The OpenStreetMap project consists of raw map data, collected and aggregated by thousands of users. However, its open access policy sparked a number of collateral projects, which collectively cover many of the features typically offered by commercial mapping services.
The most obvious advantage in using OpenStreetMap-based software over a commercial solution is economical convenience, because OpenStreetMap comes as free (both as in beer and as in speech) software. The downside is that it takes a little configuration in order to setup a working web service.
This tutorial covers the configuration and maintenance of a web service which can answer questions such as:
The software that makes this possible is an open-source project called Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM), which is based on the OpenStreetMap data. Functionalities to embed OpenStreetMaps in Web pages are already provided out-of-the-box by APIs such as OpenLayers.
To follow this tutorial, you will need:
.Some of the operations in this tutorial, such as building OSRM from source and the pre-processing phases, are memory intensive. On low-memory Droplets, these operations may fail, which is why it is necessary to allocate a swap file.
The web service does not normally require additional swap while running, so this swapfile can be removed after the setup is complete. However, when serving large maps, a small swap file might actually be necessary, especially in low-memory Droplets. If so, follow the instructions in the above tutorial to make the swap file persistent.
In this step, we will configure updates for the server.
It is important to keep our server up to date and safe over time. Therefore, we first upgrade all the packages in the system by running the following commands.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Then, we turn on Ubuntu’s unattended security upgrades. To do this, we first need to install the necessary packages.
sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades
Next, turn on the automatic upgrades by editing the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic
. We need to use sudo
because this is a system-wide configuration file.
sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic
Add the following line at the end of the file, then save and close it.
APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";
In this step, we will choose and download a map export.
To keep everything tidy and clean, it is a good idea to create a dedicated directory in which to build the code, process the map, etc.
mkdir osrm
Move into the new directory.
cd osrm
Our web service will be based on a map export from OpenStreetMap. There are several possible ways to obtain a map export.
The first option is to point your browser to the OpenStreetMap’s export page, zoom on the interested area, and click on Export. (You may need to use one of the other sources if the native export does not work; Overpass API is a good choice.) This will allow you to finely choose which areas to include in your map and, in general, to cut down on the pre-processing times.
However, there are limits on the size of the export you can get from the OSRM website, so you might want to download a ready-made export. A number of services, such as Geofabrik and Mapzen offer updated and ready-made map exports of countries and selected metropolitan areas, which are good for most use cases.
Whichever method you use, copy the URL of the export and download it onto your Droplet.
wget -O map.osm url_of_the_export
You should now have a file named map.osm
in your working directory.
In this step, we will install OSRM’s dependencies.
OSRM must be compiled from source, so we first need to install the necessary build machinery. Fortunately, Ubuntu comes with a convenient meta-package called build-essential
which contains the needed compiler toolchain. In addition, we will need git
to grab the OSRM source code, and CMake
to generate the build system. The following command will install all 3 of those.
sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake
OSRM is a fairly complex piece of software and also relies on a number of libraries. We can install the required dependencies with the following command.
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libtbb-dev liblua5.2-dev libluabind-dev libstxxl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libosmpbf-dev libbz2-dev libprotobuf-dev
These dependencies are used for various things. Lua is used to define custom speed profile scripts, e.g. defining that on a secondary road, in absence of limits, a car goes on average at 80 km/h, and that on a gravel road the average speed is 50 km/h. STXXL is a version of C++'s standard library which uses disk space as memory, used to manipulate large files. LibXML and Protocol buffers are used to load, write, and manipulate OSM files, and Boost and TBB are used for parallelization and to represent data structures.
In this step, we will get OSRM’s source code and compile it.
Thanks to the fact that OSRM’s build system of choice is CMake, once the dependencies are installed, it is fairly easy to generate build files and compile OSRM.
First, we clone the source code from the project’s page. The project is composed of several repositories, handling different functionalities. We are interested in the back-end (the server-side part).
git clone
Next, move into the code directory.
cd osrm-backend
The next step is to use CMake to generate the build files. It is recommended to build OSRM in a dedicated build
directory in the source code root, to avoid polluting the source directories with temporary build files.
Create a build directory.
mkdir build
Move into the build directory.
cd build
Finally, we will generate the build files with cmake
. This command will generate a number of directories and Makefiles in the build
directory tree.
cmake ..
If you get an error here, make sure you have enabled swap via the instructions in the prerequisites.
Next, compile and install OSRM.
sudo make install
Note: This may take 5 to 10 minutes.
Building with sudo
is necessary here because the install target will copy some executables in the system’s binary path, including some which we will need. Namely:
which opens the map file and runs a first pre-processing step on the data.osrm-prepare
which processes the output of osrm-extract
and computes the traveling times for all the map edges according to a given Lua speed profile.osrm-routed
the actual web service daemon, which allows us to query for distances and locations.In this step, we will create a configuration file for STXXL.
Before running the web service, we need to pre-process our map export. Because we have installed the needed binaries in the system path, we can do this from anywhere. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will run the pre-processing in the root of the osrm
directory we have created.
