
How To Use Loops in Java

Published on January 11, 2023
How To Use Loops in Java

The author selected the Free and Open Source Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program.


Writing repetitive tasks is common in programming. One option is to write the same or similar code as many times as needed to have a block of code executed repetitively. This approach is far from perfect because it will create a lot of duplicate code that is hard to read and maintain. A better option is to use loops.

Loops are structures for controlling repetitive program flow. A typical loop has two parts. One part is a Boolean control condition. The other part is a code block that will be executed while the condition is true or until the condition is false. The Boolean condition is reevaluated with each run of the code block. The loop exit criteria is different for each type of loop, as you will learn in this tutorial.

There are two main types of loops: while and for loops. What type it is depends on the loop’s syntax and logic. The while loops depend on a Boolean condition. This condition could be general and while it is true, the code block is repeatedly executed. The for loops also repeatedly execute a code block, but the loop condition typically depends on the increment or decrement of an integer variable. When this variable reaches a certain target value, the loop will break.

In this tutorial, you will use while and for loops to create repetitive tasks and learn about the benefits and drawbacks of each one.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

while Loops

The while loops monitor a generic Boolean conditional statement. For example, the conditional statement could verify whether two integer variables are equal, or whether two objects are the same, related, not null, or anything else that can be programmatically checked. Indeed, any Boolean statement could be used, which is why while loops are so powerful and universally used.

In this section, you will create your first programming loop in Java using the while keyword. You’ll use a single int variable to control the loop. The int variable will be called x and will have an initial value of 3. While, or as long as, x is bigger than 0, the loop will continue executing a block of code. In this block of code, the value of x will be printed and, most importantly, postdecremented (using the -- operator) with each execution. This postdecrement operation makes the current loop end after some executions. Without it, the loop will continue infinitely.

Info: To follow along with the example code in this tutorial, open the JShell tool on your local system by running the jshell command. Then you can copy, paste, or edit the examples by adding them after the jshell> prompt and pressing ENTER. To exit jshell, type /exit.

To test out this code, paste the following lines into jshell:

  1. int x = 3;
  2. while (x > 0) {
  3. System.out.println("x is " + x--);
  4. }

On the first line, you define the x variable.

The loop begins on line 2 with the while keyword. The conditional statement (x > 0) controls the loop. It compares whether x is bigger than 0. After that comes the opening bracket {, which denotes the start of the block of code. This code block will be executed repeatedly while the condition is true (x > 0).

Inside the code block, the System.out.println("x is " + x--); statement on line 3 prints the current value of x using the println() method. (For more on the System.out.println statement, check out our tutorial How To Write Your First Program in Java.) Inside the argument for println(), x is postdecremented by 1 with the code x--. With each execution, x decreases by 1.

The block of code ends on the last line with the closing bracket }. This is also the end of the loop.

When you run this code in jshell, the following output will print:

x ==> 3 x is 3 x is 2 x is 1

The first line confirms that x has received the value of 3. On the following lines, the value of x is printed three times, decreasing by 1 each time. There are only three iterations where x equals 3, 2, and 1. The loop breaks when x reaches 0 because the conditional statement x > 0 is no longer satisfied. At this point, the loop exits and nothing else is printed.

The previous example is a common way to create a loop. The intention of the loop is clear, and the exit condition is straightforward: x > 0. In theory, you could make the condition more complex by adding additional variables and comparisons (such as x > 0 and y < 0), but this is not considered a best practice from a clean-code point of view. Complex conditions make the code hard to follow and understand while bringing little, if any, value.

do-while Loops

The do-while loop is less popular than while loops, but is still widely used. A do-while loop resembles a while loop, but they differ in one key aspect: the code block is executed first and then the loop condition is evaluated.

As a reminder, while loops first evaluate the condition and may never run the code block if the condition is not met. In do-while loops, however, there is always at least one execution of the code block before the loop control condition is evaluated. If the condition is true, the loop will continue additional iterations until it is no longer true. Because of this, do-while loops are useful in cases like asking a question and having the loop terminate only upon the correct answer.

