A max heap is a complete binary tree in which the value of a node is greater than or equal to the values of its children. Max Heap data structure is useful for sorting data using heap sort.
In this tutorial, we will cover everything you need to know to implement max heaps in java from scratch.
We represent a heap using an array. Since the heap is a complete binary tree, there is no wastage of space.
For example, let’s consider a heap as follows :
The array representation is:
The declaration of max heap is done as follows:
Heap is the array that stores the max heap. The constructor takes the size and initializes the array with 0th element as infinity. We start our heap from index 1.
Since we are storing the heap as an array, getting the parent for a node becomes easier.
For an element at position i, the position of its parent is given by :
During implementation we can get the parent using :
For a node at position i, its children are given by the formula :
Left child :
Right child :
Note : This is true when your heap is starting from index 1. If the heap is starting at position 0, the values are (2*i) +1 and (2*i) +2 for left and right child respectively.
In code we implement this as follows :
After inserting an element into the heap, it may not satisfy the heap property. In that case, we need to adjust the locations of the heap to make it heap again. This process is called Heapifying.
To heapify an element in a max heap we need to find the maximum of its children and swap it with the current element. We continue this process until the heap property is satisfied at each node.
In order to heapify we move down from the root to the leaves. Hence this is also known as Down Heapify.
Another interesting point to note is that we perform down heapify only on non-leaf nodes.
The code for down-heapify function is:
The swap function is as follows:
You can also write the same code using a while loop instead of recursion.
In down-heapify we were moving from parents towards its children. We can move in a bottom-up fashion as well. When we’re moving in a bottom-up fashion, we compare a node to its parents. This is called Up Heapify.
The code for up-heapify is:
We’ve written the code for up heapify using a while loop instead of recursion.
New element is added to the end of the array and swaps are performed to make sure that the heap property holds.
The algorithm for insertion is:
The code for insertion is:
To delete/extract a node from the heap we delete the element from the root. The root always gives the maximum element.
The algorithm for deletion is as follows:
The code for deletion is :
Here we use size-- to reduce the size of the heap.
The complete java implementation of Max Heap is as follows.
This tutorial was about Max heap data structure in Java.
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This test failed here “assertEquals(4, m.extractMax());” at that point the heap was [MAX, 1,2,4] and position(1) was incorrectly judged to be a leaf if (pos >= (size / 2) && pos = (size i.e. 3/2 =>1) when infact 1 was not a leaf. public void test1(){ MaxHeap m = new MaxHeap(15); m.insert(10); m.insert(9); m.insert(8); m.insert(7); m.insert(6); m.insert(5); m.insert(4); m.insert(13); m.insert(2); m.insert(1); m.insert(17); assertEquals(17, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(13, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(10, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(9, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(8, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(7, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(6, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(5, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(4, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(2, m.extractMax()); assertEquals(1, m.extractMax()); }
- Calvin