You start working on a new project right after you finish reading this post. It’s not outlandish - something not too far off from a previous project you’ve done.
After 20-or-so minutes of getting the project base ready (so that you can begin the real project), you get hit with an error. It doesn’t look too bad, but after an hour of searching on Google and making 10 changes to try to remedy the problem, you get snapped back to reality. You just spent a good chunk of time on code that won’t affect your bottom line. Even if you’re not getting paid for the project, you feel defeated.
Before diving into other avenues of fixing the issue, take a step back, clear your mind, get a drink of water, and then consider these points:
Now let’s assume that you have gone through the options above. You feel that it’s best to move forward and fix this issue - what strategy can you take? We’re going to focus on one particular strategy - looking into the stack trace to determine the cause. Finding root causes are most of the battle. [Keep in mind that this short list is based on my own experience and is not comprehensive. That being said, try to have an open mind to try new tactics. 😄]
We will go into greater detail on the last three points from above.
Here are a few different situations and where the stack trace can show up.
In some cases, no trace shows. Why is that? This is usually because there is a logical error (it doesn’t work the way you thought it would) and the code itself is sound. To try to find the source of the problem, you could log information to the console before and after where you think the issue is.
Think of a stack trace like a stack of dishes. When they are piling up and they start to fall over, you know that last couple plates are the culprit. In the same way, the most recent actions (which is likely where the problem resides) are at the top of the stack trace.
It’s also important to note that the lines you see in this trace are not all made up of errors. It is a history of where the program/script has gone up until that point, making it a great tool for pinpointing the real problem.
If the issue involves a package, the author may have put a good message or hint to help out. Even the language-level exceptions usually have hints. This would be the perfect place to start.
Typically the problem lies in your own source code and not other packages (at least that’s the general rule), so look for files that have your base directory. If a file is one you’ve recently made changes to, that’s a good indication to check there.
You’re in luck. Not only do you get to see the file name, but the trace includes the line number and sometimes the column number. The column tends to not be as useful, but hey - thanks to whoever decided to put those in there!
Sometimes the name of an exception thrown can give you a solid clue. Likely you won’t know exactly what it means though. Use some insight gleaned from the next section to search based on these.
If you run into this issue often, consider memorizing some of the more common exceptions for your language or framework.
Some traces are very long. You’ll likely get heavy eyelids if you have to read the whole thing as if it were a novel. So where does it shift from helpful to a waste of time?
My experience has been that you can find the clues you need in the first 5 items of the trace. If you’ve combed through it carefully and you still haven’t found anything, then, by all means, continue.
Let’s create a fake error to see some of these clues in effect. You can run this client-side or server-side:
This produces:
If a message is provided in the error, this may be the best thing to search on.
[vue] trigger an event
.Right click all of the search results that look promising to open them up in a new tab. For faster flow, use your platform’s shortcut key (Ctrl on Windows, Cmd on Mac) while you click the link.
Be sure to understand what the code is actually doing before you accept it into your final product.
How many times do we run into an issue, do a search, find a Stack Overflow post with the answer and then see that we’ve already upvoted it? 😆 To avoid this, we should document the issue with the solution and more importantly do at least one of two things:
These are both essentially documentation, so double win!
To end, here’s a good laugh taken from Jordan Hall on Twitter:
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Hi there,
A couple of issues with the above tutorial: the first example defining ‘demo.js’ doesn’t work as provided. The first function needs to be called to create the stack that triggers the error.
Second issue is there is ‘no report an issue’ button, so I had to do it in a comment…