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Things do not always go according to plan: deployments can fail, existing resources may break unexpectedly, and you and your team could be forced to fix the issue as soon as possible. Understanding the methods to approach debugging your Terraform project is crucial when you need to make a swift response.
Similarly to developing with other programming languages and frameworks, setting log levels in Terraform to gain insight into its internal workflows with the necessary verbosity is a feature that can help you when troubleshooting. By logging the internal actions, you can uncover implicitly hidden errors, such as variables defaulting to an unsuitable data type. Also common with frameworks is the ability to import and use third-party modules (or libraries) to reduce code duplication between projects.
In this tutorial, you’ll verify that variables always have sensible values and you’ll specify exactly which versions of providers and modules you need to prevent conflicts. You’ll also enable various levels of debug mode verbosity, which can help you diagnose an underlying issue in Terraform itself.
, instead of loadbalance
. During Step 2, do not include the pvt_key
variable and the SSH key resource.Note: This tutorial has specifically been tested with Terraform 1.0.2
Although the ability to make use of third-party modules and providers can minimize code duplication and effort when writing your Terraform code, it is also possible for developers of third-party modules to release new versions that can potentially bring breaking changes to your specific code. To prevent this, Terraform allows you to specify version boundaries to ensure that only the versions you want are installed and used. Specifying versions means that you will require the versions you’ve tested in your code, but it also leaves the possibility for a future update.
Version constraints are specified as strings and passed in to the version
parameter when you define module or provider requirements. As part of the Prerequisites, you’ve already requested the digitalocean
provider in
. Run the following command to review what version requirements it specifies:
You’ll find the provider code as follows:
In this case, you have requested the digitalocean
provider, and set the version to 2.x
, meaning that any version starting with 2
will be matched. You could also specify an explicit version, such as 2.10.1
Version constraints can be more complex than just specifying one version, as is the case above. They can contain one or more groups of conditions, separated by a comma (,
). The groups each define an acceptable range of versions and may include operators, such as:
, <
, >=
, <=
: for comparisons, such as >=1.0
, which would require the version to be equal to or greater than 1.0
: for excluding a specific version—!= 1.0
would deny version 1.0
from being used and requested.~>
: for matching the specified version up to the right-most version part, which is allowed to increment (~>1.5.10
will match 1.5.10
and 1.5.11
, but won’t match 1.5.9
).Here are two examples of version constraints with multiple groups:
>=1.0, <2.0
: allows all versions from the 1.0
series onward, up to 2.0
.>1.0, != 1.5
: allows versions greater than, but not equal to 1.0
, with the exception of 1.5
, which it also excludes.For a potential available version to be selected, it must pass every specified constraint and remain compatible with other modules and providers, as well as the version of Terraform that you’re using. If Terraform deems no combination acceptable, it won’t be able to perform any tasks because the dependencies remain unresolved. When Terraform identifies acceptable versions satisfying the constraints, it uses the latest one available.
In this section, you’ve learned about locking the range of module and resource versions that you can install in your project by specifying version constraints. This is useful when you want stability by using only tested and approved versions of third-party code. In the next section, you’ll configure Terraform to show more verbose logs, which are necessary for bug reports and further debugging in case of crashes.
There could be a bug or malformed input within your workflow, which may result in your resources not provisioning as intended. In such rare cases, it’s important to know how to access detailed logs describing what Terraform is doing. They may aid in pinpointing the cause of the error, tell you if it’s user-made, or prompt you to report the issue to Terraform developers if it’s an internal bug.
Terraform exposes the TF_LOG
environment variable for setting the level of logging verbosity. There are five levels:
: the most elaborate verbosity, as it shows every step taken by Terraform and produces enormous outputs with internal logs.DEBUG
: describes what happens internally in a more concise way compared to TRACE
: shows errors that prevent Terraform from continuing.WARN
: logs warnings, which may indicate misconfiguration or mistakes, but are not critical to execution.INFO
: shows general, high-level messages about the execution process.To specify a desired log level, you’ll have to set the environment variable to the appropriate value:
is defined, but the value is not one of the five listed verbosity levels, Terraform will default to TRACE
You’ll now define a Droplet resource and try deploying it with different log levels. You’ll store the Droplet definition in a file named
, so create and open it for editing:
Add the following lines:
This Droplet will run Ubuntu 18.04 with one CPU core and 1GB RAM in the fra1
region; you’ll call it test-droplet
. That is all you need to define, so save and close the file.