First, move to the osrm
cd ~/osrm
The map pre-processing is quite memory intensive. For this reason, OSRM uses a library called STXXL to map its internal operations on the hard disk. STXXL relies on a configuration file called .stxxl
, which lives in the same directory where you are running your software, to determine how much space is dedicated to the STXXL data structures. Depending on our Droplet’s capacity and on the size of the map we wish to process, we need to write a suitable .stxxl
configuration file, allocating enough memory for the operations.
Create and open .stxxl
for editing.
nano .stxxl
The file must contain a single line with format disk=path,capacity,access
, where path
is the path where the allocation file will be placed, capacity
is the capacity of the file, and access
is a file access implementation.
Here is an example of a .stxxl
file. You can paste this into .stxxl
, but may want to change the size of the file based on the map you’re using and the size of your Droplet. See the documentation for advanced options.
Save and close .stxxl
In this step, we will extract the map.
The first step of the pre-processing is the extraction of the map. The osrm-extract
command expects the path of a map export as an argument, and assumes the presence of a suitable speed profile script under the name of profile.lua
in the working directory. The speed profile is used to figure out which of the available routes can be used (for instance, a speed profile for a truck might forbid some streets).
The OSRM backend distribution includes a number of default speed profile scripts under the profiles
directory of the repository. In this tutorial, we will use the car.lua
profile, which is good for most use cases
Because the speed profile script might depend on some Lua functions defined in the profiles library, we also create a symbolic link to it in the same directory by running the following two commands.
ln -s osrm-backend/profiles/car.lua profile.lua
ln -s osrm-backend/profiles/lib
Our map export is called map.osm
, so next, run:
osrm-extract map.osm
This step generates a bunch of files in the pre-processing directory, including map.osrm
, which is the input to the next step.
In this step, we will compute the travel times for the map.
The step is carried out by the osrm-prepare
command, which again uses the speed profile script to compute the travel times for each edge of the map graph. To do this, run the following command.
osrm-prepare map.osrm
This step also produces some additional files needed by the web service, which we will set up in the next section.
In this step, we will run OSRM and test that it works via a browser.
The OSRM backend comes with a final command, osrm-routed
, which can read the processed map and allows querying it through a web service API. In order to test it, run:
osrm-routed map.osrm
Now, by pointing your browser at http://your_server_ip:5000
, you should now be able to see the web service in action. It will show an error message like {"status_message":"Query string malformed close to position 0","status":400}
because you are not using the correct query format.
As a test, choose a set of latitude and longitude coordinates within your map boundaries, and go to the following URL, replacing latitude
and longitude
with the coordinates you chose.
You should see a JSON output similar to this:
"name": "street_name",
"mapped_coordinate": [
If you get an error message instead of this, you may have chosen a set of coordinates outside of the map boundaries or your query syntax might be wrong. For more available queries, check out the server API.
You can now stop osrm-routed
using CTRL+C
In this step, we will set up Nginx to work with osrm-routed
We now have a working web service, but querying it by specifying the port is awkward. Moreover, if we decide to serve different maps or maps processed with different speed profiles, we want to avoid having to remember a collection of ports.
Nginx is a high-performance web server which can also work as a proxy and act as a gateway for our web services. Setting it up to work with osrm-routed
is fairly easy.
First, we install Nginx.
sudo apt-get install nginx
Next, we add a configuration file for our Web services. Nginx uses two directories for its site-specific configuration files: /etc/nginx/sites-available
(all sites that can be served) and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
(all sites that are being served). The standard way of adding a site is to add its configuration file to sites-available
, and then link it symbolically in sites-enabled
So first, we will add a configuration fime for OSRM to sites-available
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/osrm.conf
Our configuration file will define an upstream
that points at our web service and a server which listens on port 80 and redirects a subset of the queries to our upstream.
Paste the follow configuration file into osrm.conf
. You will need to specify two variables, which are highlighted below: your server IP and a path (which will be used to access the web service, as in http://your_server_ip/example_path
upstream osrm {
server {
listen 80;
server_name your_server_ip;
location /example_path {
proxy_pass http://osrm/;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
Once you have saved the file, move to the sites-enabled
cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Then we can link the osrm.conf
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/osrm.conf
Next, reload the configuration.
sudo service nginx reload
Finally, restart Nginx.
sudo service nginx restart
Now re-run osrm-routed
osrm-routed ~/osrm/map.osrm
You should be able to access the Web service by pointing our browser to http://your_server_ip/example_path
. Note that you no longer need to specify the port. You can now stop osrm-routed
using CTRL+C
By adding more upstreams and locations, and by running osrm-routed
by specifying the port with -p
or --port
we can run more instances of the Web service, and bind them to different paths. This tutorial won’t go into details about this, but you can check out the OSRM backend documentation for more information.
In this step, we will install and configure Supervisor to keep Nginx running, allowing our web service to be available through reboots.
Nginx now acts as a gateway for our web service. However, we have started it manually, so if we log out from the system, it would stop running. In order to make our web services survive through reboots and, in general, to make them recover from possible failures, we can use a tool called Supervisor.