In this section, you will create a do-while loop similar to the while loop in the previous section. The int variable will be called x and will have an initial value of 3. This time, however, the condition is reversed (x < 0) and the code block will execute before the condition is assessed.

Open jshell and add the do-while loop:

  1. int x = 3;
  2. do {
  3. System.out.println("x is " + x--);
  4. } while (x < 0);

The code has some similarities with the while loop from the previous section. First, there is the assignment of the variable x, which is again 3.

On line 2, the loop starts with the keyword do and the opening bracket { for the code block. On line 3, the value of x is printed using the println() method. With the println() method, you also decrement the value of x using the postdecrement operator --.

On the last line is the closing bracket } for the code block, followed by the while keyword with the conditional statement (x < 0). This is the part that differs from the previous while loop. Here, the condition is reversed: x should be smaller than 0. In the previous example, the condition required x to be bigger than 0. This change demonstrates that the code block will run once even though the condition is never satisfied.

When you run this code in jshell, the following output will print:

x ==> 3 x is 3

The first line confirms that the value of x is 3. The second line prints x is 3. This is the peculiarity of the do-while loop: even though the condition (x < 0) is not met, the code block is still executed at least once. This unconditional execution might not always be desired, which is why you need to be careful when using do-while loops. Because of this caveat, do-while loops are not used as often.

for Loops

An alternative loop structure is the for loop. It is also used to run a block of code repeatedly under a condition, but it has more options than a while loop. In the loop control condition, you can add the temporary variable, define the control condition, and change the value of the temporary variable. In this way, you bind together all the factors that control the loop, making it less likely to miss something or make a mistake. This allows you to keep your code clean and understandable. The for loop is more suitable when you want to write your code adhering to a more strict style.

Here is a typical for loop:

  1. for (int x = 3; x > 0; x--) {
  2. System.out.println("x is " + x);
  3. }

The loop starts with the for keyword on the first line. The conditional statement in the parenthesis has three parts:

  • int x = 3 defines a variable (x). Defining a temporary variable here is convenient because they are only needed for the loop, so it makes sense to integrate them into the loop. In contrast, when you used a while loop, you had to declare the variable separately before the loop.
  • x > 0 is the condition that has to be met for the block of code to be executed. In this case, x has to be bigger than 0. This part is similar to the while loop control statement, which only contains the condition to be evaluated.
  • x-- is the action taken during each successful iteration. In this case, a postdecrement operation decreases the value of x after each successful execution.

The System.out.println("x is " + x); statement on line 2 prints the value of x using the println() method. It receives the value of x unchanged. In contrast, you used the println() method to manipulate the value of x in the while loop. This is unnecessary here because the postdecrement operation is already taken care of in the third part of the conditional statement: x--.

Line 3 terminates the block of code and the whole loop structure with the closing bracket }.

When you run this code in jshell, the following output prints:

x is 3 x is 2 x is 1

The output confirms that the block of code has been executed three times. The first time, the value of x is 3. The second time, x is 2, and the third time, x is 1. After the third time, x becomes 0 and the loop exits without executing the block of code (which prints the value of x).

This for loop achieves the same result as the while loop. From a performance and resource usage point of view, there should be no difference, so it is mostly a matter of personal preference which loop to use. However, if the number of iterations is known, usually the for loop is preferred because it allows you to follow the code more closely.

foreach Loops

A foreach loop is similar to the other loops, but its benefit is that it is specifically designed to iterate over a group of values with as little code as possible. As long as you have a group of values, you can go through them without having to keep track of their number or follow the iteration progress. The foreach loop will ensure that if there are values in the group, they will be pulled one by one and presented to you.

Most programming languages have a convenient shortcut for the foreach loop. In Java, there is no dedicated foreach keyword, but instead, the for keyword is used. However, the foreach conditional statement differs from the common for loop, as you will discover next.

To work with foreach loops, you have to use a group of values, and an array is suitable for this purpose. An array is an object that contains values of the same type. In the following example, you will use an array containing int values.