Before deploying the Droplet, set the log level to DEBUG
by running:
Then, plan the Droplet provisioning:
The output will be very long, and you can inspect it more closely to find that each line starts with the level of verbosity (importance) in double brackets. You’ll see that most of the lines start with [DEBUG]
and [INFO]
are also present; that’s because TF_LOG
sets the lowest log level. This means that you’d have to set TF_LOG
to show TRACE
and all other log levels at the same time.
If an internal error occurred, Terraform will show the stack trace and exit, stopping execution. From there, you’ll be able to locate where in the source code the error occurred, and if it’s a bug, report it to Terraform developers. Otherwise, if it’s an error in your code, Terraform will point it out to you, so you can fix it in your project.
Here is how the log output would be when the DigitalOcean backend can’t verify your API token. It throws a user error because of incorrect input:
To disable debug mode and reset the logging verbosity to its default level, clear the TF_LOG
environment variable by running:
You’ve now learned to enable more verbose logging modes. They are very useful for diagnosing crashes and unexpected Terraform behavior. In the next section, you’ll review verifying variables and preventing edge cases.
In this section, you’ll ensure that variables always have sensible and appropriate values according to their type and validation parameters.
In HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), when defining a variable you do not necessarily need to specify anything except its name. You would declare an example variable called test_ip
like this:
You can then use this value through the code, passing its value in when you run Terraform.
While that will work, this definition has two shortcomings: first, you can not pass a value in at runtime; and second, it can be of any type (bool
, string
, and so on), which may not be suitable for its purpose. To remedy this, you should always specify its default value and type:
By setting a default
value, you ensure that the code referencing the variable remains operational in the event that a more specific value was not provided. When you specify a type, Terraform can validate the new value the variable should be set to, and show an error if it’s non-conforming to the type. An instance of this behavior would be trying to fit a string
into a number
You can provide a validation routine for variables that can give an error message if the validation fails. Examples of validation would be checking the length of the new value if it’s a string, or looking for at least one match with a RegEx expression in the case of structured data.
To add input validation to your variable, define a validation
Under validation
, you can specify two parameters within the curly braces:
that accepts a bool
it will calculate, which will signify if the validation passes.error_message
that specifies the error message in case the validation does not pass.In this example, you compute the condition
by searching for a regex
match in the variable value. You pass that to the can
function. The can
function returns true
if the function that’s passed in as a parameter ran without errors, so it’s useful for checking when a function completed successfully or returned results.
The regex
function we’re using here accepts a Regular Expression (RegEx), applies it to a given string, and returns the matched substrings. The RegEx matches four pairs of three digit numbers, separated by dots between them. You can learn more about RegEx by visiting the Introduction to Regular Expressions tutorial.
You now know how to specify a default value for a variable, how to set its type, and how to enable input validation using RegEx expressions.
In this tutorial, you’ve troubleshooted Terraform by enabling debug mode and setting the log verbosity to appropriate levels. You’ve also learned about some of the advanced features of variables, such as declaring validation procedures and setting good defaults. Leaving out default values is a common pitfall that may cause strange issues further along in your project’s development.
For the stability of your project, locking third-party module and provider versions is recommended, since it leaves you with a stable system and an upgrade path when it becomes necessary.
Verification of input values for variables is not confined to matching with regex
. For more built-in functions that you can make use of, visit the official docs.
This tutorial is part of the How To Manage Infrastructure with Terraform series. The series covers a number of Terraform topics, from installing Terraform for the first time to managing complex projects.
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Terraform is a popular open source Infrastructure as Code (IAC) tool that automates provisioning of your infrastructure in the cloud and manages the full lifecycle of all deployed resources, which are defined in source code. Its resource-managing behavior is predictable and reproducible, so you can plan the actions in advance and reuse your code configurations for similar infrastructure.
In this series, you will build out examples of Terraform projects to gain an understanding of the IAC approach and how it’s applied in practice to facilitate creating and deploying reusable and scalable infrastructure architectures.
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