Supervisor is a process control system which mostly takes care of keeping services running properly. Setting it up is quite easy. First, we install Supervisor itself.
sudo apt-get install supervisor
Then, we add our web service to the pool of services controlled by Supervisor by adding a new configuration file.
sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/osrm.conf
The configuration file must contain a definition of this form for every web service we wish to supervise, and the program name must be different for every web service.
Paste the below configuration into the osrm.conf
file, then save and close it.
command=/usr/local/bin/osrm-routed -p 5000 map.osrm
What this configuration says is that we want the user osrm
to keep the command /usr/local/bin/osrm-routed -p 5000 map.osrm
running, and that it must be run from the specified directory, /home/osrm/osrm
(which is how we can specify map.osrm
as a relative path in the command). In this example we specified the port for osrm-routed
using -p
so that multiple programs can be added by increasing the port.
Once you save and close the file, restart Supervisor.
sudo service supervisor restart
We can then check the status of the web service by running:
sudo supervisorctl status
If everything is fine, we should see something similar to this
osrm RUNNING pid 12698, uptime 0:00:40
This means that our web service is running. Because the upstream is pointing to port 5000, Nginx will be able to serve it on the specified path.
This tutorial convers the installation of the OSRM backend, but further documentation is available at this page.
At the time of writing, the OSRM back-end is still in beta, and has some hard-coded limitations on the number of locations that can be included in a single query (currently 100, affecting the time matrix API). Such limitations can be disabled, but it is necessary to modify the source code of osrm-routed
in order to do that.
Depending on the size of your map and on the capacity of your Droplet, you might need to allocate a larger swap file or increase the capacity in the .stxxl
config file in order for the web service to operate properly. You may need to test a few configuration to see what works best for your setup.
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Hi! Nice tutorial! But I have a question.
In steps 6-7, is it possible to extract & compute more than one map file? For example, the map files for Spain, Portugal and France? (but not the whole europe.osm file).
Thanks in advance
R. Campos.
how do I configure it for use with CORS angularjs?
What a great tutorial. Thanks a lot. Two thing that didn’t work for me:
note: I used Chile.osm
regards Arturo Deutsch
Hi there, Great tutorial! But I got twice the following error, on the sixth step after running “osrm-extract map.osm”
[warn] XML parsing error at line 1, column 0: not well-formed (invalid token)
I downloaded the map again with wget -O map.osm.pbf
and it worked. (Probably only renaming the file would also have worked) (I followed instructions from another user with same problem here
Hi , Im install apache server. Than I default port 5000 in httpd.conf. But I running,13.333086 on the webpage, Its give me 404 not found. Please help me. additionally thanks for everything.
Hello Sir, thanks a lot for the tutorial, according to the steps I tried to build osrm, but received an error:
Found LuaJIT: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Performing Test LUABIND_WORKS Performing Test LUABIND_WORKS - failed CMake Error at cmake/check_luabind.cmake:38 (message): Luabind does not work with Lua 5.1 at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, no working Luabind found Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:284 (include)
So I tried to install LuaJIT: sudo apt-get install libluajit-5.1-dev
But the error persists. Am I missing some packages? But cannot find the ‘luabind_works’ package to install. Would you give me some instructions please? Greatly thanks in advance!
Hello everybody. I am one of the OSRM core developers.
Please note that this tutorial is for OSRM 4.x. If you simply clone the OSRM git repository, you will get the latest 5.x code (as of today, but that will change as time moves on). The building requirements are slightly different and the API has changed.
Please add the following extra step:
after the
git clone
command.Hi, being a total newbie in the linux world my question could be dumb but anyway. At step 6, hitting the “osrm-extract map.osm” command, it replies with “[error] Profile profiles/car.lua not found!” the link file “osrm/profile.lua” exists and the file is in /osrm/osrm-backend/profiles/car.lua. Any clue ?
Thanks DWI
cd back to the osrm folder and use the below command instead. I’d also remove the symbolic links as they don’t have any use with the command below.
osrm-extract data/map.osm.pbf -p osrm-backend/profiles/car.lua
Hi - Excellent Install Routine, i found 2 of that worldwide - but in both is finally a Problem. I have now install the Server always step by step and if i am ready and start Server i can ask the Server via terminal on Port 5000 like this:
curl ‘`E)?overview=false’
That runs perfect, but if i do the same on my http Server, it sucks. I get only a Timeout - the Server looks like complete ignore the Request on a Website (port80,8080,5000) nothing will work by open https and make a request - also no Error, like you described.
For me looks like that Server not know,what i want and not know, what is to do with my Request on Website - also it looks like with Port5000 there is nothing.
Is tehre any you forget in your Advice - because i have setup a total clean Server and do this 2 times now - with same result. Any Ideas, what is wrong here - ialso check firewall ports and normal all is fine i add here also port 5000 for all in/out but nothing will take a effect.
I dont know, what i also can try, some other Guys with better Knowledge alo not understand, why this will not work.
Regards kasi
hi we have created own OSRM server successfully on ubuntu but the problem is the map showing location Paris as default and it is not showing any markers and waypoints. Previously when i used the demo OSRM server it was working fine including markers and waypoints but the problem happened after changed the service url from to Please help me to make things work on my server…