Conditional statements are part of every programming language. With conditional statements, we can have code that sometimes runs and at other times does not run, depending on the conditions of the program at that time.
When we fully execute each statement of a program, moving from the top to the bottom with each line executed in order, we are not asking the program to evaluate specific conditions. By using conditional statements, programs can determine whether certain conditions are being met and then be told what to do next.
Let’s review some examples where we would use conditional statements:
Through evaluating conditions and assigning code to run based on whether or not those conditions are met, we are writing conditional code.
This tutorial will take you through writing conditional statements in the Python programming language.
You should have Python 3 installed and a programming environment set up on your computer or server. If you don’t have a programming environment set up, you can refer to the installation and setup guides for a local programming environment or for a programming environment on your server appropriate for your operating system (Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, etc.)
We will start with the if
statement, which will evaluate whether a statement is true or false, and run code only in the case that the statement is true.
Info: To follow along with the example code in this tutorial, open a Python interactive shell on your local system by running the python3
command. Then you can copy, paste, or edit the examples by adding them after the >>>
In a plain text editor, open a file and write the following code:
With this code, we have the variable grade
and are giving it the integer value of 70
. We are then using the if
statement to evaluate whether or not the variable grade is greater than or equal ( >=
) to 65
. If it does meet this condition, we are telling the program to print out the string Passing grade
Save the program as
and run it in a local programming environment from a terminal window with the command python
In this case, the grade of 70 does meet the condition of being greater than or equal to 65, so you will receive the following output once you run the program:
OutputPassing grade
Let’s now change the result of this program by changing the value of the grade
variable to 60
When we save and run this code, we will receive no output because the condition was not met and we did not tell the program to execute another statement.
To give one more example, let us calculate whether a bank account balance is below 0. Let’s create a file called
and write the following program:
When we run the program with python
, we’ll receive the following output:
OutputBalance is below 0, add funds now or you will be charged a penalty.
In the program we initialized the variable balance
with the value of -5
, which is less than 0. Since the balance met the condition of the if
statement (balance < 0
), once we save and run the code, we will receive the string output. Again, if we change the balance to 0 or a positive number, we will receive no output.
It is likely that we will want the program to do something even when an if
statement evaluates to false. In our grade example, we will want output whether the grade is passing or failing.
To do this, we will add an else
statement to the grade condition above that is constructed like this:
Since the grade variable above has the value of 60
, the if
statement evaluates as false, so the program will not print out Passing grade
. The else
statement that follows tells the program to do something anyway.
When we save and run the program, we’ll receive the following output:
OutputFailing grade
If we then rewrite the program to give the grade a value of 65
or higher, we will instead receive the output Passing grade
To add an else
statement to the bank account example, we rewrite the code like this:
OutputYour balance is 0 or above.
Here, we changed the balance
variable value to a positive number so that the else
statement will print. To get the first if
statement to print, we can rewrite the value to a negative number.
By combining an if
statement with an else
statement, you are constructing a two-part conditional statement that will tell the computer to execute certain code whether or not the if
condition is met.
So far, we have presented a Boolean option for conditional statements, with each if
statement evaluating to either true or false. In many cases, we will want a program that evaluates more than two possible outcomes. For this, we will use an else if statement, which is written in Python as elif
. The elif
or else if statement looks like the if
statement and will evaluate another condition.
In the bank account program, we may want to have three discrete outputs for three different situations:
The elif
statement will be placed between the if
statement and the else
statement as follows:
Now, there are three possible outputs that can occur once we run the program:
is equal to 0
we will receive the output from the elif
statement (Balance is equal to 0, add funds soon.
is set to a positive number, we will receive the output from the else
statement (Your balance is 0 or above.
is set to a negative number, the output will be the string from the if
statement (Balance is below 0, add funds now or you will be charged a penalty
).What if we want to have more than three possibilities, though? We can do this by writing more than one elif
statement into our code.
In the
program, let’s rewrite the code so that there are a few letter grades corresponding to ranges of numerical grades:
To run this code, we will need one if
statement, three elif
statements, and an else
statement that will handle all failing cases.
