Today we will look into Java Switch Case String Example. Being a java programmer, I know the importance of String and how many times it’s used for conditional flow. Whether you have a simple method that behaves differently for different input String or a Servlet controller class to check the incoming action and process it accordingly, we use String and compare it to determine the flow.
Java switch case is a neat way to code for conditional flow, just like if-else conditions. Before Java 7, the only means to achieve string based conditional flow was using if-else conditions. But Java 7 has improved the switch case to support String also.
Here I am providing a java program that shows the use of String in java switch case statements. For comparison, I am also providing another method which does the same conditional flow using if-else conditions.
package com.journaldev.util;
public class SwitchStringExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// switch case string is case sensitive
private static void printColorUsingIf(String color) {
if (color.equals("blue")) {
} else if (color.equals("red")) {
} else {
System.out.println("INVALID COLOR CODE");
private static void printColorUsingSwitch(String color) {
switch (color) {
case "blue":
case "red":
System.out.println("INVALID COLOR CODE");
Here is the output of the above program.
Exception in thread "main"
at com.journaldev.util.SwitchStringExample.printColorUsingSwitch(
at com.journaldev.util.SwitchStringExample.main(
Keys points to know for java switch case String are:
Thats all for Java switch case String example. Tip: We can use java ternary operator rather than switch to write smaller code.
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very nice
- aparna
can anyone explain following? “java compiler generates more efficient byte code for String in Switch statement than chained if-else-if statements.”
- alok
Hello, “java compiler generates more efficient byte code for String in Switch statement than chained if-else-if statements… I tried for bytecode for switch case as well as if-else case but o/p is same for both byte code… package pro; import java.util.Arrays; public class SwitchString { static void usingswitchcase(String colour){ byte[] bytesArr = colour.getBytes(); switch (colour){ case “blue”: System.out.println(“BLUE–”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr)); //System.out.println(“BLUE”); break; case “red”: System.out.println(“RED–”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr)); //System.out.println(“RED”); break; default: System.out.println(“Invalid Colour–”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr)); //System.out.println(“Invalid Colour”); } } static void usingifcase(String color){ byte[] bytesArr1 = color.getBytes(); if(color.equals(“red”)){ System.out.println(“RED–>”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr1)); // System.out.println(“Green”); } if(color.equals(“blue”)){ System.out.println(“BLUE–>”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr1)); // System.out.println(“Green”); } else{ System.out.println(“Invalid Color–>”+Arrays.toString(bytesArr1)); //System.out.println(“Invalid Color”); } } public static void main(String[] args) { usingswitchcase(“blue”); usingswitchcase(“green”); usingifcase(“blue”); usingifcase(“pink”); } } O/p-------------- BLUE–[98, 108, 117, 101] Invalid Colour–[103, 114, 101, 101, 110] BLUE–>[98, 108, 117, 101] Invalid Color–>[112, 105, 110, 107]
- Manisha
Hi Pankaj, The case sensitivity will not work, when the switch case label is changed as below (from lowercase red to RED, on supplying printColorUsingSwitch(“red”) private static void printColorUsingSwitch(String color) { switch (color) { case “blue”: System.out.println(“BLUE”); break; case “RED”: System.out.println(“RED”); break; default: System.out.println(“INVALID COLOR CODE”); } }
- Suresh
why switch was not supported in earlier version of java 7 ?
- Vijay
switch case was always there, String support started from Java 7 onwards.
- Pankaj
How can we apply null check in switch case
- Srishti