policy. If you would like to continue using the read-only token, be sure to record it somewhere safe for future use.
In this article you installed, configured, and deployed Vault on Ubuntu 20.04. You also created a sharded key to unseal Vault, enabled the kv
backend secret store, and defined a read-only policy to limit how a user can interact with Vault secrets.
Although this tutorial only demonstrated how to use an unprivileged token, the Vault documentation has more examples of additional ways to store and access secrets as well as alternative authentication methods.
These instructions demonstrated how to deploy and use some of the core features of Vault. Your needs may require other configuration changes and more complex policies. Be sure to read the Vault documentation and make appropriate configuration changes for your needs. Some production-ready changes may include:
Generating lesser-privileged tokens for everyday use. The specific policies that these tokens should use depends on your specific use cases, but the example app_token
in this tutorial illustrates how you can create limited-privilege tokens and policies.
If you are deploying Vault as part of a service that will be used by a team, initialize Vault with unseal keys for each team member. This approach can ensure that Vault’s storage is only decrypted when more than one team member participates in the process.
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Looks like good info, I’ll run thru it tomorrow. Providing the yaml and dockerfile might be nice 😃.