Let’s rewrite the code from the example above to have strings that print out each of the letter grades. We can keep our else
statement the same.
Since elif
statements will evaluate in order, we can keep our statements pretty basic. This program is completing the following steps:
If the grade is greater than 90, the program will print A grade
, if the grade is less than 90, the program will continue to the next statement…
If the grade is greater than or equal to 80, the program will print B grade
, if the grade is 79 or less, the program will continue to the next statement…
If the grade is greater than or equal to 70, the program will print C grade
, if the grade is 69 or less, the program will continue to the next statement…
If the grade is greater than or equal to 65, the program will print D grade
, if the grade is 64 or less, the program will continue to the next statement…
The program will print Failing grade
because all of the above conditions were not met.
Once you are feeling comfortable with the if
, elif
, and else
statements, you can move on to nested conditional statements. We can use nested if
statements for situations where we want to check for a secondary condition if the first condition executes as true. For this, we can have an if-else statement inside of another if-else statement. Let’s look at the syntax of a nested if
A few possible outputs can result from this code:
evaluates to true, the program will then evaluate whether the nested_statement
also evaluates to true. If both cases are true, the output will be:
Outputtrue yes
evaluates to true, but nested_statement
evaluates to false, then the output will be:
Outputtrue no
evaluates to false, the nested if-else statement will not run, so the else
statement will run alone, and the output will be:
We can also have multiple if
statements nested throughout our code:
In the above code, there is a nested if
statement inside each if
statement in addition to the elif
statement. This will allow for more options within each condition.
Let’s look at an example of nested if
statements with our
program. We can check for whether a grade is passing first (greater than or equal to 65%), then evaluate which letter grade the numerical grade should be equivalent to. If the grade is not passing, though, we do not need to run through the letter grades, and instead can have the program report that the grade is failing. Our modified code with the nested if
statement will look like the following:
If we run the code with the variable grade
set to the integer value 92
, the first condition is met, and the program will print out Passing grade of:
. Next, it will check to see if the grade is greater than or equal to 90, and since this condition is also met, it will print out A
If we run the code with the grade
variable set to 60
, then the first condition is not met, so the program will skip the nested if
statements and move down to the else
statement, with the program printing out Failing grade
We can of course add even more options to this, and use a second layer of nested if statements. Perhaps we will want to evaluate for grades of A+, A and A- separately. We can do so by first checking if the grade is passing, then checking to see if the grade is 90 or above, then checking to see if the grade is over 96 for an A+ for instance:
In the code above, for a grade
variable set to 96
, the program will run the following:
Passing grade of:
The output of the program for a grade of 96 therefore looks like the following:
OutputPassing grade of:
Nested if
statements can provide the opportunity to add several specific levels of conditions to your code.
By using conditional statements like the if
statement, you will have greater control over what your program executes. Conditional statements tell the program to evaluate whether a certain condition is being met. If the condition is met it will execute specific code, but if it is not met the program will continue to move down to other code.
To continue practicing conditional statements, try using different operators, combining operators with and
or or
, and using conditional statements alongside loops. You can also go through our tutorial on How To Make a Simple Calculator Program to gain more familiarity with conditional statements.
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Python is a flexible and versatile programming language that can be leveraged for many use cases, with strengths in scripting, automation, data analysis, machine learning, and back-end development. It is a great tool for both new learners and experienced developers alike.
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Still not sure about the purpose of some of your tutorials about python. Explaining about control flows and operators? There already official docs about them . You could combine topics for example to show the potential but not this .
Thank you for your feedback. We are working on building out substantial content around Python and are using several different approaches to empower learners through reference materials and examples that are tutorial-based rather than documentation-based. This process will take time, thank you for reading.
Glad to help your work, I’m a keen reader of digitalocean tutorials :)
keep it up , really your tutorials are very usefull
Nested If Statements:
If, however, statement1 evaluates to true, but nested_statement evaluates to false, then the output will be:
Output :
yes false
Output should be :
true no
I think some miss-configuration happen in this logic as far I understand from beginner perspective! Could you review it!
Thanks for catching this, I have amended the tutorial.