VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a system that enables users to connect and interact with graphical desktops of remote computers. It can transmit screen updates, and keyboard and mouse events, over the network.
VNC is useful when you need a graphical desktop environment for your server.
XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment. Because it has low system resource requirements, and because many VNC users are familiar with it, we will use XFCE in this tutorial. However, you can also use your favorite desktop environment, such as Gnome or KDE, instead.
In this tutorial we will set up a Debian 8 server, install the XFCE desktop environment on it, and connect it to via VNC. Additionally, we will create a startup script for VNC Server and secure it over SSH.
Please complete the following prerequisites.
In this step, we will install VNC Server and the XFCE desktop environment, with additional software and an icon pack.
Update your server’s package lists:
Upgrade the packages themselves:
Then, we will install tightvncserver
and XFCE4 with some useful add-ons, and an icon theme:
By default there is no browser installed. You can install iceweasel
(which is a rebranded version of Mozilla Firefox for Debian) if you want to access the web from your VNC connection:
We will create a separate user for VNC connections, to keep things secure and tidy. Using sudo
is highly recommended, instead of using the root user directly for your VNC server.
You can add a user named vnc to your Debian Droplet by using this command:
Give a password to your new user. You can skip all other questions by simply pressing ENTER
Install sudo
by executing this command:
Add your new vnc user to the sudo group, which will give permissions to that user to execute root commands.
Let’s switch to the vnc user:
As our newly created vnc user, we can start VNC Server and test our connection.
Start VNC Server:
As it is your first time running the server, you will be asked to set a password that clients will use to connect. Keep this password in mind for later! You can also set a view-only password, which will allow users to see the screen but not interact with it. Passwords should be 6-8 characters.
You will get a notice about your display number when the server is started.
xauth: file /home/vnc/.Xauthority does not exist
New 'X' desktop is vnc:1
Creating default startup script /home/vnc/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /home/vnc/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/vnc/.vnc/vnc:1.log
By default, VNC connections are served on ports starting at 5901
for the first display. Your second display will be served on port 5902
, etc.
Don’t stop the server now, but we’re including the stop command for reference.
Use this command to stop your VNC server on Display 1
(and port 5901
is the display number you want to kill.
You can start VNC Server manually when you want to connect again. We’ll create a service for VNC Server in a later step.
You can now connect to your VNC server. Open your local VNC client, which will vary depending on your operating system.
On Windows, you can use UltraVNC here.
On OS X, you can use the built-in Screen Sharing app or access this app through Safari. In Safari, you can enter vnc://your_server_ip:5901
For your VNC Server address, enter your_server_ip:5901 and use the password you just set for your VNC connection.
You can select the Use default config button on the XFCE welcome screen to get started easily:
Now you can use your remote desktop!
In this section we’ll add VNC Server to systemd. Using a service can be useful to start and stop your VNC server, and also to start it automatically when your Droplet is rebooted.
First, let’s kill the current instance:
Create a simple script to manage and configure our VNC server easily:
As the vnc or other sudo user, create a script file by using your favorite text editor.
Add these contents exactly. This script provides VNC with a few parameters for startup.
OPTIONS="-depth ${DEPTH} -geometry ${GEOMETRY} :${DISPLAY}"
case "$1" in
/usr/bin/vncserver ${OPTIONS}
/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :${DISPLAY}
$0 stop
$0 start
exit 0
You can modify the script to change the color depth or resolution of your VNC connection.
If you are using nano, you can save the file via CTRL+O
and exit via CTRL+X
Make the file executable:
Our script will help us to modify settings and start/stop VNC Server easily.
If you’d like, you can call the script manually to start/stop VNC Server on port 5901 with your desired configuration.
We can now create a unit file for our service. Unit files are used to describe services and tell the computer what to do to start/stop or restart the service.
Copy these commands to the service file. Our service will simply call the startup script above with the user vnc.
Description=Manage VNC Server on this droplet
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/myvncserver start
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/myvncserver stop
ExecReload=/usr/local/bin/myvncserver restart
Now we can reload systemctl
and enable our service:
You’ve enabled your new service now. Use these commands to start, stop or restart the service using the systemctl
Now you can run VNC Server as a service on your Droplet.