Add the following code for a foreach loop to jshell:

  1. int[] numbers = {0, 1, 2};
  2. for (int x: numbers) {
  3. System.out.println(x);
  4. }

On the first line, you create an int array holding three integers (0, 1, and 2).

The foreach loop starts on Line 2 with the for keyword. Then, you define a temporary variable int x, followed by a colon. The colon is used as a shortcut for the foreach operation. (The foreach loop statement is unique because this is the only place in Java where a colon is used.) After the colon is a collection of values, such as an array.

After the foreach loop statement is the code block that will be executed for each value of the numbers array. In this case, the System.out.println(x); statement will print the value of x using the println() method, which will refer to each value of the numbers array.

When you run the above code in jshell, the following output prints:

numbers ==> int[3] { 0, 1, 2 } 0 1 2

The first line confirms an array called numbers has been defined that contains the values 0, 1, and 2. The following lines print the array’s values, each on a new line: 0, 1, and 2.

While using the other loops is mostly a matter of personal choice, the foreach loop is the de-facto standard for iterating over a group of values. It is possible to create your own alternative of the foreach loop using a for or while loop, but it is not worth the effort and requires a deep understanding of the data structures.

Infinite Loops

Infinite loops are for or while loops that never terminate. They become infinite when the control condition is always true.

Here’s a common example of an infinite while loop:

  1. while (true) {
  2. System.out.println("This will print forever.");
  3. }

The first line looks like a typical while loop, but instead of a condition such as x > 0, there is just the value true. In this case, when a control condition should be evaluated, true is always returned directly. In this case, there is no exit for the loop, so it will continue forever. The second line contains the System.out.println("This will print forever."); statement; it will print the text This will print forever. using the println() method.

When you run the above code in jshell, the following output will print until you terminate the code. Be ready to terminate it quickly with the keyboard combination CTRL+C or just close the terminal. Otherwise, it will continue endlessly:

This will print forever. This will print forever. ...

Only the first two repetitions are shown but this output will continue until you press CTRL+C to terminate it manually.

With the example infinite loop, there is a clear intention to create such a loop because of the single true value placed instead of a Boolean statement. Such loops were popular in the past and may be present in legacy projects. You can still create such infinite loops, but there are better ways to create continuously running tasks, such as with Timer tasks. Timer tasks are preferred because they are more sophisticated and offer more options.

Unfortunately, sometimes infinite loops are not intentional. You could make a mistake and cause an infinite loop. Consider the following code:

  1. int x = 3;
  2. while (x > 0) {
  3. System.out.println("x is " + x);
  4. }

The above code looks similar to the very first example in this tutorial. On the first line, you define a variable x with the value 3.

On line 2 comes the while keyword and the control condition, which states that the loop should continue while x > 0 is true".

The System.out.println("x is " + x); statement on line 3 prints the value of x using the println() method. However, in contrast to the while loop example in the first section of this tutorial, where the loop ended after three runs, there is no postdecrement operation for x in the current example. Because of that, when you run this loop in jshell, you will get the following continuous output:

x is 3 x is 3 ...

These lines will repeat endlessly until you terminate the loop with CTRL+C. Such unintentional infinite loops are dangerous because they may cause a program to crash or to overload the machine running the program. That’s why you should be careful when creating loops and ensure there is a viable termination path. In the current example, you should ensure that x is decremented with each loop to meet the loop exit condition x > 0.


In this tutorial, you used loop structures to create repetitive tasks. You learned when it is suitable to use while and for loops and wrote a few code examples with them. You also learned best practices for clean code and how to avoid common pitfalls related to loops.

For more on Java, check out our How To Code in Java series.

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Tutorial Series: How To Code in Java

Java is a mature and well-designed programming language with a wide range of uses. One of its unique benefits is that it is cross-platform: once you create a Java program, you can run it on many operating systems, including servers (Linux/Unix), desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux), and mobile operating systems (Android, iOS).

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