By default VNC connections don’t use encryption, so it is recommended to use an SSH Tunnel to secure your session.
To do that, we will only let our VNC server serve on localhost.
You can do that by adding -localhost
to the OPTIONS
line in the startup script created in the previous step.
First, stop the VNC server:
Edit your configuration script:
Change this line:
. . .
OPTIONS="-depth ${DEPTH} -geometry ${GEOMETRY} :${DISPLAY}"
. . .
Replace it with:
. . .
OPTIONS="-depth ${DEPTH} -geometry ${GEOMETRY} :${DISPLAY} -localhost"
. . .
Restart the VNC server:
Now you can’t directly connect to your VNC server from your remote computer.
We will use PuTTY to create an SSH Tunnel and then connect through the tunnel we have created.
Open PuTTY.
From the left menu, go to the Connection->SSH->Tunnels section.
In the Add New Forwarded Port section, enter 5901
as Source port and localhost:5901
as Destination.
Click the Add button.
You can now go to the Session section in the left menu.
Enter your Droplet’s IP address in the Host Name (or IP address) field.
Click the Open button to connect. You can also save these options for later use.
Log in with your vnc user.
Keep the PuTTY window open while you make your VNC connection.
Now you can use your VNC viewer as usual. Just enter localhost::5901 as the address, and keep your SSH connection live in the background.
To establish an SSH tunnel, use the following line in Terminal:
ssh vnc@your_server_ip -L 5901:localhost:5901
Authenticate as normal for the vnc user for SSH. Then, in the Screen Sharing app, use localhost:5901.
Now you can use a shared remote desktop on your Debian 8 server.
Use it to configure your server, or share your screen with others.
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Thank you so much! Didn’t know it’s that easy to setup a VNC and GUI
I can’t get it to work. UltraVNC and Putty (latest versions) on Windows 7 to Tightvnc (latest version) on Debian 8 server, using the exact steps given in the article. The VNC connection tests OK by itself (i.e., without the -localhost option on the server) and SSH works by itself. But when I try to open a VNC session after running an SSH session on the client, I get the error message:
Connection failed - End of Stream Possible causes:
Could you suggest any remedy for this error?
I should add that the two computers are on a LAN, there are no other users accessing the server, and latency is no more than would be expected.
Well, I have it working now, by following the instructions to the letter.: That is, by running the XFCE desktop instead of my (preferred) KDE, which I had used on the previous attempt.
I’d rather use KDE, so: What might it be about KDE that caused the error?
The relevant line (that was the only step I had done differently):
apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies gnome-icon-theme tightvncserver
I had simply done, on a fresh Debian 8 install selecting KDE as the preferred desktop environment:
apt-get install tightvncserver
Any ideas how to do the setup on KDE?
It works (with KDE) if I put"User=root" in the myvncserver.service file, but not if “User=vnc”. Problem is, that I’m then logged in as root, which is not ideal.
No response? Then your tutorial is of no use. Are the writers just paid to produce one-off articles and then disappear?
Great Tutorial, but you should mention that File transfer with UltraVNC viewer and TightVNC server is not compatible.
Very helpful! Everything works great for me except the tunneling. I use putty SSH for other things, no problem, and I followed the instructions exactly. However, UltaVNC refuses to connect with the tunneling configuration (though it works fine in the unsecured configuration) I am running Debian 8.3: 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3 (2016-01-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Love to hear if others are having (and esp. solving) this problem.
I suspect the “-localhost” option for secure SSH tunnelling only works with the paid version of VNC…
How would you change the port from 590x to a port of your choosing?
I have a problem with keyboard layout I have installed the server on “Debian stretch”. Works well. But when i access from the client in Kde (also on Debian streth - krdc or VNC Viewer) I get an error with keyboard. For instance, pressing “f”, appear letter “h”
Some idea?
will still leave port 6001 exposed to the outside world
this should be instead
Tutorial outdated for Debian 9.
And Iceweasel is now deprecated in favour of Firefox-ESR in Debian 9
Also, UltraVNC will freeze and crash. Use older version.